…is an area turning to drought from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on Israel blowing up two Iranian gas pipelines.
PS: I gotta say, while I do enjoy the lovely ladies, I find what they do for the photos to be rather silly. Go out somewhere, put on a top that is too small, do the hair and makeup, it’s probably very early morning (angle of the Sun), all for a few selfies. Such is social media life these days.

OHHHH NOOO!!!! another mostly peaceful tourist arrested for simply firing a gun outside the Capital on Jan 6 while insurrecting, much like our beloved founding fathers did. I think that bring total (so far!) up to 7 who were armed at the insurrection/rally/tourist shindig.
Feb 10, 2024
Ryan J Reilly
WOW! a whole seven???? Add another 2000 and you might have an insurrection. Just so you know firing a gun into the air is not overthrowing a government you stupid shit brain. Haven’t you ever seen people firing guns in the air on New Year’s Eve? I have hundreds of times was it an insurrection stupid? Should we put him in prison for 11 years you hostile anti American commie?
I feel bad for those nitwits who believed and believed in then-president Trump on and around Jan 6.
Since 3 November 2020, their “Leader” had been telling them daily that their President had been illegally dethroned by those evil communists. Day in, day out for two months the heard the election had been stolen from them!
The far-right media showed negroes in Detroit, Philadelphia and Atlanta, and Mexicans in Phoenix unloading trailer loads of fake ballots, passing digital media hardware and destroying Trump votes!! Trump was ahead and the he lost!! Proof!
Big Donnie pleaded for his shock troops to come to DC on Jan 6, coincidentally (?) on the exact day and time that Vice President Pence was to perform his Constitutionally-required duty to certify the votes. On Jan 6, he exhorted the assembled mob, “this election was stolen from you, from me, from the country,” and declared that he won “in a landslide.” At 2:24 PM, during the violent storming of the Capitol, then-president Trump tweetered: “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done.” “Hang Mike Pence”, the mob screamed. The wackiest of Trump’s lawyers, John Eastman, had convinced the then-president that the Vice President could reject the certification, sending the election back to the states where Trump would be awarded the victory. Eastman is fighting in court to retain his law license.
For weeks after November 3, behind the scenes, a gaggle of Trump attorneys and political operatives were working to get state level Republicans to somehow reverse the votes in their states – GA, AZ, PA, MI. Then-president Trump even called GA officials pleading for them to find him just 11,780 votes! Recounts and audits in the battleground states did not break in favor of Trump. When Speaker Pelosi and VP Pence reconvened Congress hours after the Capitol storming, the vote was certified. Trump lost.
Probably voted for Brandon.
I lived my earlier days in country like that. Never once did I see some silly twit out wandering around in the weeds, cactus, horned toads and snakes in a bikini, obviously with a photographer. This particular twit seems unhappy about having to put her feet down in all that itchy and sticky dead vegetation. She should go back to the gym she spends so much time in… there’s plenty of bros – I think they call themselves “bras” now? – that can more than give her the attention she desires. The only things she needs to worry about stepping on at the gym is those magic blue pills all dem dere admirers take.
Talking heads mistakenly think the penalties levied against Big Donnie, which are over half a BILLION dollars will hurt him, LOL. They forget about the PACs, Putin banks and the Saudi Sovereign Fund. And legal!
Big Donnie could work with his buddy, Russian mobster Felix Sater, to build a Trump Tower Moscow. Who cares if Trump Inc gets overpaid a few hundred MILLION extra? Sater was sued for laundering money through Trump properties and those suits have yet to be settled.
You seem to know an awful lot of unsubstantiated rumors about Trump and his finances. You are not capable nor are you educated enough to understand the financial crimes of that which you speak. Neither are 99.9% of the lawyers and judges involved.
And it’s not that a half a billion dollars will hurt trump that I have a problem with. I have a problem with the entire idea of individual political operatives using the law both criminal and civil to harm an individual even when that wasn’t running for president.
If trump were the democratic nominee for president would you still be for all this stuff? Try and be honest for a change because we all know you wouldn’t be you’d be screaming your ass off then it’s a political witch hunt and you’d be right!!!!
It’s a disgrace that we are allowing a subset of the Democrat party to turn this country into a Banana Republic. I never thought for one instant that we would allow minor legal and government operatives to use the law to harm or manipulate their opposite party.
Of course I never thought I’d live to see the day that a protest especially a protest at the seat of power when we rebranded has an insurrection so that they can arrest 1100 American citizens and scare the rest of us away from ever having a protest again.
What do you think will happen when the people have Trump rallies this year? Ya think the left will send in cops and start riots? I do.
You seem to know an awful lot of unsubstantiated rumors about Trump and his finances.
Rimjob thinks he knows a lot about everything.
That’s why it’s so enjoyable mocking him.
Mr Teach, criticizing a picture that HE posted:
They are models and it’s advertising to get payers to their porn site.
Hey dipshit, it’s his blog.
You should be grateful he allows you to post the shit that you do.
BTW how’s that Galera (GRTX) stock doing?
Sorry, MyLilStalker, I can’t understand you with his dick in your mouth.
In tyhe meantime, the very lovely Rachel Dolezal, she of fake blackness, changed her name to Nkechi Diallo, got herself a $19-an-hour after-school instructor at the Catalina Foothills Unified School District in Tucson in August of 2023, but is once again unemployed after school officials were alerted to her Only Fans account.
I’m not sure just how many subscribers she had!
Only in NY could there be a victimless crime where no injury occurs nor any unlawful act was committed according to statute and the judge still finds the defendant guilty.

Ohh that could happen in other places other than New York. Any place run by crooked Democrats that could take place but only if the defendant were Republican. Let’s face it you can’t trust Democrats with anything they corrupt everything they touch. It seems lately they’re all crooked, grifters, liars, sheets, and perverts. They’ll do anything to win from pulling fire alarms, to paying their sexual lovers, to stacking a jury. It’s like watching the fall Rome with these people. They will keep going until they’ve plundered everything that exists.
from the Babylon Bee:
Get your Biden Sneaks!! Support your President!! Be the First to Own $399 Biden Golden Sneakers!!
Do they come with the shoe laces tied together so they can stumble around like Brandon?
Nice try-and he also said protest peacefully and patriotically, and asked for more guards before hand. Just like the French Revolution!
Why is Vladodonald Putin hiding Mr Navalny’s body??
Tiny Putin is a thug, murderer and coward.
Chicken Little Man
Who do they think they have killed…. Jeffrey Epstein????