…is an island that will soon sink into the sea from ‘climate change’, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Dissecting Leftism, with a post on the COVID cure potentially being worse than the disease.

…is an island that will soon sink into the sea from ‘climate change’, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Dissecting Leftism, with a post on the COVID cure potentially being worse than the disease.
This post it dissecting leftism is absolutely fantastic. It’s just the type of thing that will make smoke pour out of elwood’s ears. He being the type that not only refuses to consider the 81,000,000 vote lie but he also won’t consider the fact that the COVID non vaccine did more damage than the COVID non pandemic flu did.
Are inability to pry open the eyes available wood and his comrades to at least view the truth even if not to absorb it should not stop us from trying. Who knows with any luck soon they’ll make a deathbed confession that they’ve been BSed to all this time. Heck we might even get him to admit that died in the senile and not fit for duty. Nah that could never happen.
Vaccinated patients in hospitals have much shorter and cheaper hospitals stays than unvaccinated with a much better chance of surviving.
“Impact of Vaccination On Cost and Course of Hospitalization Associated With Covid -19 Infection”
NIH National
Library of Medicine published online Jan 25 2023
Mr Teach gives us a citation with this describing a photo of Big Don: THE RIGHTFUL PRESIDENT. He gave us a reprieve from Leftist authoritarianism and hate. He was defeated not by a majority of American voters but by a flood of fraudulent postal votes. Some Lessons from history in support of Trump thinking: http://jonjayray.com/trumpism.html
And we should take this blog post seriously? With no scientific references?? They WILL sell you a book, Too Many Dead on their websites. Too Many Dead lists a number of hacks and quacks as contributors. There is a small anti-vax industry and you even have your own presidential candidate in Robert Kennedy Jr.
Here’s one “they” missed. Although the doctors go into great detail about the impact of Covid on Australians they do not attribute the excess deaths in 2023 to vaccinations.
BTW,Big Donnie WAS defeated by a whopping majority of American voters. In addition he lost the Electoral College vote by a large margin. The Big Liars can’t locate the “flood of fraudulent postal votes” for some reason.
So now the Big Liar crewe hates vaccinations!! Morons.
So who are the Australian Medical Professionals Society (AMPS)? Bueller? Bueller?
The death rate in Australia reached a nadir in 2013 (6.536/1000) and started rising after. It was 6.573 in 2016, 6.598 in 2018, 6.647 in 2020, 6.696 in 2022, 6.720 in 2023. BTW, in 1970 it was 8.561. Did the Covid vaccines cause the slow but steady rise in the death rate starting in 2014??
In the real world there is no evidence that vaccines are deadlier than the diseases.
We are so happy to see here that you ate with a passion conservatives or non communists everywhere not just in America thank you. It’s great to see that you’re gonna pick apart everything because one article doesn’t prove your satisfaction the idea it’s trying to forward. We have only ever asked you to put on your thinking cap and try and figure out why so many people disagree with you. It’s not just 2 million people it’s not even 5 million people it’s not even 14 million people the number of blacks in America. It’s 150 million Americans that disagree with you. That’s half the country if you take out immigrants. And instead of asking why and trying to look at some of the things that they’re pointing out to you you shake your head put your hands over your ears and go Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah and walk away because you’re a fukin moron. You really can’t be reasoned with and neither can most of the people in your party.
“Concerns”. Yep.