And all the media are happy to run with his blamestorming rather than analyzing the reality
Joe Biden urged Congress to pass the bipartisan border bill in a pointed speech on Tuesday, accusing Republicans of “caving” in to Donald Trump’s demands to block the legislation from advancing.
“All indications are this bill won’t even move forward to the Senate floor. Why? A simple reason: Donald Trump. Because Donald Trump thinks it’s bad for him politically,” Biden said at the White House. “He’d rather weaponize this issue than actually solve it.”
With an eye toward the presidential race, Trump has attacked the bipartisan deal on Truth Social as “nothing more than a highly sophisticated trap for Republicans to assume the blame on what the Radical Left Democrats have done to our Border, just in time for our most important EVER Election”.
As of Tuesday afternoon, it appeared that more than 20 Republican senators were prepared to oppose the border bill, raising serious doubts about its passage.
In his speech, Biden pledged he would make sure that Republicans received the blame if the bill does not pass, indicating he would spotlight the issue on the campaign trail.
“The American people are going to know why it failed. I’ll be taking this issue to the country,” Biden said. “Every day between now and November, the American people are going to know that the only reason the border is not secure is Donald Trump and his Maga [‘Make America Great Again’] Republican friends. It’s time for Republicans in the Congress to show a little courage, to show a little spine, to make it clear to the American people that you work for them – not for anyone else.”
Trump is 100% right: this was a trap bill, and Republicans like James Lankford got rolled, just like with the old Gang Of 8 idiocy. The GOP had two choices: pass this turd of a bill, which would codify catch and release, give work permits immediately to those demanding asylum and even illegals, give taxpayer funded legal council to illegals, expand parole, and barely fund border security, most of which won’t kick in for several years, or, refuse to vote for this and be demonized for “not wanting to secure the border”, the same one Biden left wide open. And not fund Ukraine, Israel, and stopping fentanyl.
It’s better the GOP go with option two. But, will they, other than Trump, have the cajones to tell the truth and defend their decision without being wishy-washy? This was a trap bill. Democrats do this all the time, putting poison pills in then demonizing Republicans for refusing to pass them. If I offer you chocolate, shrimp, lobster, filet, and your favorite veggie, but, you also have to do a little meth, yeah, it’s that meth thing that shuts your support down, right?
The House should pass a Ukraine bill, an Israel bill, and the fentanyl bill separately, then take the border bill, remove all the bad parts, and vote on it. Make the border security, including the wall, a this year thing.

That Bill also was appropriating money to keep Ukraine fighting for its national survival. Trump has promised Putin to end the support of the USA.
The Euro countries just pledged an additional 54 billion. They know that Putin wants to grab more land in Europe. If Putin controls Ukraine grain he will control 1/3 of all exported grain he will try and drive up world prices just like he tried to do with oil. This will be bad for American consumers.
I know you believe that a vast majority of the country wants to send billions and billions to Ukraine while we suffer at home for people we could give a shit about.
We all enjoy the fact that interest rates are way, way up. Houses are now unaffordable, food is as expensive as it has ever been, and growing more expensive each passing month. We love the fact that millions of illegals are flooding over the border and filling up our cities with crime and drugs.
I know that You believe Americans would fall on their swords for UKRAINE while we suffer.
FBI whistle-blowers have said that the FBI was given a zero-tolerance policy by Bush in 2002 that not another American citizen would die on American soil due to Muslim Terrorist activity. When the USA took the fight to these radical Muslims back yards as in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Yemen and countries of Africa the FBI was basically out of a job so they turned their attention to HOMEGROWN DOMESTIC TERRORISTS so they could justify their enormous budget.
Their first target was RADICAL CATHOLICS….as if there is such a thing. Forcing their way into the Catholic Church gave them Carte Blanche to go after protected Constitutional guarantees. Then it was other homegrown terrorists and now it is MAGA. All to make themselves feel justified in a world that is passing them by.
Ukraine moves my needle to be anti-war after 20 years of war that netted us FUKING ZERO. Did we change a single Muslim Mind? No. The only thing we accomplished was the PATRIOT ACT, SPYING ON USA CITIZENS and the persecution of American Citizens who DISAGREE with the priorities of DEEP STATE WAR MONGERS.
The Dems have outmaneuvered the Republicans, claiming that they’re torpedoing a new border deal, but it’s one which would have allowed 5,000 illegals every single day through the border, while current law band all illegal border crossings.
The neo-conservative Mr H wrote:
Let’s tell the truth: Ukraine cannot win its war against Russia, regardless of how much money or war materiel we send them, unless NATO also sends ground troops and air superiority fighters and pilots. Maybe you want to get the United States and NATO directly at war with nuclear-armed Russia, but I sure as Hell don’t.
Even if Russia completely wins, and annexes Ukraine, they can’t “grab more land” in Europe, because the Russian military has been severely exhausted; they will not be in any shape to invade anyone else for at least ten years, and in ten years, Vladimir Vladimirovich will be 81 years old, if he’s even still alive.
Grain exports? You want to go to nuclear war to protect grain exports? But, not to worry, with
global warmingclimate change, the agricultural areas in which grain can be produced will spread north, and Canada and we can grow more of our own!@Dana. There you go again, taking anything H says seriously.
Mr Trumputin told his Trumpublicuns to bury the bill they crafted because its passage would hurt His electoral chances. So they did.
The former Republican Party, at one time a stalwart for American patriotism, has become a fascist cult of personality: The Trumpublicuns, who have left traditional conservatism in its dust!
Trumputin may not have absolute immunity as an ex-president, but he is an absolute genius at manipulating His low-information followers.
Yesterday, He was bringing back the oldies, lambasting NATO, Trumputin’s and Putin’s bete noir, repeating His old lies about the 75 year old organization dedicating to keeping the West safe. No doubt, Vlad is leaning on his old lackey to pave the way for further incursions into Europe. Trumputin has ordered His Trumpublicans to give Ukraine to his master, Putin. Then on to the Baltics!!
In fact, the Europeans have committed more than the US.
Mr Trumputin is facing 91 charges, and His only hope to avoid convictions is to win the US presidency, re-declare absolute immunity and gain control of the US DOJ. Which supplicant will He appoint as AG?
How Rimjob starts every morning and ends every day.
Amusing huh?

