But, don’t call this a layoff
The City of Denver is trying to avoid the word “layoffs” when it comes to impending budget cuts. So instead, they’re telling some hourly on-call employees they may have their hours reduced to zero.
“The reduction in hours of operation and programs will affect the number of hours worked by many on-call, some to the point where they may not receive any hours,” a statement from Denver Parks and Recreation Director Jolon Clark read in-part. “The final decisions on hours for any individual position have not been made yet.”
They’re not calling it layoffs, but it definitely sounds like some people may not have jobs anymore.
Denver Parks and Rec told 9NEWS everyone from front desk workers to coaches to lifeguards are all considered “on-call employees” that could be impacted by these cuts.
So, Denver went from furloughing these same jobs during COVID shutdowns to now doing it because of all the illegal aliens in their sanctuary city.
The department is working to cut $4.3 million to help the city pay for the migrant crisis. Mayor Mike Johnston said Monday it hasn’t been decided which jobs will have their hours cut and by how much.
“We have not made any final decisions on cuts other than the ones that we announced already,” Johnston said. “All of our departments, all of our agencies, we’re going to have to find a way to prioritize.”
Who’s fault is this? Point an arrow directly to the White House. Or, a beach house in Delaware. Depends on the day.
“These direct impacts on DMV do not involve layoffs, nor do Parks and Rec involve layoffs of our current employees,” Johnston said on Fe. 9. “We will have hourly workers that will have fewer hours. If we reduce your hours and you’re an on-call worker, that’s true. We will have on-call workers that we won’t hire for the summer that we will have hired otherwise. This does reduce new hires that we would’ve brought on.”
Aren’t you glad you voted for this, Democrats? And you did vote for it. You voted for your tax money to go to illegal aliens. All of you having your hours cut as low as zero, along with see some jobs disappear, you happy? Isn’t it great being forced to practice what you preach? Y’all looking forward to reduced hours and services at city parks and such? Because that’s the next logical action.
The mayor also hinted Monday that the city will be reducing the services offered to newly arriving migrants this week, though he didn’t offer any specifics. Johnston has said the city is $180 million short on its budget because of the money migrants arriving to Colorado have cost the city.
Remember when Democrats said illegals generate revenue, not cost it?
Elsewhere in Sanctuary City NY
Canarsie Brooklyn NY
During a Town Hall Meeting the @NYCMayor states that NYC needs to modify the Sanctuary city law so if some migrants who commit felonies should be tuned over to ICE and be deported.
???? @LeeroyPress
For licensing email viralnewsnyc@gmail.com pic.twitter.com/yrBlTySAsj— Viral News NYC (@ViralNewsNYC) February 27, 2024

Real Americans losing hours, perhaps down to zero, because the dummkopf from Delaware undid President Trump’s restrictions, which had significantly slowed the illegal invasion.
Denver is another of those idiotic ‘sanctuary cities,’ with residents voting reliably Democratic. Wonder if they realized that they are being sodomized by their own votes.
Reading comments by people like Elwood and H and watching the news would lead me to believe that people just don’t care anymore if they’re being sodomized by their own votes. If they did the Democrat party would disappear or at least stop acting like the Communist Party.
There is a certain element in the United states that has been so thoroughly brainwashed that they cannot conceive that the problems we face today are because of the decisions they made yesterday.
What problems do we face today?
Taking care of our American descendants. How do we secure a safe and productive future for them? We adults are doing a shitty job of securing their future, aren’t we?
Reproductive rights? Protect right to contraception. Clarify abortion rights. Protect IVF.
Certainly, the political meltdowns in Central and South America which sent refugees north over the past decade. Congress had the opportunity to address this but Trump told Lil Mikie Johnson “NO!”.
Violent crime? Sure, always. But crime is MUCH lower now than in the peak around 1990.
Debt? Yes. We need to balance tax receipts with expenditures.
Totally dysfunctional Congress? Oy vey.
Invasion of Ukraine? US should maintain the support of NATO and Ukraine.
Israel? Keep pushing a two state solution for a Palestinian homeland.
Gap in income/wealth of rich and poor? Improve tax system, expand benefits.
Social media? Discourage in a free society? Good luck.
Global warming? No easy answers.
As usual, you’re dodging and weaving and completely full of shit.
There is no serious threat to contraception. You can always suggest people fuck responsibly, and live with the consequences of their own stupidity, don’t know why that’s always missing…
Political meltdowns in Central and South America are because their elected (har) leaders followed the Democrat party platform. Either way, their problems are not my concern and their citizens should stay put and fix them, not invade my goddamn country.
Of course Crime is lower than 1990. Way to shift the fucking goalposts. How about since St. George of Fentanyl?
Debt? The government needs to live within its means. IT’s just looting the treasury five generations out now.
Ukraine? How about “not our circus, not our monkeys.” Or at the very least, not stupidly provoke other major nations?
Israel? Stand aside and let them take care of business. There’s no such thing as a “Palestinian homeland.”
Income gap? How about stop downward pressure on wages through unrestricted immigration? How about stop taxing EVERYBODY so goddamn much?
Global warming? Isn’t a problem. Stop bitching about it.
Ya see, Rimjob?

Brother John easily answered all your um, “questions” and it wasn’t that hard at all.