She’s not quite saying that Israel doesn’t have a right to defend itself, but, twist herself into a pretzel in an attempt to appease her unhinged Israel and Jew hating supporters, who also take the side of US State Department designated terrorist organization Hamas
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul apologized for recent remarks in which she said Israel “has a right to defend itself,” while making what she later called an “inappropriate analogy” about Canada invading Buffalo, New York.
“Call out Hamas for what it is, and it is a terrorist organization that must be stopped. No one, no country should live with that threat, that specter over them,” Hochul said Thursday during a speech at the United Jewish Appeal-Federation of New York, according to video shared on X.
“And for those that don’t understand this dynamic here in our own state, in our own country, I’ll give you an example,” she said. “I’m from Buffalo, anybody realize that? If Canada someday ever attacked Buffalo, I’m sorry my friends, there would be no Canada the next day. Right? I love Canada, but we did have the War of 1812, and they did burn Buffalo… so there might be a little conflict here. But think about that. That is a natural reaction. You have a right to defend yourself and to make sure it never happens again. And that is Israel’s right.”
Well, yeah, especially when Canadian terrorists rape, torture, and behead women, children, and babies. When they intentionally attack civilians.
Hochul later walked back her comments amid online backlash, apologizing in a statement to the New York Times on Friday. The governor claimed that she made an “inappropriate analogy” at the Jewish philanthropic event in New York City and apologized for her “poor choice of words.”
“While I have been clear in my support of Israel’s right to self-defense, I have also repeatedly said and continue to believe that Palestinian civilian casualties should be avoided and that more humanitarian aid must go to the people of Gaza,” she told the Times.
I wonder how many donations were rescinded or never made because she’s equivocating to the side of the people who support a terrorist organization which has a stated purpose to destroy Israel and kill Jews? But, she has to pander to her unhinged Democratic base
The apology comes after New York State Assemblyman Zohran Kwame Mamdani criticized the governor in a post on X.
“Governor Hochul justifying genocide, while laughing. Disgusting,” Mamdani wrote, reacting to the clip of her speech at the annual United Jewish Appeal-Federation Lawyers Division event at the Pierre Hotel
Would you be surprised that Mamdani is the son of a Marxist academic and a Muslim? And a member of the hardcore Democratic Socialists? Someone should ask him point straight whether Israel has a right to exist. Scrolling back through his Twitter feed everyone is about support of the terrorist Palestinians and critical of Israel. Hochul made a good analogy.

Said Hochul: “While I have been clear in my support of Israel’s right to self-defense, I have also repeatedly said and continue to believe that Palestinian civilian casualties should be avoided and that more humanitarian aid must go to the people of Gaza.”
Some on the American far-right believe that ALL Gazans, not just Hamas, must pay the ultimate price for the brutality of the the Hamas attack.
Some with their heads up their asses, including Rimjob and this awful governor, not only lack all understanding of the nature of the conflict in that part of the world, but lack all understanding of the nature of war.
Yet they feel the need to stupidly mouth off and parade their ignorance just the same.
If she had a dick, she’d step on it.
This causes me to wonder what sort of person bothers to read the X posts of a governor.
How dare she have a different opinion than the Hamas apologists..
Chicken Little Man
Some on the American far-right believe that ALL Gazans, not just Hamas, must pay the ultimate price for the brutality of the the Hamas attack.
Unfortunately Hamas has been in control and have, and continue to do so, used civilian infrastructure as well as the actual people in their attacks on Israel.
That must stop.
Will some innocent people be killed? Yes. Just as some were killed in Germany, Japan, etc.
War is truly hell.
Germany and Japan learned their lesson. It is sad but true that Muslim hatred of the West, Jews in particular, have not yet learned their’s. Israel should continue teaching.