We were told that 15 minute cities, as expressed at Elite meetings like Davos, were simply conspiracy theories
An email blast confirmed that Edmonton will move on to next steps for its proposed 15-minute communities. City Council will consider all public feedback and likely approve the policy this fall.
READ: https://t.co/HlCHyiqsBX. pic.twitter.com/14aYNDiVng
— Rebel News Canada (@RebelNews_CA) February 3, 2024
From the link
An email blast confirmed that Edmonton will move on to next steps for its proposed 15-minute communities.
“District plans are key in bringing The City Plan’s ‘Community of Communities’ vision to life by laying the foundation for 15-minute communities,” the email explained.
Last February, the city announced it would divide its 400 neighborhoods into many 15-minute cities, calling it a “necessary tool.”
According to the District Planning Guide, building a “community of communities — small towns in our big city” is a multi-year project to accommodate people.
“This vision is for new and current residents to enjoy more housing, recreation, education and employment opportunities in all of Edmonton’s districts and to have more travel options within and across districts,” reads the email.
What’s the point of a 15 minute city?
City planners openly defend 15-minute communities, claiming their aim is to make cities more livable by ensuring all essential services — think schools, medical care, and shops — are within the distance of a short walk or bicycle ride.
There are many reasons to do this, one being it is a lot easier for government to keep track of citizens and control their movement. It’s not like Canada has been a bastion of freedom this century, and, especially during COVID time. This is also a big thing for the climate cult
(NPR) My former Paris street and much of the neighborhood were built in this dense way more than 150 years ago. But this old idea of areas with many amenities close by has now evolved into an urban planning model gaining popularity with politicians around the world. Moreno says that’s because it not only improves quality of life, but 15-minute cities can also reduce cars’ planet-warming greenhouse gases. Transportation accounts for about 20% of global energy-related carbon dioxide pollution, with cars making up almost 10%, according to the International Energy Agency.
The cult Elites can keep you pesky plebes from moving around much, reducing your carbon footprint. Not theirs, of course
The ‘15-Minute City’ concept can shape a net-zero urban future
It’s a big policy paper at Nature, with giant paragraphs. Oh, and
Chinese 15-minute cities are open air prisons.
These Chinese people are lining up to scan a QR code to verify their vaccine passport, and get their faces scanned. So they can move in or out of this neighborhood zone.
No freedom of movement at all!!https://t.co/3CvsJDAhyK pic.twitter.com/2XfkgSA62L
— Songpinganq (@songpinganq) February 3, 2024

What is really happening in the world.
A very informative short video by Glen Beck. The guy who is so full of conspiracy theories that ultimately prove true, time and time again.
NOT EVEN THE MARXISTS are winning this battle. NOT Democrats or Republicans.
NO…..Useful Idiots are tools for what is happening. Watch to be enlightened…..We all probably know this but he puts it into a firm coherent context.
Very interesting Glenn Beck video. There’s a lot of validity to that. You could see the fear in the Democrats faces you can hear the angst in their voices and you can also sense the intense hate in their actions and their comments about everybody but their own people. In fact they seem to be gearing up to accept the fact that they’re gonna accept the indefensible. We all know that January 6th was a protest because we’re the ones who were protesting. The ones we are protesting against call it an insurrection if they could they call it a civil war. Fact is no one on the left will look at the facts.
I don’t know how they’re gonna steal this election I do know that when trump wins the left will go apoplectic and there might very well be blood in the streets. At which point they’ll call out the military to start shooting civilians. Dusk till dawn curfews, firearm confiscation, termination of civil liberties like freedom of speech and the such. They’ll call it an emergency and give the president all kinds of powers that don’t exist anywhere in any of our laws. And that will be it because those powers will never be rescinded.
The inimitable Glenn Beck!! We thought he had been assassinated by Obama’s Crime Inc.!! Black helicopters, FEMA concentration camps, the Saudis engineered the Boston bombing, Obama hated white culture, Obama was planning an Oklahoma City type bombing, Obama was planning forced abortions and putting sterility drugs in the water, etc.
Beck was so crazy even FOX could no longer tolerate him.
If one promotes hundreds of conspiracy tales it’s likely a few will turn out true.
Chicken Little Man
If one promotes hundreds of conspiracy tales it’s likely a few will turn out true.
