I’m sure the DOJ will treat these vandals just like the J6 people who wandered around the Capital, right?
I'm sure the @DOJ will prosecute, right? "When property damage does not exceed $100, the offense is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $100,000, one year imprisonment, or both" https://t.co/5DkSDPrAuA.
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) February 14, 2024
Yeah, it is a federal criminal violation, and they should be treated like criminals. Sure, that’s what they want, to get the media coverage, but, maybe if these wackos had to pay some serious fines and do some jail time things would be different
(NY Post) Climate activists targeted one of America’s founding documents Wednesday, dumping pink powder on the bulletproof case that protects the US Constitution.
The shocking incident took place at around 2:30 p.m. at the National Archives Rotunda in Washington, DC, which was forced to close to the public as a result of the mess.
“We are determined to foment a rebellion,” one of the activists, covered in the pinkish red dust, said shortly after the substance was poured on the 237-year old document, video taken of the aftermath shows.
“Joe Biden needs to declare a climate emergency,” he later said.
So the jerkoffs messed the day up for a whole bunch of people who had surely waited patiently to see our founding documents. There’s usually a line, as they only let in so many people at a time. And it will be closed Thursday for cleaning.
DC’s Metropolitan Police Department arrested both individuals and the US Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia will handle the case, a spokesperson for the National Archives and Record Administration told The Post.
“It will be treated as a federal crime,” they added, noting that the perpetrators indicated that the pink substance was powdered paint.
But, will they be charged and tried? That remains to be seen.

They will be charged with the misdemeanor and the magistrate will give them a stern talking to and let them off because “their cause is just”.
Surely that’s much, much more serious than a three-hour fraternity keg party that got a little bit out of control.
Some of the Capitol kerfufflers got sentences of several years in prison, so these idiots should spend the rest of their miserable lives behind bars, right?
Mr Dana may have a point if the President had actively encouraged “PinkDustGate” to promote his staying in office after an election.
Have you ever bothered to take the time to either read the transcript of the speech that Trump gave the day of the protests or watch the video of him doing so? Why do you refuse to look at the evidence presented to you every time it disagrees with your preconceived conclusions?
If this were three years ago I could understand you having your head stuck up your *** because back then CNN MSNBC and CBS we’re all showing trump speech and cutting it off right before he said go to the capital and have a peaceful protest. That’s the part they kept cutting off. But now you can find that all over the place so there’s no excuse for you to keep repeating like a brainwashed communist parent everything that’s CNN MSNBC and CBS kept saying. Then when you realized that all the news agencies immediately gathered together and circled the wagons to indict trump that day you gotta be amused. That was January 6th 2020 you realize if he was trying to incite insurrection he was doing so against himself because he was still president and would be for another two weeks. The logic and reason behind what you say is BS.
Secondly what would the president actively encouraging pink dust gate have to do with committing the crime?
As usual with you heathen Democrats it’s one set of laws for you guys and it’s another set of laws for the rest of the country it’s like living in a Nazi state.
IF they really want to show us their sincerity, I recommend they take a cue from the South Vietnamese Buddhist monks who self-immolated in the streets.
Yes rural counsel that certainly caught the attention of the American public and the questioning of that hideous war againVietnam. 2 million more Indochinese died before the foreign armies agreed to leave.he was protesting against the Catholic run govern me ent in Saigon. Only 2% of the country were Catholics but they were the kids if France and later the USA. The Catholic Church was the largest landowner in the country peasants worked as sharecroppers. It more than anything previously convinced JFK to reconsider siding with the Catholics and Diem. Thich Quang Duc is considered a national hero by the “communists”
History would suggest it had no influence on the US involvement.
It may have shocked a few leftists in the anti-war movement, but the war continued for years afterward.
Meanwhile the MIC continues to blackmail and strongarm their puppets (aka our bicameral legislature) into writing yet another check that the FED will then direct the Treasury to print another 19 million 50 note sheets of $100 bills to cover. That will make the $2.4 trillion in circulation worth almost 4% less, overnight!
Thank goodness all the little people are consumed throwing hissy fits over guns and abortion and Trump and gender and race and sports and crime and Russia and carbon and Biden and the two (more like 5) tiered justice system and plastic bags and veganism and Trudeau and “refugees” and misinformation and fuckin’ sustainable fuckin’ coffee farming for fuck’s sake!
Enjoy your day of interweb hissy fits, suckers. Yay us!
We’re doomed.
It only costs 3 cents to print a 110 dollar bill and the rest of the world loves them,!Joe Biden American made 100 dollar bilks are quite strong compared to other currencies.
LOL! Mr H informed us:
Actually, with Bidenflation, that $110 bill ought to actually be an $87 bill.
It’s funny reading comments from the twisted mind of Elwood P Dowd. Doesn’t matter what happens it’s always Trump’s fault. All president trump wanted and all the people who March wanted was an honest audit of the suspicious election. You couldn’t do that cause you know you cheated and stolen election and if it was investigated you’d all go to prison. Therefore it’s much easier to send a bunch of dirt people into the gulag and drive them financially to ruin than it is to take responsibility for lying and stealing an election right in front of us. You make the Nazis look like the Red Cross.
You better hope trump doesn’t win in 2024. Cause the reckoning would be upon you!
By the way Dowd, if my black church is any indication the Democrats are in trouble even in the east. There is not one I will repeat that for you not one family in my church that will vote for Biden or the Democrats this election. That’s out of 156 families. That’s how much you lost by not going back and investigating the election and making sure that you were doing things fairly and honestly. And we are only one church out of thousands in America. We refuse to take the side of enemies of America. Amara also tired of being treated like niggers by the party that held us in chains and now is bringing in people to take our jobs. Screw button, screw you, and screw the whole Democrat party.
