Lanford has been all over the TV, local and national, Sunday and Monday, trying to pimp the bipartisan immigration bill. He’s here blaming Trump, but, really, this is aimed at everyone who opposes the bill
Lankford: Trump opposition to border deal due to ‘misinformation’
Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.) minimized the influence of former President Trump’s opposition to a Senate border deal, arguing that detractors will back the effort after they read the bill, though any text of the legislation has yet to be released.
Trump has urged Senators not to support a bipartisan border security agreement, calling it a “catastrophe waiting to happen” and falling short of what is needed.
Lankford, a leading Republican in negotiations, said Sunday he still believes the effort will pass.
“They’re all functioning off of internet rumors of what’s in the bill, and many of them are false,” he said on CBS’s “Face the Nation.” “So people want to be able to just see it, read it, go through it, and to be able to see the dramatic change that this really makes and how we handle our immigration system and how we work to be able to secure our border completely.”
Yes. Yes we do. If it’s so darned great, if we’re all wrong on what it will do, then give us the details. Tell us what you’re negotiating. Tell us what it will do
“That’s been a simple request of Americans, whether you’re Republican, Democrat or independent,” he continued. “People just want a secure border where we have legal immigration, but we’re not promoting illegal immigration, and that’s what we’ve seen in the last three years.”
He said lead negotiators don’t have a solid vote count of who is backing the effort just yet because the entire text has not been distributed to members, adding that “misinformation” about the bill will be corrected when the text is released.
Yeah, well, the Citizens haven’t seen it either. How about showing it to us before you vote?
Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), another lead negotiator, made similar comments Sunday, optimistic about the border deal’s future.
If Murphy and other Democrats are thrilled by the bill you can bet it gives lots of amnesty, incentivizes people from around the world to come illegally, and does nothing to secure the border. If the information we’ve heard so far, like that amnesty denial authority kicks in at 5,000 a day (that’s 1.8 million more a year) is anywhere close to true, then Senate Republicans are getting rolled.
It’s absurd to think anyone who supports border security would agree to letting in 5,000 people a day illegally. I’m working to secure our border and deport illegal border crossers.
— Sen. James Lankford (@SenatorLankford) January 30, 2024
Yeah, but, none of them are actually denying that this is in the bill. This all reminds me of the horrible amnesty push from Bush43 and his GOP squishes.

We don’t really know because despite multiple administrations promising visibility and transparency in the legislative process, Congress still refuses to post proposed legislation before they vote on it.
Shocka! Anything short of hunting them down and shipping them back to where they came from is a non-starter.
Quelle surprise!

Bwaha! Lolgf
Bush JR. tried to get immigration passed back in during the Iraq War just before the SURGE.
Everything about the bill was awesome with one caveat. Once the Democrats got all they wanted…then the border would be secured at some undefinable point in the future. I led the charge to reject that piece of trash and once people got to look at the details of the bill they joined the chorus of boos.
Harry Reid said we will take one more vote and then go back to passing resolutions condemning The WAR in IRAQ. There was no effort or willingness on the part of Democrats to do anything except keep allowing millions of new voters to surge into the USA.
UNTIL O U R BORDERS ARE SECURED….UKRAINE, ISRAEL, CHINA’S wet dream TAIWAN and the EU can go fuck themselves. Right now the USA is trying hard to get into a shooting war with IRAN while the open borders sow devastating effects on communities all across the USA.
LEGAL IMMIGRATIOn, CLOSED BORDERS OR BUST…..UNTIL THEN???? The rest of the world can go fuk themselves as can the Democrats, RINOS, and the MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX!!!!
This bill is more of the fuking same….the deep state trying to pull shit over everyones eyes so they can get money for MORE FUKING WARS because Immigration and our border are tied to any funding of those FOREVER WARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BY MAGA!!!!!!!!!!!
What happened to the Democrats who used to be so anti-WAR? What happened to them? Perhaps we should start letting millions of JEWS flood over the border each year and watch the LEFT rise up and burn down every city in America.
Democrats were never anti-war. Just anti-war when it doesn’t benefit themselves.
They protested the draft when they were draft aged. Now, they couldn’t care less about it. Yes, America still has a draft. We just are not using it. In fact, they want to expand it to make it more inclusive. More women, gays, trans-its, and foreigners.
They protested the gulf wars when Bush was president but really they were just protesting Bush. Same for Afghanistan. As soon as Obama was in office their opposition to war evaporated.
No trouble at all about Hillary starting wars in Libya and Syria.
Tried to get Trump to go to war in Iran, but he didn’t take the bait.
Currently using the largest military on the planet to blast 3rd world goat herders in Yemen.
Instigated war in Ukraine leading to millions dead. Democrats have a LOT of blood on their hands.
