This article is a little early for an election year, so, the NY Times will surely re-run it around September, as they attempt to protect Biden
How the Border Crisis Shattered Biden’s Immigration Hopes
On President Joe Biden’s first day in office, he paused nearly all deportations. He vowed to end the harsh practices of the Trump administration, show compassion toward those wishing to come to the United States and secure the southern border.
For Biden, it was a matter of principle. He wanted to show the world that the United States was a humane nation, while also demonstrating to his fellow citizens that government could work again.
If I’m getting this right, Biden mostly made the border wide open because Orange Man Bad and compassion? He’s endangering the American People, deflating wages, over-running cities with people who do not speak the language, do not share American values, and just want free stuff, as well as allowing all those terrorists and criminals from around the world for no good reason? Good grief. It’s not like the U.S. has let in lots of migrants, refugees, and those going through the legal process
But, wait, it gets better
But those early promises have largely been set aside as chaos engulfs the border and imperils Biden’s reelection hopes. The number of people crossing into the United States has reached record levels, more than double than in the Trump years. The asylum system is still all but broken.
I’m pretty sure the chaos is the result of Biden’s policies. We really didn’t have this problem when Trump was president. It wasn’t even this bad when Obama and Bush43 were president. And by more than double
Migrant encounters at the southern border over the last four Decembers. (3 Biden, 1 Trump).
December 2023: 302,000+
December 2022: 252,315
December 2021: 179,253
December 2020: 73,994
— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) January 2, 2024
Good news, it’s mostly Not Biden’s Fault per the NY Times
Some of the circumstances that have created the crisis are out of Biden’s control, such as the collapse of Venezuela, a surge in migration around the world and the obstinance of Republicans who have tried to thwart his efforts to address the problems. They refused to provide resources, blocked efforts to update laws and openly defied federal officials charged with maintaining security and order along the 2,000-mile border.
See? It’s the fault of Republicans that Biden enticed all these people to come from around the world.
But an examination of Biden’s record over the last three years by The New York Times, based on interviews with more than 35 current and former officials and others, shows that the president has failed to overcome those obstacles. The result is a growing humanitarian crisis at the border and in major cities around the country. Many voters now say immigration is their top concern, and they do not have confidence that Biden is addressing it.
He didn’t want to overcome them. He wants the border as open as possible. That fentanyl is not big deal, right? The rest of the piece really is all about protecting Biden, saying it really isn’t his fault, he’s just trying. Let’s go back to the first sentence
On President Joe Biden’s first day in office, he paused nearly all deportations.
And that’s still happening.

It’s not my fault.

