They don’t mention it specifically, but, it is your fault. After being told California was in permanent drought
‘Extremely rare event:’ Satellite images show lake formed in famously dry Death Valley
Kayakers and nature lovers are flocking to Death Valley National Park in California to enjoy something exceedingly rare at one of the driest places in the United States: Water.
A temporary lake has bubbled up in the park’s Badwater Basin, which lies 282 feet below sea level. What is typically a dry salt flat at the bottom of Death Valley has for months been teeming with water after record rains and flooding have battered eastern California since August.
In the past six months, a deluge of storms bringing record amounts of rain led to the lake’s formation at the park ? one of the hottest, driest and lowest-elevation places in North America, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.
Satellite images from NASA show how the lake formed in August in the aftermath of Hurricane Hilary. Though it gradually shrank, it persisted throughout the fall and winter before it was filled back up by another strong Californian storm earlier this month, known as an atmospheric river.
And we all know that the atmospheric rivers are due to you driving a fossil fueled vehicle and eating meat.
This is been forming since July
(ABC News) At its peak, Lake Manly once held up to 700 feet of water. Currently, at about 6 miles long, 3 miles wide and 1 foot deep, the temporary lake in Badwater Basin is deep enough to kayak in, a “rare opportunity,” Wines said in a statement on Friday.
Lake Manly was a lake back during the last glacial age.
The last time the lake filled up was in 2005. Back then, it took about a week after it formed to dry up and had not filled up, Wines said.
So, this does happen periodically.
So far, it’s only a few randos directly blaming this on you
As California is bombarded with more rain & headed for a 2nd straight winter of record precipitation (including snow), just years after they told us Global Warning/Climate Change was causing permanent drought, here are the “devastating” impacts on Death Valley BEFORE this storm…
— John Ziegler (@Zigmanfreud) February 19, 2024

Good news for Californians. They have another couple of years of drinking water no matter how much of it the California government dumps into the bay.
Trump in interview:
Trump is a form of putin.
This is good it gives you two people to hate in each comment. Saves time. Cause you know Trump who you people are trying to throw off the ballot, throw in prison, fine until he’s broke, take his business, is like Putin but you guys are like Mother Teresa. Alright
you have a complete mental disconnect with reality you walk around operating like Nazis and call everybody else and Nazi especially guys trying to defend themselves.
“Destroy Trump Bill of Attainder.” It should concern us all because the same can happen to any of us—no matter what Kathy Hochul says—because the Left’s acts of lawfare against Trump disregard law, make a mockery of our rights and affect us all as they constitute willful government violations of:
• Our First Amendment right to freedom of speech and of the press
• Our Fifth Amendment right not to be deprived of liberty or property without due process of law
• Our Fifth Amendment right not to have property taken away from us except for a pubic use with just compensation being paid
• Our Eighth Amendment right not to be made to pay an excessive fine
• The Article IV, Section 2 right as a citizen of Florida (or of other States) to do make and enforce contracts in New York on the same terms as are New Yorkers
• Our Fourteenth Amendment right to be free to pursue an occupation without unnecessary and burdensome regulation
In other words, if lawfare is permitted to stand, this is our future:
L.G. claims Mr Trump’s Constitutional rights have been violated:
• First Amendment right to freedom of speech and of the press: Mr Trump can say and write anything he desires. If he is accused of the crime of defamation it can end up in court.
• Fifth Amendment right not to be deprived of liberty or property without due process of law: He’s a free man and has not been detained. He has been ordered to pay multiple times as restitutions for those he’s harmed. $25 million for the defrauded Trump U students. $1.6 million for tax fraud. $5 million to Ms Carroll for defamation. $83 million to Ms Carroll for defamation. $355 million for fraudulent business practices. Cops, judges and juries are human. If a black punk calls a cop a “fvckig pig” do you agree he will likely receive and deserve a beating? What if the punk has a legal pistol? The same when a defendant refuses to respect the courts. And all with due process of law.
• Our Eighth Amendment right not to be made to pay an excessive fine: He can appeal and make his case that the settlements are excessive. N.B. – Besides actual damages, a defendant can be hit with punitive damages in hopes the defendant will cease his illegal behaviors. Mr Trump could have saved 10s of millions by not defaming Ms Carroll. But bullshit and insults is his “brand”.
• The Article IV, Section 2 right as a citizen of Florida (or of other States) to do make and enforce contracts in New York on the same terms as are New Yorkers: Mr Trump’s elite attorneys can appeal the punishment not to conduct business in New York, so he can continue his corrupt business practices there. At least no one knelt on Mr Trump’s ample neck and kill him.
• Fourteenth Amendment right to be free to pursue an occupation without unnecessary and burdensome regulation: “Burdensome regulation” is a relative term. Mr Trump’s elite representation can challenge the Constitutionality of requiring businesses keep accurate records and to not hide income.
Bwaha! Lolgfy
You needn’t jump into your usual BS and write down everything that you can think of. Ohh you have done this stated that you wanna change the meaning of the constitution which is OK because you could probably steal another election and get to do that but trump stands between you and being able to shred the constitution completely being the communist bastard you are so that’s that. I do enjoy you sitting there listening every one of the amendments that you seem to think that make a difference to me and to trump. Especially since you interpreted them your way not the way they’ve been interpreted by the vast majority of people in America for the last 200 plus years.
By pointing out that I am correct at least lets me know that you’re not really for the corruption you’re just going along cause that’s what your party wants. I can understand that we can see how your party reacts to anyone who disagrees with it they 100% go into destruction totally. The guy’s running for president Elwood not dictator.
You talk about the 5th amendment and yet no one was defrauded! I’m not gonna go through all your belligerent and incorrect statements because you will naturally side with the communists who said against trump just like you would sit with the communists who sat against anybody in a court. You’re the perfect idiot helper. You wouldn’t dare disagree.
The very idea that you took the sign to sit there and write those ridiculous answers to each one of the amendments shows how committed you are to the destruction of the constitution. Trump wasn’t proven guilty of anything not one single thing. He was appointed guilty by a kangaroo court and you know it.
You are truly an evil person and the fact that you would go after a man like him because you hate him not because he actually did anything illegal is proof of that. You are the quisling of quislings. The dupe of the day. And you don’t even have enough sense to read what you wrote and see how stupid it is. But it was fun to watch a dedicated communist argue against decency now go fuck yourself.
My mantra has been “Most of what conservatives believe to be true, is not.” You’re the exemplar.
Donald has not done anything illegal? It is to laugh.
Can you explain what a communist is? Your Dear Leader has declared that the United States is a communist nation.
“Most of what the trumpenproletariat believe to be true, is not”.
Rimjob’s Trump hatred is so extreme and unhinged he doesn’t even bother to read the article headline. He just marches in and shits all over the floor.
L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! types:
You don’t hate Vladimir Putin? Why the heck not? Do you hate Kim Jung-un? Iran’s Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Hosseini Khamenei? Do you hate Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Ilhan Omar (D-MI) or Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY)?