So, which ones????
thank you for admitting Glenn Beck is correct it’s about time. You refuse to acknowledge anybody on the right who’s correct about anything. You still think that sad sack of shit in the White House got 81 million votes LOL
You worry about authoritative governments but you vote for Trump who openly say that Presidents have complete immunity to break all laws and avoid prosecution?
Is Teach planning on moving off grid to avoid this new government surveillance?
Americans have been leaving rural areas and moving to those Democratic run “hellholes” for decades, especially young people. People live longer who live in cities and sre much less likely to commi suicide, a key indicator of happiness
Trump said that? I’m sure you can provide a citation, right?
First of all trump never said anything about presidents having complete immunity to break all laws and avoid prosecution. Stop lying you do that constantly and very irritating. That’s why nobody believes anything you say you’re a constant liar.
Now I’d like to set you straight about all of these people leaving rural areas and moving to Democrat run hellholes. They aren’t the facts from the federal government are the cities are losing population especially the blue cities and the suburbs and rural areas are gaining population perhaps you should take a look at the numbers before you print this nonsense. You do realize you can’t even get a U Haul truck in LA? People are moving out so fast you can’t get a U Haul.
Plus the upper middle class to the upper class are moving out of cities just to get away from the crime and the high cost. You really gotta get on the ball and stop repeating the same leftist propaganda over and over and over and over and over again. You sound like a retard you know that?
Oh, the humanity!! Now America will have to defend the northern border once all the Canucks start heading south for freedom!
Heaven forfend cities actually plan having services for citizens!! Schools, food stores, firemen, police, medical facilities, service stations, jobs, housing, charging stations! The horror!
As always, the nuRight turns the shrieking to 11.
As always, Elwood misses the point completely.
alanstorm ignores the right-wing “conspiracy tale” piece, i.e., that governments will force you to stay in your neighborhoods!! In your homes!! “No travel for you!!” “In fact, they will take your cars away!!” “You will need a neighborhood passport to leave your assigned area!” “Facial recognition!”
Didn’t you watch the movie, “Brazil”??
If you can’t trust the recovering alcoholic, drug addict, ADHD-suffering but prescient Glenn Beck, who can you trust?
Well said Joseph Stalin now it’s up to the cities to provide food stores service stations jobs housing and charging stations? So we no longer live in a free capitalist society we now live in a communist society where the government provides everything right? That’s good all those businesses are now out of business so all their owners are now broke good for you you dumb fuck.
I love how you threw service stations in there also. There are about 65,000 independent service stations in the United states none of which could serve gas if the government was in control. They would end up being just like the charging stations are. I also want you to think about how many businesses and how many employees you’re gonna put out of business when you close those 65,000 independent service stations and replace them with self-service charging pumps that don’t work in the cold or the heat or at peak demand.
Control of the citizenry has always been the end game. Control of CO2 isn’t necessary, obviously, since every mandated step toward some mythical “net zero” not only increases CO2 but degrades the environment at greater monetary and humanitarian cost.
Win, win, win for the globalists!
We’re doomed.
“They” are coming for our guns! “They” are planning forced abortions and forced sex change operations!
New World Order 2024!
Are you saying they’re not coming for our guns? Because I’ve heard several Democrats state that what they want is a gun ban and all you have to do is go to Google and you’ll find that to be true. So I guess you’re the only Democrat that’s not coming for our guns? And you’re trying to make a joke out of it. Not funny asshole.
just in the last two days I’ve seen two different occasions where children under 10 years old were forced into sex change operations. One where his father was denied ever being able to see his son again because the mother wanted him made into a girl. So yeah forced sex change operations. I’m sure that if you could find a way to force white people to have abortions you would. You might might even be working on it for all we know.
It’s amusing how you sit around with all your white privilege and your stockpile of firearms and ammunition and ridicule the rest of us. You really are a piece of freaking work.
Commie Geno,
No, “they” are not coming for your guns. Even heard of the 2nd Amendment? How about Supreme Court rulings? Heard of those? It would take a Constitutional Amendment to ban guns, asshole.
Glenn Beck has claimed the left is wanting forced abortions, but actually the far-right is the party of forced birth. You’ve see two different occasions where kids UNDER 10 were forced into sex-change operations? I know it’s hopeless but could you supply citations?
