Gallup Poll Shows Biden’s “My Economy Is Great” Talking Points Failing

The other day Quinnipiac had Biden at 42% approve 55% disapprove on the economy. Those were nice numbers

Who are the 38% who approve of him overall, and 36% who approve on the economy? Must be those who are profiting off of other people’s misery. From the link

Americans’ approval of President Joe Biden’s job performance has edged down three percentage points to 38%, just one point shy of his all-time low and well below the 50% threshold that has typically led to reelection for incumbents.

In addition, Biden registers subpar approval ratings for his handling of five key issues facing the U.S., including a new low of 28% for immigration and readings ranging from 30% to 40% for the situation in the Middle East between Israel and Hamas, foreign affairs, the economy and the situation in Ukraine.

Obviously, Democrats are going to give Brandon high marks and Republicans are going to trash him. What about Independents

Meanwhile, Biden has gained some ground among independents on the economy (+6 points to 30%). Still, their ratings on this and other issues are weak — ranging from 23% for the Middle East situation to 34% for the Ukraine situation.

They also have Brandon at 32% for overall approval. The question here is, can Trump avoid snatching defeat from victory? He has an obvious chance to hammer Brandon on the economy, immigration, foreign affairs, and the Middle East. Can he do it properly, without going Category 5 Trump? Can he do it in a way that brings Independents over? Even some squishy Dems? Where he can entice those with Trump Derangement Syndrome to hold their noses and vote for him? He could go out and say “look, you don’t like me personally, but, policy wise, we agree. You don’t have to like me, you just have to give the chance to do the things in government you want me to do.”

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4 Responses to “Gallup Poll Shows Biden’s “My Economy Is Great” Talking Points Failing”

  1. Doom and Gloom says:

    Some Democrats in Congress are mulling whether to vote against certifying the results of this year’s presidential election should former President Donald Trump, the front-runner for the Republican nomination, prevail.


    • Subotai Bahadur says:

      If the Democrats refuse to certify a Trump election, especially after certifying the stolen election in 2020; the legitimacy of any resulting government under the Constitution will be gone as will the Social Contract holding our society together. That would probably lead to what my ancestors called “interesting times”, which would be settled ultimately by historical means.

  2. Dana says:

    The same thing happened in 2016, as the Democrats were using statistics to claim that the economy was great, but the voters just couldn’t feel it, didn’t really believe it, and Hillary Clinton was given the opportunity to remain a private citizen.

  3. Ima Fubar says:

    Anyone who has been shopping lately and just looking around will see people with lists and very little in their carts unless its some whopping sale item. Cars especially electric even with govt incentives are selling, housing is slowing down with over 6% mortgage rates and my bank isnt screaming at me over great CD rates to take advantage of.
    I see restuarants half full, for hire signs all over the place and basically people, me included, just buying less and buying smartly.
    Gas prices are slowly going up and I see no end in sight. I dont see how young people are getting by?

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