Well, seriously, why should anyone work hard when the president created the problem and he works 30 hours a week and tends to take most weekends off?
Biden administration failed to vet adults housing migrant children, federal watchdog says
The Biden administration struggled to properly vet and monitor the homes where they placed a surge of migrant children who arrived at the U.S.-Mexico border in 2021, according to a federal watchdog report released Thursday.
The Department of Health and Human Services is required to screen adults who volunteer to take in children arriving in the country without parents. But the analysis concluded that the department failed to prove it ran basic safety checks — like address or criminal background checks — on some adults who took in children. In about a third of the cases reviewed by the federal watchdog, the agency did not have legible documentation for the adults on file.
Well, we don’t really have proper checks and documentation on a goodly chunk of the illegals, either
The federal health agency responded to the report by saying it has improved the process and the report only shows a limited window into how the agency handled cases “during an unprecedented influx.” HHS said it has also added new training for its employees handling migrant children.
What caused that influx? And will anyone actually say “my bad”? Across multople articles no one is really admitting that they messed up, just that things were tough and we’re going to better, team! Jazz Hands!
The report comes as President Joe Biden is facing intense pressure around his immigration policies. Since he took office, the administration has grappled with millions of migrants traveling to the border and faced scrutiny over how it handles children who arrive in the U.S. without parents. HHS, in particular, has been criticized for releasing those kids too quickly from government shelters, discharging them to adults who have allowed them to be exploited by major companies for cheap, dangerous, and illegal labor.
Companies, huh? How about to individuals who exploit them. By the way, where are their parents? Why are they making long, dangerous treks alone? What would have enticed them to do this?
“Protecting children must remain paramount,” said Jennie Murray, President and CEO of the National Immigration Forum in a statement. “HHS and the Biden administration more broadly must take these findings seriously and do everything in their power to ensure that children are safe.”
Murray said Congress, in addition to providing oversight, should provide resources to make sure agencies can properly screen sponsors and protect the children in their care.
How about this: we disincentivize people coming to the U.S. illegally, and sending their children on long, dangerous journeys? Perhaps it’s time to stop the trafficking of children for whatever political gain Biden is trying to get by leaving the border mostly open. Seriously, it’s supposedly about 85,000 unaccompanied minors since Biden took office. Where are they all?