Monthly Archives: January 2024

Bummer: Illegals Take Train From NJ To SCNY After Being Dropped Off By Bus

I’ve actually done this many a time when I was living in NJ, and, even now, if I’m visiting and wanting to go in the city, I’ll drive up to North Jersey, park, and hop the train (sometimes the water taxi). Though I usually park in Hoboken Migrants taking trains from New Jersey to NYC […]

Good News: Climate Cult Training Judges To Rule In Their Favor

That’s really the only way to read this, and that is exactly why the Cult Of Climastrology is doing this Left-wing climate group is quietly training judges how to handle global warming cases A little-known judicial advocacy organization funded by left-wing nonprofits is quietly training judges nationwide on how to handle cases related to climate […]

If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fueled motorcycle, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The O.K. Corral, with a post on a feel good story to start 2024.

Names On Epstein Documents To Be Released This Week

It should be very interesting as to the names on it, and how quickly the Credentialed Media will circle the wagons around some of those people Court documents naming Jeffrey Epstein’s associates to be unsealed: What to know Hundreds of sealed court filings pertaining to the late sex-offender Jeffrey Epstein are set to be made public this […]

Annoying Climate Cult Group Wants Everyone To Go Vegan

Why are this people so irksome? This group has an idea to help save the planet: Everyone should go vegan One group says there’s a straightforward way to make big progress in the fight against climate change: Everyone, everywhere should just stop eating meat. And all animal products. The “Plant-Based Treaty,” first proposed in 2021, […]

Good News: Biden Let In 300K Illegals In December, A New Record

And the mayors of Denver, Chicago, NYC, and others wonder why Texas is shipping lots of illegals to their cities? They should feel lucky that Arizona has a Democrat governor, otherwise that state would be shipping them, like under the last governor. If the GOP wants to impeach Biden for something, how about dereliction of […]

Pirate's Cove