…is a horrible dog using up Earth’s resources and causing boiling, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on Christian gospel as hate crime in the UK.
It’s a cleaning out the folder kind of week.

…is a horrible dog using up Earth’s resources and causing boiling, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on Christian gospel as hate crime in the UK.
It’s a cleaning out the folder kind of week.
This was in the UK. Is it against the law in the UK to harass LGBTQ individuals? Is it a hate crime?
A person lodged a complaint with the police that they were harassed on the street. The officers were shown trying to have a conversation with the accused, asking for his name and address, so the could conduct an investigation. The guy was being an asshole, rather than cooperating.
No where was it revealed what the accused had said. End of story.
The Moonbat states: “certainly Christianity is “homophobic” in that like the other Abrahamic religions it strictly forbids the homosexual behavior social engineers so relentlessly promote. This probably explains liberal devotion to the revolting LGBT agenda.”
Kinda, partly true. Many branches of Judaism condone same-sex marriage and also ordain homosexual ministers. This also applies to many branches of Christianity. Even some Muslim branches accept homosexuality.
Fundamentalists in all Abrahamic religions largely forbid LGBTQ behavior. Here in the good ol’ US of A, the first amendment forbids religious discrimination.
The religious have a long history of trying to force their tenets on societies at large.
The non religious, the atheist, and the secularist in America consistency tried to force their tenants on society and they have been successful please you should know Elwood. teaching religion any religion in school is illegal but teaching secularism which is of course its own religion is not. Tell me all about forcing their tenants period
So you’re saying the lack of religion is a religion. Brilliant. And getting fewer votes is actually winning an election.
The Supreme Court has ruled that you can’t force religion on kids in public schools as it violates the 1st Amendment. But you can at home and church.
that’s not what I’m saying moron. What I’m saying is that you’re teaching secularism as a religion. Therefore it has become a religion.
and getting fewer votes as compared to the winner who got stolen votes is a victory cause you stole the election. Liar, traitor.
the Supreme Court has been wrong on a lot of rulings and just like Roe V wade it is not the federal government’s business to be in education therefore running the schools is none of their business therefore religion could be taught there because the government shouldn’t be there. First you communists subvert the law then you eliminate the things that are good so that they abide by the twisted law.
You know as well as I do that education is not an enumerated power given to the federal government in the constitution. Therefore it should be the domain of the States and the people, And not be affected by the teaching of religion or anything or anything else. The mere fact that you are interested in allowing the Department of Education to be created and continue operating shows you have zero respect for the constitution. You sat by an idly aloud an entire department to be created in conflict with what the constitution says and means. But that makes sense since you’re a traitor. You do anything to weaken America.
It’s just like when you were all high and mighty over Roe V wade except that there’s nothing in the constitution giving that authority to the federal government. So the law itself was illegal and unconstitutional. But that was OK with you because the Lord did what you wanted it to do. Just like stealing our elections OK as long as it’s Democrats stealing. Just like taking bribes is OK as long as it’s Democrats taking bribes. Just like stacking a jury and bringing your own judges OK as long as Democrats doing it because you are a corrupt communist pig. Thank you for your time
Actually, it’s the job of the Supreme Court, not you, to determine what is and is not Constitutional.
There is NO evidence that the election was stolen.
Who’s taking bribes that has your panties in a twist?
Do you have examples of stacked juries and “our own judges”? Recall Trump appointed more judges than anyone!!
The far-right needs to sue the Departments of Education, Energy, EPA, HHS, NCI, CDC and dozens more, to allow the Supreme Court to determine if they are Constitutional. In fact, like you, I’m surprised they’ve allowed so many thousands of unConstitutional government functions and actions!!
Communist traitors, liars, pigs and morons argue that the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment allows the feds to enforce some rules on state level public school systems, e.g., racial and religious discrimination. Is it your position that public schools should be able to discriminate against non-whites and non-Christians? How about LGBTQ students? Kids with disabilities? Is it unConstitutional for the feds to give money to poor states (e.g., AR, NM, AL, MS, LA, OK, KY etc) to be used for their public educational and pre-school systems?
The Constitution has no mention of a federal system of highways. Social Security (Helvering v. Davis, 301 U.S. 619 (1937)), and Medicare (General Welfare) are not mentioned but have not been effectively challenged! And how is Medicaid Constitutional? Federal food programs?
Chicken Little Man
The guy was being an asshole, rather than cooperating.
Our constitution gives us the right to not cooperate. So you don’t believe in our constitution?
A perfectly Leftie position.
Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift each donated $100,000 to the fund for the victims of the Kansas City mass shooting.
The UK does not have the same laws as the US and the described interaction took place in London.
But even in the US, depending in the state, a person stopped briefly and reasonably suspected of a crime is expected to identify themself or risk arrest, at least according to the Supreme Court in Hiibel v. Sixth Judicial District Court of Nevada, 542 U.S. 177.
American conservatives believe that Black Americans should always say “Yes, Sir” and “No, Sir” and to follow every order given them by an officer, at the risk of getting tuned up.
Another “gem” of a factoid made up by none other than the bigoted racist himself, Rimjob:
It doesn’t get any dumber than that.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Even Politico can no longer ignore the Biden crime family.
‘The Whole Thing Was A Scam’: Jim Biden Used His Powerful Brother’s Name To Promote Failed Health Company

