We can fix this with a tax. And your freedom and life choices
Atlantic Ocean circulation nearing ‘devastating’ tipping point, study finds
The circulation of the Atlantic Ocean is heading towards a tipping point that is “bad news for the climate system and humanity”, a study has found.
The scientists behind the research said they were shocked at the forecast speed of collapse once the point is reached, although they said it was not yet possible to predict how soon that would happen.
Using computer models and past data, the researchers developed an early warning indicator for the breakdown of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (Amoc), a vast system of ocean currents that is a key component in global climate regulation.
They found Amoc is already on track towards an abrupt shift, which has not happened for more than 10,000 years and would have dire implications for large parts of the world.
This is due to you driving a fossil fueled vehicle and buying things you want, because you cannot afford carbon offsets like the Elites
“What surprised us was the rate at which tipping occurs,” said the paper’s lead author, René van Westen, of Utrecht University. “It will be devastating.”
He said there was not yet enough data to say whether this would occur in the next year or in the coming century, but when it happens, the changes are irreversible on human timescales.
Of course they can’t say. Nor will they. Because that would put them on the hook if their prognostication fails. Who pays the price if this doesn’t happen in the next 100 years? Seriously, it’s going to happen at some point, because it has happened in the past, many times. It has happened on a small scale many times since the end of the last glacial age.

This is all you need to know
The scientists behind the research said they were shocked at the forecast speed of collapse once the point is reached, although they said it was not yet possible to predict how soon that would happen.
Using computer models and past data,
I really have lost count of how many tipping points there have been.
The scientists behind the research said they were shocked at the forecast speed of collapse once the point is reached, although they said it was not yet possible to predict how soon that would happen.
I remember there was a Geology guy here who was arguing this point insistently. Giving tons of facts and figures about the concept of the currents suddenly stopping and pointing out that research has indicated this has happened in the past. Several times.
When it does, Global WARMINg will not be an issue, we will be fighting Glaciers the rest of our lives. His arguments got me to really for the first time listen to what the guy was saying.
This was when I began understanding that the dangers of AGW were insignificant compared to the shutdown of the oceans of the earth. We WILL all die if a new Ice Age begins prematurely, which is why the calling for the end of fossil fuels when there is nothing to replace them…..suicide for the planet.
On a brighter note. China right now is failing. Their real estate is plummeting, they are selling off all their JETS and making themselves Sanction Proof. XI XING PING has told the people and the military to prepare for great conflict.
Everyone is convinced this is a move on Taiwan that will earn China sanctions from the world. Having said that, this is why Beijing is not trying to stop the Ukraine war, is arming Iran to fight Israel, and is forcing the USA to turn all its attention to the East because China in the West wants to invade Taiwan.
Simply put China wants the USA to send all its military ORDINACE to UKRAINE so they have nothing to fight with when China invades Taiwan.
Back in the day….
One of the weapons that were going to be used to fight global cooling was coal dust sprinkled on the snow and ice… The dust retains heat..
Of course we won’t have any coal powered power plants so that weapon is down the tubes.
Hmm. what happened about 10,000 years ago when the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation shifted?
What was it? What was it?
Oh, wait! I know what it was!
The end of the last Ice Age…
I thought they were worried about Earth becoming just like Venus because of global warming caused by all that carbon dioxide? But now they’re worried about another Ice Age?
I wish these charlatans would make up their friggin’ minds.
I have no idea. I wasn’t there. Neither was anyone else. No one recorded it when it happened. Everything we know about that period is told to us by people who have no direct evidence of it either. Ask Joe Biden, I might have been around back then, but I doubt he remembers it.
If you have a career that centers around telling stories about what happened tens of thousands of years ago, you may have wasted your education and are continuing to waste your life passing along those stories, “with advantages”. The fact is, it doesn’t matter if those stories are true or false. They have no impact on the present or the future. Being totally wrong has zero penalty. It is literally PhD Trivial Pursuit.
Professor Hale: If you have a career that centers around telling stories about what happened tens of thousands of years ago, you may have wasted your education
Because no one can ever say anything about the past.
The prevailing fable is not evidence for your argument. Brontosaurus could not be reached for comment. Obviously plenty of people can and have said things about the past and it is more difficult to prove or disprove their claims the farther back they go. This is especially true for anything that pre-dates written history. Even written history is routinely attacked as not credible. All of the modern scientific centers of research have gatekeepers to ensure orthodoxy with previously published and accepted work.
We frequently see stories from “scientists” claiming that certain previous observations were wrong and need to be adjusted by 10-50%. Since my original point is that there is zero consequence for them being wrong, it doesn’t matter to ANYONE if they are Very wrong, slightly wrong, or just making stuff up. Their observations may be true and yet the relationships of those observations to the narrative are very likely pure fiction. What is measurably true is that those people make a living telling their stories and if they fail to produce enough stories that make their customers happy, they experience an involuntary career change.
Professor Hale: Obviously plenty of people can and have said things about the past and it is more difficult to prove or disprove their claims the farther back they go.
Sometimes. Sometimes not. It depends on the claim. Regardless, your position was based on how nothing can be know of what happened tens of thousands of years ago, that it’s all narrative. That is a false position. Dinosaurs did exist. You could argue why the particular claim about the AMOC is in error, but it is false to say that all claims about the past are just stories with no foundation beyond narrative.
Professor Hale: We frequently see stories from “scientists” claiming that certain previous observations were wrong and need to be adjusted by 10-50%.
The Relativity of Wrong
Mr Teach whines repeatedly:
The United States of American and European Union continue to cut CO2 emissions. Still free…
Neither of which are as free as they used to be. And you know it. And our freedom is getting less and less every year. And you know that too. So don’t say still free… Cause you’re not kidding us at all. Maybe you’re kidding yourself you are a little slow.
What freedoms have you lost, L.G.?
Afraid a “girlfriend” will be forced to carry your spawn to term if you knock her up?
Afraid of getting a ticket for not wearing a seatbelt? Being leaned on by the gubmint not to pollute as much? Missing your incandescent lights?
Anyway, big friggin’ deal. As the huge Greenland ice sheet melts it dumps fresh water into the Atlantic and will slow or stop the AMOC.
Sucks to be Europe. Russia will have all of Europe by then anyway so it will Trump Jr and Eric’s problem.
And at the rate it’s going it’ll take 27,000 years- unless Johnny can buy enough carbon offsets to stave off the impending disaster…
When asked what happened 10,000 years ago, a commenter commented:
Although there are no written records or videotapes, there ARE various forms of evidence that inform us. Yes, yes, scientists infer what these physical records imply AND these conclusions are always subject to reevaluation. Critics imply that these scientists are constructing a physical history based on the scientists’ biases and beliefs. Homo sapiens have only been around about 300,000, out of Africa no less, so how do we know anything about the climate in China, Arizona, Michigan or France a million years ago?
Mr Teach and his acolytes frequently ask how can the “scientists” be held to account for their conclusions without asking how the “authors” of the Koran, the Bible and Talmud can be held to account for their conclusions which influence billions! A Teach acolyte implies that scientists do what they do for money. As opposed to everyone else?