…is an area drying out with Permanent Drought from climate change, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Victory Girls Blog, with a post on Palestinians getting to stay and get jobs (funny how no Arab nations want them).

…is an area drying out with Permanent Drought from climate change, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Victory Girls Blog, with a post on Palestinians getting to stay and get jobs (funny how no Arab nations want them).
Fat Fani getting lit up in court.

Love it.
Bwaha! LOLGF
Now Fat Fani gettin’ all ghetto bitchy.
Even the judge is getting fed up.
This is great!
You can take the girl outta the ghetto but…

Bwaha! Lolgf
It’s entertaining to watch a talented lawyer on the witness stand. Trump attorney, fat Ashleigh Merchant, had the case well in hand… until she (and her cronies) decided to cross the talented Ms Willis. LOL.
Ms Willis was angry at first but quickly realized the Trump Klan was outwitted. She chewed them up and spit them out. The judge kept telling the Trumpists to move along, already asked and answered. “You asked the question, allow the witness to answer.” And boy did she answer.
Worse they’ll have to sue Trump to get paid, LOL.
D.A. Willis’ attorneys decided not to even rebut the Trumpists today, not requesting Willis return to the stand. There was nothing left to do, the destruction of the fat Trump lawyer being so complete.
That said, there is no jury for this case, and the judge could very well kick D.A. Willis off the case, which may well be the right thing to do, with the appearance of conflicts of interest so damning here. The objective in all these cases is delay, delay, delay. Even when District Attorney Willis is booted, the case will likely continue.
Who are you kidding, fat ass?
Fat Fani went ghetto bitch on Merchant until the judge told her to behave herself.
Why didn’t Fat Fani show up today? Probably because she couldn’t undo the damage she already inflicted on herself.
Keep lying to yourself, Rimjob, because nobody’s buying it here.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Vladimir “On His Game” Putin killed Russian dissident Alexei Navalny yesterday. He had been poisoned with the Russian nerve agent, novachok, in 2018 but survived. Afterward he was imprisoned by Putin and was in a Siberian prison camp. Navalny was 47.
Putin imprisoned Wall Street Journal reporter, Evan Gershkovich, who is still being held.
American Paul Whelan was arrested by Putin for espionage in Dec 2018 and is still in prison there.
We already knew that Vladimir Vladimirovich isn’t a nice guy, but so what? That doesn’t mean we should go to war with Russia over it.
Donald Trump isn’t a nice guy. Putin is a dictator and assassin, with a murderously bad case of short man syndrome.
It does mean it’s in our national interest and NATO’s to stop Putin in Ukraine.
Unlike Belarus, Ukraine does NOT wish to be under Putin’s thumb.
Putin has asserted that he is not taking Ukrainian territory but is “returning” The Ukraine region to historic Russia. Like Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland and eastern Poland? Once America allows Putin to take Ukraine, what do we do if Putin makes border incursions into Estonia?
America and NATO can stop Putin in Ukraine, exhausting the Russian military. Mr Dana and other isolationists recommend that the west surrender to Putin ’cause nukes. But this is a concern with every nuclear-armed nation. What if Kim “reunites” with South Korea? What if a future nuclear Iran gets “frisky”?
On the other hand, Zelensky ain’t such a nice dictator either.