Bwaha! Lolgf
Tonight that greatest of Americans, John Oliver, offered Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas a $2.1 million motor coach and $1 million a year for the rest of Thomas’s life if the corrupt Justice will sign a contract in the next 30 days agreeing to resign.
This is a new paradigm for getting some of these shitheads out. Bezos, Gates, Soros, L Jobs, Bloomberg, Taylor Swift, Oprah, Jay-Z and Beyonce, etc can make these folks instant multimillionaires. They could pay Big Donnie’s bills in return for him dropping out.
Wow-resign because he strictly follows the Constitution. Brilliant, Mr. Oliver
The concern for Justice Thomas is his acceptance of millions of dollars from billionaires. Certainly you knew this.
Mrs Thomas also was one of the leaders of the Stop the Steal conspiracy and her husband still ruled on related cases!!
Justice Thomas has proven he can be bought. Why not “buy” him for the good of America?
Whose concern would that be?
Rimjob again trying to smear another conservative black man while ignoring the Biden criminal family bribery activities.
You should be ashamed.

Bwaha! Lolgf
So is Mr. Oliver going to be prosecuted for attempting to bribe a Supreme Court Justice?
How the hell does someone get soo ignorant as Elwood?
You do understand if this were true he’d be in prison.
Prove it. Funny how you get when you think it’s our side that cheated. Sadly you’re a liar.
Really? Show me the “proof”. Liar.
Known “gifts” to the Thomas family:
at least 38 vacations,
voyage on a yacht around the Bahamas,
26 private jet flights,
eight flights by helicopter,
a dozen VIP passes to sporting events,
stays at luxury resorts in Florida and Jamaica,
loan forgiven on luxury motor coach (~ $250,000),
standing invitation to an uber-exclusive golf club,
tuition for his nephew,
purchase of his mother’s house.
Thomas appears to have broken the law by failing to disclose flights, cruises and sports tickets.
The largesse is from the likes of Wayne Huizenga, Harlan Crow, Tony Novelly and David Sokol. All these uber-wealthy became Justice Thomas’s friends AFTER his appointment to the court, LOL.
Thomas’s wife, Ginni, who makes 6 figures from the Heritage Foundation, was in text contact with Trump Chief of Staff Mark Meadows after the 2020 election in which she claimed the election was “obvious fraud” and “release the Kraken and save us from the left taking America down.” She attended the Jan 6, Stop the Steal rally.
Justice Thomas should have but did not recuse himself from cases related to the election.
Mr Oliver will gift the good Justice a $2.1 million motor coach, and pay him $1 million per year for life, if Justice Thomas will just step down. The offer is good for the next 30 days. Then President Biden can appoint an honest Justice. Note: Mr Oliver’s day job must pay VERY well!
Certainly you have evidence that Justice Thomas’s vote was swayed by the alleged gifts?
Funny-I see no evidence of him straying from his strict reading of the Constitution..
Chicken Little Man
and reasonably suspected of a crime
And what crime?
During the confrontation, which was filmed outside the Pavilions shopping centre on Uxbridge High Street in west London, an officer insists that he needs the preacher’s name and address for allegations of a hate crime, specifically homophobic behaviour and racism.
And the particulars?
The “hate crime” apparently consisted of preaching the gospel.
The Constitution has no mention of a federal system of highways. Social Security (Helvering v. Davis, 301 U.S. 619 (1937)), and Medicare (General Welfare) are not mentioned but have not been effectively challenged! And how is Medicaid Constitutional? Federal food programs?
US Constitution Article 1 Section 8: and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States;