I’m unsure why they’re shocked: they keep voting for the conditions that mean skyrocketing energy bills
Californians shocked by electric bills after rate hike: ‘Like you’re getting punished’
Some California residents are “stunned” by the high cost of their latest electric and gas bill, after a major utility company raised prices for millions of customers last month.
“It’s almost like you’re getting punished,” 90-year-old Dorothy Lovell told The San Francisco Chronicle. The Santa Rosa resident’s utility bill was $696.64 in January.
“I really was not prepared,” longtime San Francisco resident Rebecca Gallegos told the paper after her bill increased by $162 from the month prior. “I’m blown away.”
Utility company Pacific Gas and Electric Co. “PG&E” announced in November that their customers would be paying about $35 more a month on their utility bills in 2024 after the California Public Utilities Commission approved the new rates. That adds up to over $400 extra a year.
Some Leftists might not think that’s a big deal, but, put this on top of everything else they’re paying more for, like food. Don’t forget, all those businesses paying more for energy will pass the costs on to consumers. A dollar more here, a couple dollars more there, and that adds up to a lot more money.
PG&E customers could see their bills skyrocket even more this year, as the utility commission considers approving additional proposals from PG&E to recover costs from last year’s storms. If approved, customers could see their bills go up an additional $14-15 a month, the report said.
Hooray, right, citizens of the People’s Republik Of California? Part of this is all the climate doom stuff you elect politicians to pass laws on. They make natural gas and other energy sources more expensive. I wonder how many voted for this thinking there would be no negative consequences in their own lives?

I’ve been telling these lefties who Still beLEEVE the GW BullSchitt that if they keep it up, one day They won’t be able to run their air conditioners..
I didn’t used to despise them for being idiots, but Now, their choices are dragging America into the mire that stupidity creates. My patience is Done.
From Reuters:
Yet the citizens of the Pyrite State are combitching about their sparktricity bills now!
But hey, they voted for the left, and they’ve gotten the left!
How will Californians be able to afford their electric bills when they have to charge their cars at home? And how much will it cost to charge them in commercial fast charging stations, under daylight/commercial usage rates, from station owners having to make a profit?
The esteemed Mr H keeps telling us that plug-in electric vehicles are cheaper in the long run, because it costs less to charge them than fuel for gasoline-powered vehicles costs, but it appears that the state of my birth is determined to put the lie to Mr H’s claims.
Cheaper in the long run, eh? Wait till the kami mines update Democrat party that never sleep realize that they can charge $5000 to get rid of your car battery at the end of year cars life or at the end of your lease whatever. Just like they decided they wanted to save the world by recycling tires and oil meanwhile they charge you for your old tires and oil cause who else to pay for it? They’re gonna be scrubbing these electric car drivers for anywhere between 5 and $20,000 to recycle their batteries.
And we be sitting here laughing and laughing and laughing.
Teach after an EV battery fails it should be repurposed. It typically will still hold enough power to keep a house. Please cite where disposal costs 50004 goin for 3 days. Batteries should be repurposed before being recycled.
Dana most people, 80%, charge them at home. The current highest price for gasoline in the USA is at a gas station in Cali. It charges 7$ a gallon but I don’t use that as in cost comparison, yet you choose to choose the place where EV owners would pay the highest rates. You ignore the fact that in Louisville alone there are 83 free chargers, How many places are offering free gasoline???
Johnny-EVs are the cars of the future. And always will be.
The people who live in blue states or at least blue cities should have a mandatory$50,000 a year tax let me join them to cover all the nonsense they vote for.
It always amazes me, that far too many people think the companies are not going to pass on onerous additional costs to them.
Only 1/3 of your electric bill goes to generation. Buffet sells electricity at 4 cents per kwh. But PG&E sells it to residential customers at 32 cents per kwh.
July8, 2015
Ian Clover
” Buffet strikes cheapest electricity price in the USA with Nevada Solar Farm”
PG&E is a for profit company. Don’t all good capitalists want to see high profits?
In Cali the typical (your mileage may vary) payback for a homeowner solar set up is 6 years.
Interestingly in the USA, total electric consumption has been steady on the last 20 years at about 3.8 to 4 trillion kwh. This, despite a 30% increase in population and all those EV cars. So much for the grid crashing and USA going dark.
eia.gov/energy explained/use-of-electricity.explained.php
Also Cali residents pay their electric bills based on INCOME as well as amount used. The cost is going up most for those who earn more than $180000 Teach’s despised elites” The cost is going up on nigh income earners
1/3 of all households in cali earn over 100K So sad they are going to pay 3% or less of income on electricity.What percent of your household income goes to electricity.
Teach, and most other who post here, don’t want to fact check anything that makes their tummy feel good In Cali minimum wage varies from 16$ to 19$ per hour. 19$???? Minimum??? No wonder they vote blue
And minimum wage is going UP in 2024! 20 bucks for all fast food workers and up to 23$ minimum for any healthcare workers in large facilities.
Why not $40? 20 bucks isn’t that big a deal but if you make it 40 or $50 now we’re talking real money. And I think everybody in California makes more than $55,000 a year should pay an extra 10% taxes. And twice the amount an electric. I think everybody in Oregon should pay $100,000 blue state bounty. Somebody’s gotta pay for this stuff and I think the liberals should be the ones that do it.
How much do you think minimum wage should be H you’re the one who always mouthing off and complaining about minimum wage so let’s hear your opinion. I was running the California Republican Party I would be telling everybody we’re gonna make the minimum wage $100.00 an hour and if you vote for Democrats you vote for a cut in pay. Not only that but all workers are entitled to a new Honda. Free. And a free cell phone. I mean if you wanna jam inflation up into the stratosphere you may as well go all the way.
What’s the matter people aren’t moving out of California fast enough you wanna raise the taxes get more of them out? It’s gonna be funny to watch everybody moving out of California and all the lefties looking at each other going why are they doing that.
Nah who am I kidding? The way liberals work they’ll deny that all the people are moving out say that people are moving into California from the red states to get those high wages even though the tax is more than the wages could ever be. Then you got the crime and you add on the crazy ass politicians it’s a perfect storm there.
The dead Rush Limbaugh, used to say, “Make it hundred!”, and that was decades ago. Why not $100? Economists who know about such things say that $100 is too much! But $15 or $20 isn’t.
California still has nearly 39 million people, by far the most populous state. It also has the highest state GDP (double Russia’s GDP!!!) and the 4th highest state GDP/capita at over $100,000 per person!!
We recognize that MAGAts hate (are envious of?) California.
Our madcap Missourian wrote:
I am a native Californian, born in Oakland, but I’m glad to not be there anymore. And it seems that I’m not the only one: despite massive and welcoming illegal immigration, mostly of Hispanics who have a higher birthrate than Anglos, the Pyrite State has lost population three years in a row.
Beautiful beaches, great weather, amazing scenery, yet people are leaving the place. Perhaps you ought to ask why that is.
only 1/3 of the cost of residential electricity goes to generation, the rest goes to transmission and :overhead: including profit for the private companies that sell it
Buffest sells current from his solar far at 4 cents per kwh. PG%E sells it for 32 cents per kwh.
Cali residents pay about the same percent of their incomes for electricity as everyone else, about 3%
Total electric consumption in USA hasn’t really gone up in almost 20 years because of increases in efficiency, although population has gone up by 30% and Joe Biden has throat fucked Americans with EVs. So much for grid collapse.
People in Cali can afford a slight increase, they earn a lot
In Cali a kid working full time at a McDs making 640$ a week could buy a brand new Honda car! No wonder the most popular car sold in Cali is the Honda Civic even a high school kid can afford to buy one.