Much of what far-rightists believe is false. Yes, I have white privilege. I admit it. Do you?
and yet it didn’t take a constitutional amendment for leftists and communists and socialists to instill abortion has some sort of a right even though it’s not even mentioned in the constitution. The only time you mentioned the constitution is when you wanna start scratching out things that you don’t like or adding things that you want.
Elwood sit up straight boy you know you’re a liar we all know your whole party is a bunch of liars we know you’re all a bunch of socialists at best communists at worst. We know that you’ll have your guns but we won’t have ours. We know you’ll have freedom of speech but we won’t. You won’t even give us the freedom of assembly that we want you call it an insurrection if we do it but you could go around burning down cities and that’s you know no problem.
You’re a liar and a hypocrite Elwood. But the worst thing you are is a bully in a traitor.
Dowd is deceiving himself.
Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), and Representative Maxwell Alejandro Frost (D-Fla.) with Senator Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), Senator Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.) and Representatives Diana DeGette (D-Colo.), Dina Titus (D-Nev.) and Abigail Spanberger (D-Va.) led 68 lawmakers in a letter to President Joe Biden, urging him to take further executive action to combat gun violence and limit the sale of assault weapons. These executive actions to prevent gun violence are endorsed by Everytown for Gun Safety, Giffords, and Brady: United Against Gun Violence.
“We commend the important steps your Administration has recently taken on this issue, including steps to expand the scope of dealers required to conduct background checks, increase public access to information about dealers who violate the law, and more,” wrote the lawmakers. “Nevertheless, the American people expect the federal government to use every possible tool to reduce gun violence. Congress must act — and it is an ongoing tragedy that Republican leadership refuses to do so. We also believe you can exercise your executive authority to take additional action to address gun violence without congressional action.”
In March 2023, President Biden issued an expansive executive order to address gun violence, which included directing the Secretary of Defense to develop and implement principles to further public safety practices through Department of Defense (DoD) acquisition of firearms and directing the Attorney General to publicly release information about dealers who have violated federal firearm laws, among other provisions. Still, 2023 is on track to be the deadliest year for mass shootings in recent American history, with almost 500 mass shootings since the beginning of the year.
“The epidemic of gun violence demands that you use the full power of the executive branch,” the lawmakers continued. “With Republicans in Congress blocking further legislative action to reduce gun violence, we urge you to leverage the full scope of your executive authority on this issue.”
They are coming for your guns. Everytime the left loses a battle in the Supreme court they just sue again, over and over and over again until they win one. Once they win one, then another and another until they have everything they want.
It’s no secret. Legislate…..REGULATE and then if that fails LITIGATE until you get what you want. Its the way of the left to bypass the Constitution by having the high court rule in their favor without realizing that they just gave the left one building block of a broaders litigation effort to strip American’s of their freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution.
Nice try, I think. The Supreme Court interpreted that abortion was covered under our inherent right to privacy as in the 14th Amendment. The far-right use the argument that if it’s not specifically enumerated in the Constitution it’s fair game at the state level. Of course, it’s all up the Supreme Court. The next 5-4 “liberal” court will reinstate the legality of abortion.
Contraceptives are not specifically protected. AR-15s are not mentioned. Neither are antibiotics or F-35s or cigarettes.
What does the Constitution say about immigrants? Article 1, § 8, clause 4, of the United States Constitution specifically grants Congress the power to establish a “uniform Rule of Naturalization.” Anyone born in the US or naturalized has all the protections, rights and privileges of any citizen.
It seems the 9th states it it unnecessary to enumerate every right.
There’s no such thing as “forced birth,” you goddamn twat.
Some God-damned twat keyboard commando claimed:
Tell that to women throughout blood red states, you God-damned pussy.
That God those nanny-state liberals are trying to rein in those freedom loving peasants…
[…] will admit it: I hadn’t heard of this idea until seeing an article on it by William Teach of The Pirate’s Cove. Upon reading about it, and the concept, I was reminded of a couple of […]
The demographic that loves to save 15 minutes.

15 minutes yo

Bwaha! Lolgf
Elwood is a moron
Elwood makes jokes about defending the northern border, apparently unaware that, yes, we are having illegal border crossings from the north and are going to have to crack down up there too.
But then we’ve never seen Elwood let ignorance stop him before.
Flexo displays his ignorance in missing the point.
What point? That you’re wrong as usual, Elwood?