Unfortunately, where do these companies go? It’s not like a company moving from a leftist state like NY to a business friendly one like South Carolina
Small manufacturers forced to answer 300 questions on net zero
Small manufacturers are being forced to fill out 300-question spreadsheets on their eco-credentials as part of a net zero drive by big business.
Some companies have had to take on new staff to complete paperwork being sent to them because of this new burden, while others are being asked to sign up to strict audits that ensure they follow green guidelines.
The demands are being driven by regulatory changes expected to come in next year which require large businesses to measure and disclose their “scope 3” carbon emissions, a definition that includes indirect as well as direct pollution caused by an organisation.
In many cases, sustainability advisors are being hired by multinationals to collect information from suppliers and are sending each one a long questionnaire to fill out.
It comes on top of already-onerous paperwork related to western sanctions on Russia and post-Brexit checks.
Cambridge-based Goodfellow, which employs around 100 people, said it now had six full-time staff to handle compliance issues such as green regulations, sanctions and Brexit issues.
How much money and time are companies having to waste on this ESG/climate cult stuff? And having to deal with employees who are probably True Believers and all their climate cult rants?
He added: “We heard the other day from an accreditation company that effectively registers companies as being ESG-compliant, which was working with one of our customers.
“As a result, we got a spreadsheet to fill in with 342 lines of things that they wanted to know. Considering we have 6,000 customers, if every customer sends us that it will be unworkable.
“It is just crazy. And of course, particularly for small businesses, it is going to impact productivity.”
Sounds fun!

how much? Just enough to put him out of business so that the big time guys can step in and buy them up cheap. That’s how leftists keep the money flowing from regular people to the rich. Tax us, regulate us, wrap us up in red tape and dig a hole to drop us in. I think it’s called build back better.
The only thing that Biden is built back better so far are the dachas being built in the Ukraine for the people getting our money.
Dealt will the permit process for many years. Toward the end of my career, in almost every case, the “Authority Having Jurisdiction” was full of people that had zero frame of reference regarding any engineering or development of any kind, no understanding of the real world, just an Urban Planning degree with ink as wet as they were behind the ears. These dopes considered it their job to deny, deny, deny. A submitted plan could follow every regulation to a tee but granting permits for development was still usually a last resort reserved for applicants that had the resources to spend years on the process and would modify their plans based upon the ridiculous, over-reaching and often illegal, whims of the members of the AHJ. At times only then, when the Board, Municipality, District or State were threatened with lawsuits. Many developers simply packed up and left to conduct business somewhere else, losing me work. I’ve been retired for years now but I am certain it’s just gotten worse and if this nonsense is any indication, we’re all in big trouble.
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