If only we had appropriated even more money to fund Ukraine’s social security system, pay their bureaucrats, and keep their businesses open, while other Ukrainians take nice vacations
The Kremlin today threatened to fire nuclear missiles on London, Washington, Berlin and Kyiv if Russia is forced to give up the Ukrainian territory it has invaded.
Dmitry Medvedev – a close Putin ally who served as president from 2008 to 2012 – said if a military defeat led to a return to the 1991 frontiers, when the Soviet Union collapsed, Moscow would unleash Armageddon.
‘Attempts to return Russia to the borders of 1991 will lead to only one thing,’ he said. ‘Towards a global war with Western countries using the entire strategic arsenal of our state. In Kyiv, Berlin, London, Washington.’
Hypersonic nuclear missiles would also strike ‘all other beautiful historical places that have long been included in the flight targets of our nuclear triad’.
He added: ‘Will we have the courage to do this if the disappearance of a thousand-year-old country, our great Motherland, is at stake, and the sacrifices made by the people of Russia over the centuries will be in vain? The answer is obvious.’
Well, let’s be honest, there’s little chance of Ukraine booting Russia out, no matter how many arms and weapons NATO ships to Ukraine. They haven’t helped them win yet. At best, it’s a stalemate. And really none of our business. What do we get if Ukraine wins? What do lose if Russia wins? Remember those F-16s Biden was sending them? The pilots should be ready by May. All four of them. All those tanks we sent? Well, they finally arrived last Fall. And should be on the battlefield anytime soon. Ukraine is forcing men 18-60 into service and not allowing them to leave the country. Zelensky has pretty much cancelled the presidential elections for 2024. The graft is still strong, and the government is attacking Christians. Neo-Nazis are all over the place.
So, what’s the U.S. getting out of this? Other than a chance for WWIII?

Well, let’s be honest.
Why do you think these two guys are smiling?
It’s pretty much an empty threat, because such would mean the end of Russia, but it depends on just how Russia would be forced to surrender territory. If the Ukrainians could actually push Russian forces out of Ukraine, on their own, it wouldn’t happen. But if the US and NATO sent ground troops to directly fight Russians, that would be a different matter entirely.
The ex-president of Russia threatens they will nuke London, DC, Berlin and Kyiv unless the West stops opposing Putin’s brutal and unprovoked invasion of Ukraine!!
Will Putin walk back Medvedev’s threat??
Wouldn’t Russia make the same threat if NATO responded to Russia expanding their borders to include Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Moldova, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, the “Stans”…
Mr Teach may not know this, but Ukraine is under martial law a result of the invasion by Russia led by Vlad Putin. There have been some 30,000 Ukrainian civilian casualties since the start of the invasion. These are mostly Christians! So who’s attacking Christians? Read on…
Ukraine HAS cracked down on Russian loyalists in Ukraine, but understand that Ukraine is 85% Christian (72% Eastern Orthodox). Four percent (4%) are loyal to the Moscow Patriarchate. So to say that Ukraine is “attacking” Christians is dishonest, isn’t it?
Putin has falsely claimed that the Ukrainian government were neo-Nazis and announced that one of his goals was the “de-Nazification of Ukraine”. The Russians described the Ukrainian populace as being “at least passive Nazis”. Fortunately, these lies have not caught on beyond the far-right.
Putin/Trump supporters continue to promote Putin’s lies. But why?? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
Another overly long worthless C&P propaganda piece from the Rimjob. TL;DNR.
Rimjob looking for attention.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Another worthless, uninformative POS from the torturer of puppies.
You could have your mommy read it to you,
but we can summarize: Teach is just repeating Putin_Trump lies. And we included the receipts. You?
Upset much, fatso?
How’s that Galera (GRTX) stock doing?

Bwaha! Lolgfy
MyLilStalker makes another strong argument!!
Why didn’t your Dom, Teach, mention that Ukraine is MORE Christian than the US and that only 4% of Ukrainian Christians are loyal to the Moscow Patriarchate? Should Ukraine not keep an eye on Russians in Ukraine still loyal to Putin??
You need to step up your stalkerism. Even L.G./Pedo the Commie claimed he had access to my credit card info and was going to post it and even go after my grown children if I didn’t stop criticizing Teach. He was going to contact his government colleagues in my area and have them do something.
So Galera’s doing that well after pissing away over $50M in less than 4 years.
Couldn’t find any more suckers to buy into a cancer drug that didn’t actually work, hey Rimjob?
Some might call that a fraudulent misrepresentation.