By all means. American Jews tend to vote for Democrats.
Commenter: This bill is more of the fuking same
You’ve seen the bill??? Please share.
AS DOWD POINTS OUT: You’ve seen the bill??? Please share.
Don’t stop reading…valuable info in the below text.
EXACTLY!!!!! No one has seen it including GOP Republican senators all the while MITCH MCCONNELL is telling his lead negotiator that NOTHING CAN BE TIED TO UKRAINE AND ISRAEL FUNDING.
SHURMER plans to release the bill one day before a vote. Which of course will pass(Democrats have the majority in the Senate to pass this bill no matter what the GOP does) while the GOP votes no because the bill is nothing but political hogwash.
Biden is a LIAR. He says he has tried to fix the border but the GOP won’t let him. BULL SHEET.
1000’s of child rapes and the Democrats don’t care. 1000’s of women raped and the democrats don’t care. Nearly 100,000 deaths per year from Fentanyl crossing through the southern border and the Democrats don’t care.
JOE BIDEN is allowing the CARTELS to set up networks of organization within the USA all for Political votes and the Democrats don’t care.
How do I know all of this?…simple….I watched about 8 GOP senators railing against MITCH and SHURMER and discussing each one of the above points in detail. Remember the Senate is still controlled by the Democrats.
The Bill is dead on arrival in the HOUSE so that the Democrats can claim they tried to fix the border NO…NOT ONLY NO BUT HELL NO!!!!
Their idea of fixing the border is 14 billion for more hires to process more illegals. That’s their idea of fixing the border.
Not only NO but HELL NO!!! MAYOR ADAMS in NYC says 100k illegals are destroying NYC. JUST imagine what 9 plus million and adding nearly 2 million per year are doing to the rest of this country. All across the nation Sanctuary Cities are whining about busloads of illegals arriving at their doorstep and the nation condemns Texas for trying to stem the flow.
He sounds like Pelosi, we have to pass it to see what’s in it..
How dare Senator Lankford put the nation above Trump!! The OK Republican Party censured Lankford for not kissing Trump’s ring!! James Lankford! Do you have any idea how conservative James Lankford is?
Senator James Lankford recognizes the opportunity to pass a strong immigration bill with bipartisan support, to further support Israel and Ukraine’s fight against the Russian invasion.
Lankford is a conservative Republican but evidently not MAGAt enough for Trump.
From Orange Donnie: Trump has urged Senators not to support a bipartisan border security agreement, calling it a “catastrophe waiting to happen” and falling short of what is needed.
Of course, he has not seen the legislation, but Big Orange knows his potential election depends on this issue alone.
The Cult Unified with the Noble Trump (CUNT) doesn’t care what’s in the bill. They have a single objective to support Big Donnie regardless if it costs America dearly. Why? Because Donnie has groomed them by hating on those the CUNTs hate. Fat Donnie is their latest, last best chance to “save” America from non-white, non-Christian replacement!
Unless US citizens (both naturalized and born here) get on the “stick” the US population will start to decrease without immigration. Not even the CUNTs want that.
If the commie lovin’ Rimjob propagandizes that “this” is a “strong immigration bill” and praises a Christian, you gotta believe it’s totally a piece of shit!

Bwaha! Lolgf
But the set a ceiling of 5000 we back Dem voters per day.
If population has been less before and it didn’t seem a problem. we managed to win two world wars with a much lower population. I would much rather have a lower population consisting of much better people even cunts like you want that. Or maybe you don’t since if you cared about the quality of mankind you wouldn’t be a leftist.
Besides AI is coming we don’t need people we can make them. How nice it would be to eliminate all the leftists and replace them with AI’s. Why bring in disease ridden ignorant uneducated filthy third world country people to turn our country into a third world country?
Why are we bringing in South Americans middle easterners and Africans instead of Englishmen and Swiss and Icelanders? The answer is because white people are bad and evil they turn out to be capitalists they turn out to be inventors, businessman, producers. They don’t need Democrats they don’t need leftists they don’t need communists they don’t need any of that bull crap. And cunts like Elwood can’t control them.
The English, Swiss and Icelanders are welcome to come here! Why don’t they? Maybe they prefer their homelands to America. Western Europeans tend to be VERY happy with their countries and lives – which YOU believe is a communist existence in communist countries.
You may not realize this but America is a nation of immigrants. Sure, sure not everyone here can trace their lineage back to the Lenape’s and English in southern Jersey in the 1600s (one of whom married a Black woman!!), but we’re all immigrants to some extent. Polish, English, Indian, Russian, Cameroonese, Mexican, Spanish, Greek, Italian, Irish, Egyptian, Scottish, French, Swedish, Gabonese, Japanese, Filipino, Chinese, Finnish, Congolese, Haitian, Portuguese, Cuban etc etc…
America needs immigrants. If you think America needs to shed population you’re even more ignorant than we believed. And more than ever we need an orderly process for incorporating these immigrants into America. Don’t let your hatred for the “other” and your allegiance to Trump lead you to harm the nation.
