…is an evil fossil fueled helicopter causing defoliation, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is 90Ninety Miles From Tyranny, with a post on the CDC labeling accurate articles as “misinformation”.

…is an evil fossil fueled helicopter causing defoliation, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is 90Ninety Miles From Tyranny, with a post on the CDC labeling accurate articles as “misinformation”.
No, I also see a wasteful disposable cup, plastic lid, and someone without the good sense to make her own coffee. On the plus side, nice smile and boobs.
US forces have been attacked by Iran’s various terror proxy armies 160 times since 10/7.

And Brandon does what?
Bwaha! Lolgf
The End is Near!!
A miserable pessimism has infected America… according to the much-maligned David Brooks…
from the left –
Many on the left, the young in particular, see “no hope for women because of sexism, or for Blacks/browns because of racism, or for the young just because”. They’re victims – and effort is hopeless!!” Their beliefs are not true but facts will not dissuade them.
from the right –
“We’re at a tipping point where we’ll lose America to brown invaders from the South!! Leftist communists in DC and NYC want to turn working class Americans into slaves!!” Their beliefs are not true but facts will not dissuade them.
Brook’s broader point is that Americans now exist in two camps of “collective negativity” where their only “joy” exists in being with their own.
And that “victimization, pain, and powerlessness are now the approved postures of our time.”
but that “the persistent gaps between how things are and how they are perceived are new, maybe even unprecedented.”
Said JFK: “Together, let us explore the stars, conquer the deserts, eradicate diseases, tap the ocean depths and encourage the arts and commerce.”
And a communist shot him for saying it.
Leftists in America today seem to believe that their allegiance is to migrants legal or illegal. Your religion should be to America and to Americans. But as far as you’re concerned dealt with any American who’s not a Democrat is a maggot. Too much patriotism.
You think that because Republicans are concerned about the displacement of our native people (yes we are the natives now) but that somehow is wrong. You are not an immigrant Elwood even though you act like one. Your family’s been here for generations which in fact makes you indigenous. I don’t know what the leftist rules are for becoming an indigenous person but I imagine if your family’s been here like mine has since the 1700s we’re indigenous. And if you don’t like indigenous then we’re just the current natives of the Americas. But we conquered the hemisphere and by that we have a right to be here we also have a right to be secure that our fellow whites are not going to sell us out. That our fellow Americans are not going to sell us out.
Geno the commie,
Big Donnie suggested it was Ted Cruz’s father who killed JFK. So who did it?
Not all non-Democrats are MAGAts (not maggots), just those “Americans” who pledge allegiance to the odious Donnie Trump. MAGA is a offshoot of conservative Republicanism but has turned the volume to 11.
I support regulated immigration but do not have a knee-jerk hatred for Central and South Americans fleeing their gawdawful countries. America needs immigrants to become “Americanized” not ostracized. It’s a fact that the fertility rate of native-born Americans is too low to sustain the economy and thus the nation. Just as the Europeans found a flood of middle Easterners over the conditions in north Africa, Iraq and Syria, the US is finding a flood of immigrants fleeing their dangerous, if not dying nations. We need policies to deal with this, not EOs.