Like Putin, he supports another dictator Brandon too.
Bwaha! Lolgf
you always do this and that’s when you lose the argument. Private Dana nor anyone else here has a recommended we “surrender” to Putin. In fact you’re the only person here who has used the word surrender. You can make a perfectly rational argument without lying to try and make your enemy look worse than he is in your eyes. It only makes you look stupid.
I don’t think Dana is an isolationist and I know I’m not. But what I perceive is neither Dana nor I see the value of getting in a nuclear war over the Ukraine. tell me honestly (if you can) Are you ready to go to nuclear war over Ukraine?
Then to further muddy the waters to try and make your erroneous argument you start throwing in countries like Lithuania and Latvia and Estonia and Finland and using hypothetical what ifs if Putin does this and what if Putin does that. Fact is all Putin wants is an assurance that the Ukraine will not join NATO that’s all he ever wanted. If you don’t know that by now then you’re not following the the game. Even Trump who you say is a moron knows that. Which is why in all honesty trump can say that there would be no war in the Ukraine if you guys hadn’t stolen the election. Cause that trump won in 2020 he would have turned around the Putin and said we guarantee Ukraine will not be in NATO. Think how many lives that would be saved!
The distinguished Mr Dowd wrote:
We have no choice but to “allow” Russia to defeat Ukraine, unless we are willing to send American/NATO ground troops into Ukraine to fight the Russians. Are you willing to do that?
But, to more specifically answer your question, Estonia, being a member of NATO — Ukraine is not and never was — we would be obligated to define ourselves as being at war with Russia. The question is: does that really make sense?
The North Atlantic Treaty was signed in April of 1948, when there were ‘buffer states’ between the USSR and western Europe, and our best guesstimates were that the Soviets were five to ten years away from developing nuclear weapons.
The USSR detonated its first atomic bomb in August of 1948. So much for those best guesstimates!
West Germany was the furthest east member of NATO, while East Germany and Poland stood between the USSR and NATO. Estonia, which is the smallest of the Baltic States, roughly the size of New Hampshire and Vermont, was part of the USSR.
Now that NATO has metastasized north and east, it has to be asked: are we really willing to declare war on nuclear-armed Russia over Estonia? I don’t know, perhaps you are, but I am not. There is no winning a strategic nuclear war!
NATO was supposed to deter the Soviets from engaging in a huge, land invasion of western Europe, with all sorts of estimates based on numbers of tanks and troops pouring through the Fulda Gap. Well, now we’ve seen that the Russians aren’t all that capable of mounting a conquering invasion of just Ukraine. They’ll win, eventually, because it has become a war of attrition, and Russia has thrice Ukraine’s resources and manpower, but the war has exposed just how poorly the Russians do in invading others. You might reference the Winter War to see how well the USSR did against tiny Finland, a war they won only by a huge mass of troops once the Finns basically repelled the Soviets’ initial forces.
Fortunately, only Russia and China have nuclear arsenals which are strong enough to destroy the United States; North Korea does not, and Iran does not yet have any nuclear weapons, nor the means to deliver them if they did. Neither could completely destroy the US, though they might be able to take out some Democrat-run and Democrat-voting major cities. Doing so, however, would be the end of them, and they know it.
My hope would be that Israel would take care of Iran’s nuclear ambitions, something they’ve managed to frustrate at several points.
Mr Dana asserts:
That is certainly one opinion.
Mr L.G. states:
Nor does anyone else. On the other hand we cannot “surrender” Western ideals to Putin just because he’s mentally ill bully with nukes. So is Kim. So is Supreme Leader Khameini. Should being a nuclear power give a nation carte blanche regarding foreign affairs? Even amoral acts such as attacking peaceful neighbor without provocation?
If Kim invaded South Korea, would you support our Korean allies or would we slink away as Kim has nukes? What if Netanyahu calculates Israel needs more real estate and invades Jordan? Would/should the US register protest?
No doubt Mr Dana would rejoice at Honolulu, LA, NYC, Philly, Lexington, St. Louis, Seattle, Boston, Dallas and other urban areas being destroyed by nukes.
Curiously Mr Dana, who feels that Russia cannot be defeated, supports his argument by describing how poorly Russia has performed in the past, calling the current war one of attrition, while calling on the west to remove support! Perhaps lobby China, North Korea, India and Iran to stop backing Russia with supplies.
The invasion of Ukraine and the resulting turmoil is a result of Putin’s hubris and miscalculations.
More Google history from Rimjob.
Opinions Vs Facts

Bwaha! Lolgf
Our medicine man from Missouri wrote:
And it is the correct one!
Russia made a huge mistake in invading just as the spring mud time (rasputitsa) was starting, which slowed down the advance, and gave Ukraine a chance to marshal its forces, but let’s tell the truth here: despite all of the aid we have provided Ukraine, the war has been pretty much of a stalemate since then, with neither side able to advance more than a few miles.
Marshal Joffre was unavailable for comment.
So, how much more do you believe we could give Ukraine that would enable the country to defeat Russia?
The cement man from Kentucky’s opinion is that his previous opinion is “correct”!
It COULD be a lucky guess.
from a recent Estonian white paper:
The West can abandon Ukraine, surrendering to brutal Putin, out of cowardice, fear, fatigue or for a combination of reasons.
Putin is sure to win if the US and NATO permit it.
Are you saying a country doesn’t have a right to imprison people who break their laws? That’s the way we operate in America that’s why it’s like the Wild West here. I would have taken him out and shot him if he was a spy just like we should do here.
The ultra-violent L.G. condones Putin murdering political opponents!
Putin arrests and jails Americans to be used as bargaining chips. He has Russians who criticize him murdered – Magnisky, Politkovskaya, Estemirova, Baburova, Markelov, Lesin, Shchekochikhin, etc.
Brandon arrested thousands of people who disagreed with him and left them in jail some for up to 18 months without trial.

If only Rimjob had as much empathy for his fellow Americans.
kindly point to where I condoned murdering political opponents. I said they should have a right to execute spies and I will repeat it nations have a right to execute spies. We should execute spies here. What is your problem big guy? Why do you keep putting words in my mouth and ignoring what I’m saying?
I’d like to know how you know that he has Russians who criticize him murdered? Are you on the inner circle did they tell you this themselves or maybe some of our very dependable CIA people told you right they don’t lie do they? Stop being a buffoon for every story that comes down the road that follows your narrative. Think for yourself once in a while instead of following what CNN says. Try looking at some things logically like how can you overthrow a government with 300 old people that are unarmed especially when the guy you’re claiming was trying to overthrow the government was still president of that government and would be for another two weeks. You don’t think bubbeleh like you don’t think.
Please Google: Magnisky, Politkovskaya, Estemirova, Baburova, Markelov, Lesin, Shchekochikhin, etc.
The murdered Alexei Navalny was no spy. He was a popular critic of Putin. He once opposed Putin in an election.
Putin rarely openly murders foreigners he accuses of spying; he locks them up hoping for concessions or a trade.
It’s interesting that Putin didn’t have the beautiful Nadya Tolokonnikova and her group Pussy Riot executed, instead giving them only 2 years in a Russian prison (he released them in the lead up to the 2014 Winter Olympics – a clear propaganda win for Russia) They were guilty “hooliganism” related to the Russian Orthodox Church. It’s likely that he spared them for being well-known internationally, being young females and the times – just before the Sochi Olympics.
Why do you defend Putin? Because Trump does?
Maybe should start referring to Rimjob as Googlinsky.

Strong argument there, MyLilStalker!
Maybe we should start referring to MyLilStalker as “Cornholeo”.