Mr Trump just says no, relying on his followers’ grievances and prejudices to promote his cause (election and avoidance of jail).
It’s because the Swiss, Englishmen and Icelanders have the same problems we do: Low birth rates. Below replacement levels. If not for third world immigration, we would all have declining populations.
The really odd part is that a smaller population is much more sustainable. Why are the same people who whine incessantly about saving the Earth also demanding unrestricted immigration? Wouldn’t the USA be much more Earth friendly with a smaller population? Fewer cars on the roads isn’t a good thing? Fewer people creating demand for food, medicine, plastics and staying warm in the winter isn’t a good thing? The Left calls themselves liars with their own policy decisions. They cannot possibly believe what they say about climate when their solutions for immigration undermine their climate policy at every turn.
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Chicken Little Man
No cares WHY Lankford is for the Open Border bill. It is the content.
Of course you being for it raises suspicions.
Unless US citizens (both naturalized and born here) get on the “stick” the US population will start to decrease without immigration. Not even the CUNTs want that.
As usual you don’t grasp what is happening. AI will further reduce the need for unskilled labor. Try and think about how and who will pay the illegals 20 years from now.
Senator James Lankford (R-OK), whom Mr Teach now calls a squish for defying Donald Trump.
Can the Republican Party recover from MAGAtism?
This guy is a Democrat’s worst nightmare!!
Lankford is an ordained Southern Baptist minister. Married, one wife, two children. Never divorced!
He supports cutting spending and supports the repeal of the income and estate taxes.
He supports loosening restrictions on gun purchases. Opposes ammo microstamping.
Lankford rejects the scientific consensus on climate change.
Lankford opposes the ACA and has voted for its repeal. He believes that federally funded healthcare is unconstitutional.
He opposes abortion and believes Congress should recognize that human life begins at the moment of fertilization.
He opposes same sex marriage. He has stated his belief that homosexuality is a choice and that employers should be able to discriminate based on sexual orientation. He condemned the Supreme Court ruling in Obergefell v Hodges.
Lankford questioned the validity of the 2020 election.
Lankford voted to acquit in the second impeachment trial of Donald Trump and voted against the formation of the Jan 6 Commission.
He has voted against raising the debt ceiling.
Chicken Little Man
Lankford is an ordained Southern Baptist minister. Married, one wife, two children. Never divorced!
So who cares?? Not me. I’m not interested in his religion, marriage or number of children. Or
how many things he has right.
It is what he has wrong that we’re discussing.
James Lewis, you have to understand that Elwood thinks of everything and every person from the position of being a communist. Which means the first thing he does is he judges everybody. So he’s gotta layout Langford Southern Baptist minister married one wife two children etcetera because he thinks that that makes his case but it doesn’t. What it does is it points out that here cares about insignificant personal details rather than the important political positions of the individual person. That comes from being a leftist and not seeing persons as individuals but seeing them as a part of a group. That’s why the Democrats walk in lockstep like a battalion of Nazis walking off the street doing the goose step. You never see a Democrat disagreeing with the party narrative or agenda. That’s why guys like Elwood are amazed at guys like Lankford.
We understand that you and other MAGAts are a member of a cult of personality under the deteriorating mobster Fat Donnie.
Senator James Lankford is one of the most conservative if not THE most conservative Senators in DC. But he has defied your Dear Leader so the MAGAts have put a contract out on him.
MAGAts have no interest in what is good for America, being singularly focused on getting Fat Donnie elected.
MAGAts are a simple people as are most cult members under a “strongman” Leader. Your Big Daddy will tell you what to believe and do. March to the capitol and Stop the Steal!! Hang Mike Pence!! Big Donnie’s genius is in manipulating you. And you and you. We get it – you prefer traditional, conservative white Christians over all others. Not Negroes, queers, Spics, Muzzies, atheists, etc. You BUILT America!
Dear Leader keeps spending your donations on legal fees and damages… why does a multiBillionaire need your $10?? LOL. $83.3 million of your kid’s inheritance is going to E Jean Carroll because The Orange Bad Boy (known as El Chico Malo Naranja on the border) couldn’t keep his big fat mouth shut!! NO ONE tells Big Donnie to sit down and be quiet! Ms Carroll has pledged to give the money away to causes The Rotten Orange hates! LOL
Anyway, rapper Donnie J, aka Leatherface, was ordering you to NOT support a bill he knew nothing about!! Why? The status quo , chaos, is to his advantage.