Considering it has been several days, I’m think the answer is “ignore it and walk away”
Biden’s team is blaming Iran for American deaths. How will the US respond?
President Joe Biden is blaming Iran more explicitly than ever for the deaths of three American soldiers and is weighing what the consequences should be, as the domestic and foreign political dynamics surrounding his Middle East policy grow more complex by the moment.
Some Democrats are increasingly worried that Biden’s presidency is at risk of getting overtaken by foreign events. Congressional Republican leaders and allied hawks are pushing for a swift reaction to the attack. Biden’s likely general election rival, Donald Trump, put the blame on the president, while conservatives wary of military action counseled caution.
Within the administration, top aides are trying to thread a needle: Biden is ordering his advisers to present a range of U.S. response options that would forcefully deter other attacks while also not further inflaming a smoldering region, according to two officials granted anonymity because they are not authorized to speak publicly about private deliberations.
On Monday, the White House repeated Biden’s promise a day earlier it would “respond” to the attacks but also cautioned the U.S. would not act in haste.
In other words, they’re going to let the murder of U.S. troops by Iranian backed terrorists fade away
“We do not seek another war. We do not seek to escalate. But we will absolutely do what is required,” National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby told reporters during the White House briefing, adding that the eventual response will take into account “that these groups, backed by Tehran, have just taken the lives of American troops.”
They’d rather negotiate with Iran for another worthless nuclear deal
Among the options on the table for the Pentagon: striking Iranian personnel in Syria or Iraq or Iranian naval assets in the Persian Gulf, according to the officials. The Iranian government, for its part, has suggested that a strike on Iran itself would be a red line. The officials suggested that, once the president gave the go-ahead, the retaliation would likely begin in the next couple of days and come in waves against a range of targets.
Biden has carefully calibrated his response to the more than 160 attacks carried out by Iran-backed proxies hoping to take advantage of the chaos in the region in the wake of the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks. He has responded to only about 10 percent of those attacks, authorizing limited air strikes, mostly on the Houthis targeting shipping in the Red Sea, while fervently trying to wind down the conflict in Gaza and prevent further escalation.
Iran is making war on the United States. Do we really want a full war? Not really. But, they’ll keep doing it unless there is a huge response.
Some Democrats close to the president believe he has become unavoidably bogged down on foreign affairs — including trying to manage Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has frustrated the White House with his conduct of the war. Though Sunday’s attack will place further strain on Biden, his senior advisers believe that foreign policy presents an opportunity to show his decades of experience, which they believe they can contrast with Trump.
Well, yeah, when he proved that his foreign policy was feckless and foolish, that America under his presidency would be weak, nations took advantage.

The Florida Flatus pulled the US out of the multi-state Iran nuclear deal, which had lifted some economic sanctions in exchange for international oversight of Iran’s nuclear program.
When Iran resumed their nuclear programs, Trump wanted to reinstate sanctions, claiming that even though we pulled out of the deal, our restrictions should stay in place. Th other countries in the original deal gave him the middle finger. Part of the original deal had an arms embargo preventing Russia and China from shipping materiel to Iran. Late in the Trump admin Flatus wanted to enforce the embargo, LOL.
Chicken Little Man
… our restrictions should stay in place…
Yes, keeping them place would have denied Iran nuclear weapons.
If they don’t have them now they soon will.
In all fairness, the administration is pretty busy murdering Huthis and allowing the Murder of Americans by Fentanyl.
… and enabling the murder of a million Ukrainians.
Once again I’d like to remind you trump has absolutely nothing to do with anything going on now he is not the president Prince craps his pants is president. And the daughter rapist is the one pulling the strings and controlling what’s going on right now. Is allowing our men to be killed and he’s gearing up for World War 3 and I do hope you realize that.
Elwood, there is something psychologically wrong with your political party. It’s been going on for a while but now it’s getting critical. They cheat in elections they fix court trials so nobody can get a fair shake even in the courts. And now they’re trying to get us into a war anywhere. That’s why they got their fingers in Europe in the Middle East and in Asia. What the hell happened to your party?
LGB, I seriously doubt Biden is controlling anything. But insofar as the term “Biden” is a label or metaphor for unknown/unelected people in the Biden administration who are collectively running the Government in the absence of a real president, then I agree with your real point: This isn’t Trump doing this.
Joyless Reid says Brandon will just start another fucking war.

Bwaha! Lolgf
What will he do? Probably send them more money..
I’m tempted to say that the President will respond by finding more Iranian money to release to them, but . . . .
It’s an election year, so Mr Biden will have to respond somehow, but you have to wonder: just what good options for response are there? The last thing anyone wants is a response which would lead to war with Iran, or increased attacks on Israel or on shipping.
There is the larger question: why do we have troops in Jordan in the first place? We already know that they’re there to provide logistical support for troops in Syria, but why do we have troops in Syria?
Oh, wait, we have troops in Syria due to the Syrian civil war, which has been going on for more than a decade, but let’s tell the truth here: there is no side in the Syrian civil war worth supporting, and if our mission is to protect the Kurds, at some point it has to be asked: is that really our job? The Kurdish areas extend from Turkey to Syria to Iraq, and even Turkey, a NATO nation, harasses the Kurds, while the Kurds want an independent nation of their own, something the younger President Bush said we would not create following the invasion of Iraq.
At least one of the soldiers killed in Jordan was an Army Reservist with the Corps of Engineers. Well, guess where else we have Corps of Engineers reservists deployed? On the west coast of Saudi Arabia, just north of Yemen . . . and the Houthis.
As long as biden doesn’t misgender them when he reads their names to the press and he gets the pronouns correct he should be OK. OTOH there’s a distinct possibility that in today’s military the bodies will be shipped back with LGBTQ? flags draped on them or perhaps some of the Democrats favorite Somalian flags.
Obviously, the only response to dead Americans is to send the Iranian Navy to the bottom of the sea to join the rest of it sent there back in 1988.
Unfortunately, having blundered into this current dilemma through cowardice, stupidity, idiocy, careless mouthing off, and virtue signaling, this response is almost completely non-viable, leaving the USA grotesquely defenseless, pathetic, and ridiculous looking.
This reinforces my previous point that Democrats don’t give a wet shit what’s going on abroad, except as it helps them (a) get rich, or (b) pursue their primary objective of subjugating and impoverishing the American people. All foreign policy conducted by Democrats will fulfill at least one of these two objectives: fleecing somebody somewhere, usually Americans, or trying to prove to Americans that they have actual testicles.