Bwaha! Lolgf
How MyLilStalker starts every morning and ends every day.
OBSESSION! A new stench from MyLilStalker!
Bugs ya huh, fatso?

How’s that Galera stock doing?
Have I been neglecting MyLilStalker? LOL.
We can all tell when you get lonely – you go off topic.
Have you made even one argument? Nope.
Carry on, lil pissant, carry on!
So you don’t want to discuss your company’s stock value?

Well why not?
Does that subject disturb you, fatso?
President trump faces 91 charges all of which are erroneous and ******** which everyone including the Democrats knows. The only way for the Democrats to win the next election is to not allow the Republicans to run which is what they’re trying to do this is election interference. They are fixing an election by removing the candidate. If we let them do this without killing them we deserve what we get if they take trump off the ballot it’s time to pick up our weapons and do the March. Our ancestors would not tolerate this crap and neither should we we’ll put on our ballot who whatever the hell we wanna put on our ballot whether or not Elwood, pedophile Joe or little Chucky Schumer likes it or not. And if you try and stop it we’ll go to war.
It’s all a scam! The charges against Trumputin! The elections! All the Courts! The DOJ! Global warming! The Constitution!
Only the SMOTUS can take Trumputin off the ballot. How bad does He have to be for THIS Supreme Court to kick Him off just because He led an insurrection?!? If they rule against Trumputin will you go to DC to murder them??
SMOTUS will find or invent the necessary loopholes. The Amendment doesn’t say he can’t run, only that he can’t hold office. Perhaps SMOTUS will rule a President is not “an officer of the United States”. They have the Colorado case before them now.
Evidence that he led an “insurrection” is what, again?
I know I asked this question before, but what kind of insurrection has Capital guards on video opening up gates?
It was in all the papers. Surely you heard about it. The then-president had lost the presidential election in Nov 2020, but refused to admit as much and started working behind the scenes with a group of lawyers and state officials to overturn the will of the people. Then, on Jan 06, 2021, the then president encouraged a mob of supporters to storm the US Capitol as Congress and the President of the Senate (VP Mike Pence) were preparing to certify the Electoral College votes as required by the Constitution.
The now ex-president, citizen Don Trump, was indicted by a federal grand jury related to his attempts to overturn the election, including: Conspiracy to Defraud the US; Conspiracy to Obstruct an Official Proceeding; Obstruction of an Official Proceeding; Conspiracy Against Right to Vote.
The DC Appellate Court recently ruled that citizen Trump did NOT retain absolute immunity from prosecution for crimes that he may have committed while president. Off to the Supremes!
Remember all those times Rimjob went apeshit blathering about how “we got him now!”
The first impeachment was for collusion with Russia.
What happened with that?
Oh yeah.
The second impeachment was for making a phone call.
What happened with that?
Oh yeah.
Now an indictment that is pretty much a nothingburger along those same lines.

Guess we’ll see what happens with that.
Desperate much? LOL. They just luvs them some symbolism.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Reminds me how they used to wheel in Sen Byrd for key votes, place his hand on the voting button and “help” him push it down.
Sorry the only thing that can take trump off the ballot is trump himself or the Republican Party. I’ve read the constitution several times and I’ve seen nothing where it says that smote a SCOTUS or anybody else can take a candidate off the ballot for president. Nothing zero never.
Stop making up **** as you go along because you’re afraid that trump’s gonna beat that sinister child ****** daughter screwing creep
As I said earlier:
The Amendment doesn’t say he can’t run, only that he can’t hold office. Perhaps SMOTUS will rule a President is not “an officer of the United States”. They have the Colorado case before them now.
They’ll create a loophole, but clearly “not supporting an insurrection” is a qualification to be president, much like being 35 years old, a natural born citizen and a resident for 14 years or more.
Sorry J, I asked for evidence-you’ve offered none. First, one thinking an election was stolen is in no way a crime. And he never encouraged a “mob of supporters” (an ‘A’ for drama queen effect!) to storm the Capital. On the contrary, he told them to protest “peacefully and patriotically”. He asked for more guards to be on duty that day, but Pelosi refused. A high ranking Capital guard called it a set-up. Other guards walked the “mob” inside. There’s a photo taken that day of the “mob” walking single-file between the velvet ropes that define the tourist route through that section of the Capital. I know, it’s really starting to sound like the French Revolution all over again…