There’s a saying “ Mind your own business “ stay out of it & what you have NO innerstanding about! The United States Of ukraine forced sanctions & helped Russia become even stronger, whilst filling & laundering tax payer money back themselves under the guise of aid… The world is awake to political bullshit it’s GOD’s time NOW!!!
ALL pedo’s & traffickers in high places will be escorted to GITMO especially that queer lying prick zalensky
& whilst claus & his slapperble face penetrate-Z cabinets GOD is exposing them for the world to see & yet they exposed themselves via STUPIDITY, gloating & symbolism & let me tell ya… You can’t fix Stupid, take a look at greta!! Rather than 15min cities I’d love to slap his mask for 15mins straight!!!
This evil has been going on for centuries if-not thousands of yrs & this dictated version of life couldn’t be more obvious for the world to see…
It’s time people woke up from the nightmare or be shocked back into reality… The GOOD outweighs there ugly & it’s unfolding before our eyes.
Be at the ready to help out those who who cannot see…
GOD speed
Once again your devil’s mouth lies, lies, lies. Will you ever tell the truth when you talk about someone else or are you compelled by some evil demon inside you to constantly lie just to make yourself look good or to make the other look bad?
I never said I was going to post your credit card information nor did I say I was going after your grown children. What I said was if I chose to I could. You do understand the difference between the two do you not? And the reason I chose not to was because I didn’t wanna put Teach in the middle of a problem involving doxing etcetera. I have no regard nor respect for you and I haven’t for a long time. Once I realized you were willing to say anything to hurt your opponent even lie constantly I realize I was up against a malevolent force and an evil human being. And you just proved it again with your previous statement, a lie.
I told you what is the reason for the fake war, which is the continuation of the great reset launched with the fake pandemic: the strongly desired by them and highly undesirable by the majority of people (I hope they are the majority), a transition to a new technological order.
an more
But, don’t worry, continue to deal with the common between mainstream and alt-media, a fog for optimizing transition through minds control.
*Did Medvedev say that recently? Because it sounds exactly the same as what he keeps saying. There are hundreds and perhaps thousands exactly the same statements. No wonder, it is only one, the same statement, that they publish from time to time to occupy the minds of citizens around the world (including Russians), while accelerating the transition to the new technological order. :D
I have other favorite things about Medvedev (whom Russians with at least one eye and two grams of brain call the “dirty globalist shit”, who in 2020 and 2021 repeated as a small mutt the whole narrative of the great reset. And he’s a top guy on Russia’s security council, isn’t that good?). For a (very small) example:
“Brain-Computer Interface Awaits President Medvedev”
A puzzle assembled by the “power of thought” in the news of Channel 1 of Russian TV on November 25, 2009 (21:00). The development was presented at an exhibition timed to coincide with the meeting of the Commission for Technical Development, which was held at Moscow State University by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. At the heart of this development of the Human Brain Study Group (http://brain.bio.msu.ru/; Faculty of Biology of Lomonosov Moscow State University) is a high-performance brain-computer interface (BCI), created on the basis of the group’s scientific research. The IMC puzzle was presented by the head of the group Prof. A.Y. Kaplan, members of the group, students Ivan Basyul and Ilya Ganin.
Note. In the voice-over:
“Science fiction is becoming a reality thanks to the development of biophysicists* at Moscow State University. Special sensors pick up brain impulses and convert them into computer commands.”
– there is a small mistake: the IMC puzzle, controlled by the “power of thought”, was developed not by biophysicists, but by physiologists (at the Department of Human and Animal Physiology of the Faculty of Biology).”
“(http :// kremlin .ru/acts/bank/33514)
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 899 dated 07.07.2011
On approval of priority directions for the development of science, technology and technology in the Russian Federation and the list of critical technologies of the Russian Federation
Entered into force on July 7, 2011
Nanosystems industry.
Life sciences.
Biocatalytic, biosynthetic and biosensor technologies.
Biomedical and veterinary technologies.
Genomic, proteomic and postgenomic technologies.
Cellular technologies.
Computer modeling of nanomaterials, nanodevices and nanotechnologies.
Nano-, bio-, information, cognitive technologies.
Bioengineering technologies…”
But, of course, as I was surprised to find, the conservative audience tends to agree to almost everything on the globalist demoncratic agenda, as long as Trump offers it to them. So it is very likely that exactly he will chip and genetically modify them; But it is be different from the nasty Democrats because it will be a “chip for good” from a patriot. ;)
LG Brando
Fuck your broken promises & empty threats that’s exactly what I’d expect from the farrrrr left
Wotta pussy cat
& as for your credit card dumb dumb you’ve been loaned debt
1 + 1
Not really “Russia” making this threat. Just one Russian. Medvedev is not currently a member of the Russian government and has no official authority to speak for the Russian people.