Mr White types:
And that’s the point. MAGAts want revenge for all the slights visited upon them over the years by those smug liberals. That uppity “half-breed” Ivy-leaguer Barack Hussein Obama with his arrogant disdain for “guns and religion”.
Trump said: I am your retribution!
Trump/Pence 2020 lost the election. Audits and recounts in AZ, GA and PA did not identify fraud.
It’s as admirable as it is unbelievable that Mr White has interrogated every voter in his church and finds not a single Biden or Democratic voter! Are you really claiming that Black American voters were so offended by Trump’s overwhelming loss in 2020 that they will vote for Trump in 2024?
In your opinion the Democratic Party are enemies of America. In my opinion the Trumpublican Party is the most dangerous domestic threat to America.
The unemployment rate (if one can trust the gubmint!!!) is 3.7%. The US economy requires workers if it is to continue to grow.
Offer still stands to buy you lunch in Camden my next visit. Donkey’s Place?
Best wishes…
Yes bubbeleh that is the point, but you’re still not getting it. We’re not interested in revenge, we’re not black lives matter. we are interested in being treated like American citizens participating in our Republic. We are interested and not having people like you saying we’re not smart enough to be able to get ID to vote just so that you can steal elections by handing out free ID’s to illegals. And then you’ll come back and tell us that’s not true just to prove you think we’re stupid again.
I want you to know that my interrogation of every voter in my church was strictly because I’m in charge of registering everyone as members or non members and to put down what their tithe is. It’s not hard to talk to people if you’re reasonable with them and don’t jump down their throats like you do all the time. By the way audits and recounts in AZ and PA did identify fraud but they were denied standing. You’re using legal trickery and political fraud to steal an election and then to cover up for it. Please stop lying. It makes you look bad and it makes me feel bad for arguing with a moron.
Now you’re doing to me what you do to everybody else here that is you’re putting forward that I said something that I didn’t. I didn’t say black American voters were offended I said the 156 families that I had the opportunity to speak with were pissed off enough to vote republican. How does that remotely represent “black American voters”?
In my opinion the Democrat now turned Communist Party are the enemies of not only America but the white race the black race Christianity Judaism capitalism freedom and every basic human rights listed in the constitution and the Bill of Rights. For some reason the Democrat party has decided that only certain people should have certain rights that includes the freedom of speech freedom of assembly freedom not to be censored freedom firearms etcetera. And also means that we are not getting equal justice under the law and it applies doubly to me as a black and a republican I couldn’t get a fair shake if my life depended on it in Washington DC or in New York now could I? And it’s not all those southern boys that are doing it it’s the northern whites the liberals in order to keep the aggravation and anger peaked in the black community. I see it all the time I’m sure you do too. I see it on TikTok I see it on the news I see it on YouTube I see it on TV shows. I see it everywhere that the Democrat party can drive a wedge between people be it straight people and queers be it white people and blacks are anything else they can separate and conquer.
The unemployment rate is 3 1/2 percent no way. The unemployment rate does not reflect the total number of adults without jobs. First of all every unemployed person on compensation then every person on welfare then every person on some sort of income that is unearned then the homeless are all unemployed. Unless those people are all counted which they are not we don’t have a true picture of unemployment. Just as we do not have a true picture of inflation if you exclude automobiles housing interest rates food clothing an energy. These are all things required by normal human beings to live and should be counted and inflation.
It is very kind of you to extend your hand to meet for lunch however you do not realize that I am crippled. It is very difficult for me to get around and I require special paratransit and all that stuff to do so. It’s a real pain in the ass. Plus when I do it it takes me two days to recover. I realized you did not know this because I have not mentioned it since it’s really not important to who I am it just limits my mobility. But I do thank you for the offer it could have been interesting to say the least. Thank you nonetheless.
It’s white Republicans who believed and believe Black Americans aren’t smart enough to vote in either their own self-interest or in America’s best interest. The Republican Party has long claimed that Democrats were fooling or tricking our Black brothers and sisters, essentially buying their votes with promises of welfare.
Republican voters (2022) were 85% white, 1% Black, 7% Hispanic, and 1-3% Asian or other.
Democratic voters (2022) were 64% white, 17% Black, 11% Hispanic, 4% Asian, 4% other.
Republican voters (2022) were 35% rural, 53% suburban, 11% urban.
Democratic voters (2022) were 16% rural, 57% suburban, 27% urban.
Democratic voters (2022) were slightly younger and slightly more educated than Republican voters.
Republican voters (2022) were 59% Protestant, 21% Catholic, 14% unaffiliated, 6% other.
Democratic voters (2022) were 33% Protestant, 17% Catholic, 39% unaffiliated, 10% other.
33% Republican voters (2022) were white evangelicals.
5% Democratic voters (2022) were white evangelicals.
Thanks Rimjob for proving once again that you have no credibility whatsoever only racially biased opinions.

Bwaha! Lolgf
The protestors were immediately arrested by ‘Joe Biden’s” police.
Teach you asked the question about whether they will be prosecuted, later when/if they are, will you be posting that result? If the question is important enough to be asked, it should be important enough to be a served. They were of course ” mostly peacefull” unlike Trump’s rioters who put 120+ police in the hospital
“I’m so worried about the ‘climate crisis’ that always ten years away-what shall I do?”
Throw red dust on the case holding the US Constitution! Brilliant!