…is a wonderful low carbon sailboat, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is No Tricks Zone, with a post on big solar farms unable to withstand nature.

…is a wonderful low carbon sailboat, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is No Tricks Zone, with a post on big solar farms unable to withstand nature.
Trump seemed almost embarrassed to be peddling his new Trump Golden Sneakers to make ends meet.
A Russian oligarch paid $9000 for a signed pair!!
He also released a new cologne!!
He owes E. Jean Carroll $83 million, and NY $355 million + accumulating interest. $50 million+ in legal fees.
He has a GoFundMe page to help out.
Victory47 cologne ($99) is described:
So orange and leather? apropos…
Not to be outdone, Hillary Clinton releases new line of cement shoes, with just enough cement to sink straight to the bottom of the sea! BB
So much for Trump not being able to do business in New York anymore. lol. I imagine there’s sneakers in that Cologne will be sold all over the place. That should make him a few 100 million more.
Trump to doesn’t have to pay Carol anything nor the state of New York anything until after his appeals are settled. And after that I doubt he’ll do anything to anybody. The horror is a verifiable horror a nut case and a liar who has accused several other people of the same thing and New York State obviously cannot collect hundreds of billions of dollars out of hate instead of out of actual losses. Or do you think that just because his name is Donald Trump he should be forced to do these things? Is that how you run your country commie pig?
Aren’t any of you Democrats honest enough to play a straight fair game? Don’t any of you have a conscience, a base of morality, or even at iota of grace? I guess the answer to that is no because from the obviously corrupt people who levied all those find to people like you and the peanut gallery rooting for it there is not an honest face among the Democrats. And now you know why we are absolutely positive you didn’t win the election and there was no so cold insurrection. Cause all you left is still is lie for your own benefit. It’s a damn disgrace.
Trump shouldn’t have any problems. He received over 74 million votes in 2020 and he’s even more popular now. Ten dollars from each of you would cover his obligations to Carroll, NY and cover his lawyers fees. $740 million!! It’s so little to ask after all he’s done for you. In fact, I suspect all of you could afford $10 a month or $120/year. That’s nearly $9 BILLION for The Don! There is power in numbers.
A former district judge, Barbara Jones, has been the monitor of the Trump Organization for the New York state courts since 2022, and now has “total oversight of the real-estate conglomerate”.
Note that if Mr Trump’s appeals fail he is not only on the hook for the original amount but also for interest on the debts. Perhaps his sons will be more careful with the “books” now. Anyway, if he’s lucky maybe he can appeal all the way to the Supreme Court where his buddies can bail him out.
The laws apply to Mr Trump too. Do you believe that the dozens of women who have accused The Don of assault are lying? Do you believe he might have grabbed even one woman “by the pussy”?
Trump owes another $110,000 for refusing to comply with a subpoena in the civil fraud case and $15,000 for repeatedly disparaging the judge’s law clerk. He was ordered to pay nearly $400,000 in legal fees to The New York Times after suing the newspaper unsuccessfully. He is currently appealing a judgment of $938,000 against him and his attorney for filing what a judge described as a “frivolous” lawsuit against Hillary Clinton.
Trump is a damn disgrace.
Chicken Little Man
You discourage me. Why? Because you are so stupid you cannot see that this will lose on appeal. In the meantime, investors will leave New York. No one will invest new money in a state where someone is punished when the victim says there was no crime.
Here. Listen to the future.
Ol’ Chicken Shit,
We’ll see if it’s reversed on appeal. Maybe his $355 million will be reduced.
If other real estate fraudsters leave NY for FL and TX, that’s a good thing, right?
It’s always good advice to not cheat and defraud others. We can only hope others will learn from this.
Kevin O’Leary is not even an American but is a combo UAE/Canadian/Irish citizen!! He’s now afraid to invest in NY. Good.
Rimjob: It’s always good advice to not cheat and defraud others.
If only Rimjob and his co-conspirators at Galera (GRTX) had followed that advice maybe they would have saved investors over $50M.

But no. They pissed away that money and had nothing to show for it and still don’t.
Bwaha! Lolgfy
MyLilStalker and I agree! For example, at Leith Honda of Raleigh NC…
A used car salesperson at Leith Honda in Raleigh NC cheating someone out of a few grand doesn’t compare to Trump cheating his Trump U students out of $25 million, or his lenders out of $355 million, or American taxpayers our of hundreds of millions, but that’s just Donald. Used car sales is is a moral cesspool where the sales sharks see their customers as marks.
Exactly who did he defraud? For how much? He cheated no one he defrauded no one there is no one who has lost any money and these phony charges are just that politically motivated phony charges and you people should be ashamed at what you’re doing to the law in this country. But why would you care? They’re operating the same way every communist nation does. It doesn’t matter we’re guilty or innocent it only matters if you’re a member of “the party”.
Do you realize all of the important things that Donald Trump has done for New York City in his lifetime? Has any of his detractors done even half that much? How many jobs has he supplied, how much taxes has he paid, how has he affected the skyline? Have you ever read of the acts of generosity kindness and charity Donald Trump has performed? I’m sure you have it but you should look it up sometime you should give it away more in one year than you have in your entire life.
Your envy is noted and the hatred out of your filthy demonic soul caused by that envy is also noted. You are a hateful shit.
In 2022, the Trump Organization was convicted of tax fraud and fined $1.6 million in an unrelated criminal case for helping executives dodge taxes on extravagant perks such as Manhattan apartments and luxury cars.
Trump was ordered to pay $2 million to an array of charities as a fine and the charity, the Trump Foundation, was shut down.
On Thursday, a judge confirmed Trump’s hush-money trial will start March 25. This one is about a payment that former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen made to Stormy Daniels to prevent her from publicly speaking ahead of the 2016 election about a sexual encounter she had with Trump a decade earlier – which Trump denies happened. Cohen set up a company to make the payments and he was reimbursed by Trump. Cohen went to prison over this and has taped telephone calls with Mr Trump discussing the payoffs.
Do you understand that Donald J. Trump is like a mob boss in charge of the Trump Crime Family?
Trump Inc was making illegal, under the table payments to the Trump CFO, Allen Weisselberg and his son Barry. Trump Inc paid for their luxury apartments for 10 years and $0.5 million in school tuition – all tax free! The senior Weisselberg went to prison for his part and was fined $2 million. Trump Inc was fined $1.6 million for tax fraud. Barry was not prosecuted. Barry’s wife Jennifer (now ex-) testified about the illegal payments, was kicked out of her rent-controlled apartment (owned by a Trump crony), had her children taken away and is now homeless. The first time she met The Donald was as Barry’s fiancee at Allen Weisselberg’s house. She said Donald hit on her.
If your argument is that all rich people do this, you may be right. But not everyone gets caught.
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