????#BREAKING: A U.S. Military aircraft is tracking a unidentified high-altitude balloon flying over the Western part of the United States
????#UnitedStates | #USA
Currently, a U.S. military aircraft is tracking an unidentified high-altitude balloon flying over the western part of… pic.twitter.com/7qelsYbVhE
— R A W S A L E R T S (@rawsalerts) February 23, 2024
Thankfully, the military, despite apparently knowing nothing about it, has deemed it to be no threat
(NY Post) A high-altitude balloon of unknown origin is being tracked by the US government, according to a report.
The balloon is currently flying over the Western regions of the country, US officials told CBS News.
Military aircraft have determined that it is not a threat, according to the outlet, but the purpose of the balloon is unclear.
Regardless of whether a threat or not, it should have been blown up the minute it crossed into U.S. territory.

Hell, I’m surprised they stopped at Not a Threat.
I can’t believe they didn’t just go ahead and say
Safe and Effective..
Mr Teach types:
Chicken Little Man
Are you really so dumb as to not understand that you don’t let anything intrude into your country without permission?
Oh. Wait. You believe in open borders.
BTW – Is it okay if I stand outside your home’s windows and peak in?
Because, dear child, it’s not one of ours. By definition, its purpose is unknown. What are the odds it’s there on our behalf?
You REALLY are naïve, aren’t you?
What if the balloon is filled with the latest Chinese virus? Or polonium? Ricin? What if it’s a US balloon?
How do we know that the millions of migratory geese, ducks and cranes (and hundreds of other birds) from Canada, and ominously birds that cross the Pacific Ocean to the US aren’t carrying Chinese contraband? Minicameras? Maybe even mechanical birds!! Moose, deer, bears, mountain lions, lynx, wolves and wolverines cross the Canada-US border ignoring our laws and international borders. If you want to contaminate the US with a virus use an animal to send it.
Some 50 million!! visitors from foreign countries enter the US every year!!! Few by balloon.
Chickenshit Head: Yes, you can come look in our windows. drowningpuppies will no doubt happily re-supply our home address. Keep in mind, we keep rifles, shotguns (my fave) and pistols, and Missouri law will not guarantee your safety. If I blow your head off with 12g 3″mag 00 buck, I just tell the local gendarmes I feared for my life. In Missouri the cops will likely add a couple rounds to your chest for good measure, unless you’re black, then you get 15-20 rounds.
Soooo, we should trust you guys (and the congenitally dishonest Trump) over the United States government? No thanks.
OMG !!
WE ARE ALL GONNA DIE !!Teach if it was a spy balloon shouldn’t we instead observe and try to learn as much as possible what it actually was doing, attempt to see what if anything it was learning and transmitting? Generally when a human spy is discovered he is not immediately arrested but is observed in the hopes of learning more about what he is looking and how he operates.
You really are that simple, aren’t you?
Military officials are worried that this type of threat, perhaps not this balloon but China is studying how the USA reacts to this type of event to make plants that could involve a low-yield nuclear device at high altitude that could knock out communications over 1/2 of the country. A prelude to an attack on Taiwan or the EU.
Oh wait….the left will claim that Putin could never attack the EU and hope to win……correct…yet that is the talking point of the left about why we don’t want them to win in Ukraine.
China is preparing for war with Taiwan. Everyone in the military believes it so. Right now China is undergoing a stock market crash, a real estate collapse, and a huge blowback from Covid. They are getting desperate and the balloon is most likely coming from China.
Even more serious is the USA has cringed at the thought of a dirty bomb exploding in NYC or Washington DC. Now imagine if you will an EMP set off by IRAN or ISIS or whoever would rejoice at the carnage a balloon delivered small yield nuke would inflict to the US economy.
Setting off an EMP using a high-altitude balloon might ultimately create such havoc in the USA that the only response for the USA would be to set off an Identical EMP over CHINA and RUSSIA in response…ensuring global escalation.
So you wanted a WHY? There you go.
So you want to shoot down a nuclear device? OK…
Shoot first, clean up the mess later.
Do you think the US military has more information than do you?
DOWD: No doubt you clearly understand the probing strategy by militaries. Hence the Saul Alinsky strategy of ridiculing a person’s post with a strawman argument which I did not imply or infer.
The idea is clearly to find out what the USA will do about a balloon traveling across the United States.
As I pointed out Dowd: China is studying how the USA reacts to this type of event to make plants(sp PLANS) that could involve a low-yield nuclear device at high altitude that could knock out communications over 1/2 of the country. A prelude to an attack on Taiwan or the EU.
NOWHERE did I say shoot down the balloon over American soil? Nowhere did I say WHAT the USA’s response should be since that is exactly what China, IRAN, or ISIS is most likely studying with MYSTERIOUS BALLONS.
It is the Military’s responsibility to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. The Military has to protect the USA from all enemies both foreign and domestic. There are many things the US military can do and this balloon was first discovered over the ocean heading toward the USA.
And by default DOWD Remind me exactly what you’re thinking if in fact, this BALLOON is carrying a nuclear device, why it is not in the best interests of the USA to shoot it down. Do you think a bad actor would just fly a dirty or nuclear device around the world for fun with no plans to detonate it?
I am glad or at least hope you are not sitting on the defense departments or NDI council of advisors. If so then I can certainly understand why we keep letting these devices fly over US soil with little to no action by the USA.
Incidentally, a nuclear bomb destroyed by a missile will not detonate. Just an FYI….if it did them the USA would emp itself by shooting down any North Korean, IRAN, iSIS, or Chinese missile heading towards our soil. Sadly, I have to respond to this attempt at Saul Alinsky’s tactics for others to fully understand the implications of letting mysterious objects fly willy-nilly over our country with no action by our military.
If you believe the Biden administration…
National Emergency is over!!
When they find the hobbyist, what should they do to him?
why are you always asking other people questions that you yourself do not answer?
At what point is a baby a human being and should be eligible for all the rights of being such?
If your granddaughter is raped by a man who claims to be a woman was she really raped at all?
Should college tuition loans for the wealthy be refunded by creepy Joe?
Should Donald Trump define $350 million for doing what everybody does with the valuation of real estate? When no people were harmed when nobody was scammed and no institution inflicted with costs? Basically just hurt the man you hate do you think that’s the proper use of the law? Do you consider that justice?
It is useless to get real responses from our liberal trolls. H is John so I refer to him in that manner, but he really has no idea about anything, just throwing out headlines. Don’t waste your time.
They checked it out and it was just an un used rubber
Thank God that balloon emergency is over, I was so stressed out !Spy balloons are so creepy,
would you be this cocky if that balloon was releasing anthrax as it flew across the country? It doesn’t take a big explosion to kill a lot of people you know.
That is interesting watching you get fake stressed-out over a balloon that might have been a real problem while you’re actually stressed out over climate change that you can’t do a damn thing about. You are one mentally confused psychopath just like your low IQ brethren from St. Louis.
Hey, I resemble that remark!!
Shooting down a balloon filled with anthrax, the latest Chinese virus or ricin should be more hazardous.
You probably want it shot down over California!
Just shows how you think. Kill Americans that don’t agree. Wow!