I’ve done everything I can do.
Bwaha! Lolgf
That is just so much BS it’s not even worthy to attack it. President trump did not close the border but he had it reasonably under control. They made a big deal out of the first day when when president Kraft his pants came in power and he was signing all these things to overturn Trump’s rules and regulations. I remember watching them on television. Don’t tell me trump did this only a moron would even make such a statement. And as far as the Republicans go they are not going to give the Democrats new laws when the old laws were good enough for trump they’re good enough for this moron. Just reverse what you did on January 20th. You didn’t need new laws done and you don’t need new laws now. All that is is a trap so that when the election comes around they can say see we force the Republicans to fix immigration. And all the morons who follow the left will believe it. All you have to do is ask Elwood who spoke the immigration crisis is and I guarantee he’ll tell you it’s Trump’s.
I’m tired of you communist calling my ancestors immigrants.They came to an unsettled undeveloped land inhabited by savages who had no written language and had no technological advancement in over 500 years. They hadn’t even invented the wheel! They settled it they tamed it and they created a great civilization out of it.
Now you’ve got a bunch of second and third world filthy animals themselves uneducated and unneeded (except as gardeners for leftists) who instead of making their own countries better invade our country and demand our assets, our money, education, housing and every other benefit of living here. All free. All for the taking. Just because they’re here. There is no similarity between my ancestors and these pigs.
The illegal immigrants of today coming to our country bring nothing but ignorance, disease, poverty, drugs, crime, slavery and human trafficking, other cultures and the refusal to assimilate and become Americans.
Nearly all of us are immigrants. My family has been here for hundreds of years, immigrating from Europe before America was America, but still immigrants, if not conquering invaders!!
Humans are a migratory mammalian species. Since Jehovah placed Black Adam and Black Eve in deepest, darkest Botswana some 250,000 years ago our peoples have migrated out of Africa, losing their protective pigmentation, to the middle east, to Europe, to Asia, then on to the Pacific Islands and North and South America. We outmaneuvered our brothers the Neanderthals and Denisovans although some current Homo sapiens still carry traces of that DNA! Perversely, our antecedents cross-bred with both the Neanderthals and Denisovans. Gross.
Ranted Geno the commie:
Didn’t your ancestors invade North America and conquer the indigenous tribes here, raping, torturing, burning and killing? Your ancestors took their land, made slaves of the indigenous, just because they were here. Did you not read the Cato article on how unedumacated Mexicans contribute more to the economy than do unedumacated white brush apes? In fact native born dropouts cost the economy! Immigrants contribute to the economy!
You have no interest in solving problems you just like to sit around and cry, piss and moan about how bad things are. Boo friggin’ hoo, snowflake.
“Didn’t your ancestors invade North America..”
So you can see the destruction that unrestricted immigration can bring…
“Immigrants contribute to the economy.” As said, that must be why the mayors of several blue cites want it stopped-they bring so much benefit….
Chicken Little Man
Nearly all of us are immigrants. My family has been here for hundreds of years, immigrating from Europe before America was America, but still immigrants, if not conquering invaders!!
No. America was not a country.
Immigrant – a person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country.
Your ancestors came to a land that was unsettled.
It did have large tribes of people that were native born and who fought each other regularly for possession of the others lands. They also took slaves, sacrificed the captured in various rituals and cannibalized some.
Really not very nice people. But neither were the Europeans.
However the English eventually founded a country based on God given rights that no ruler could take away, although the Lefties are trying hard.
The point is not economics. The economies of our founding states were vastly different. The point is CULTURE. The flood will wipe out our culture. There are just too many to assimilate.
That’s the problem. Try to think.
Look at the Muslim world. Do you want that?
Look at Mexico and southward.
Do you want that?
The 4 million recent migrants represent about 01.2% of our population.
This terrifies old men who post here.
The migrants by large measure live in our big cities, how does that affect you personally , you can sense the palpable fear in the posts of genocide Joe/Teach
The other day, Big Donnie Oranges tried to steal credit for the booming stock market, claiming businesses are overwhelmingly delighted that he will be elected in 2024. What a putz.
Republicans, both old and nu, have been making the “term-shifting” arguments for decades. The Clinton economic boom resulted from Reagan’s stewardship of the economy, the Bush recession was the fault of Clinton’s destabilization of the economy, the stable Obama economy was due to W’s down-home wisdom, and the Trump crash was due to both Obama and Biden.
Charlatans and snake-oil salesmen like PT Trump understand there’s a sucker born every minute. “American is about to be destroyed and only The Donald can fix it!”
Donald’s wise shepherding in 2017-2021 is what led to 3.7% unemployment, low gas prices, record stock markets, growing GDP, record federal revenues, inflation under control… The right-wing predictions of a recession have been drowned in a sea of good news. Not sure why recessions occur under Republican regimes. Right now the US economy is the best in the world. California’s economy is larger than Russia’s! (No wonder Vlad invaded Ukraine. When he invades California, the pro-Russian, anti-American nuRepublicans like Geno will hand it over to him.)
Chicken Little Man
Not sure why recessions occur under Republican regimes.
Why do wars occur under Democratic regimes?????
Charlatans and snake-oil salesmen like Rimjob.

Elwood, pro tip: Restrict your posts to one or two sentences. Less space will be wasted and less scrolling will be needed to get past them.
What kinda “pro” are you? We understand the effort you must expend with all your strenuous scrolling.
You might check with your GP about getting a treadmill stress test to check your cardiac function.
(see, just three sentences… thanks for the tip!!)
Chicken Little Man
Not sure why recessions occur under Republican regimes.
Why do wars occur under Democratic regimes?????