Monthly Archives: February 2024

Quiet News: Sanctuary State New York Giving Illegals Welfare

Well, most Democrat voters should have no problem with spending their tax money on illegals rather than downtrodden Americans, right? All those who are downtrodden, well, they voted for this…well, they actually voted for it to happen Somewhere Else…so, they should have no complaints Thousands of migrants in NY quietly collecting ‘welfare’ through Hochul rule […]

We’re Saved: Hundreds Jump Into Darned Cold Water

Nothing says “we’re doomed from a small increase in the world’s average temperature since 1850” like jumping in cold water Hundreds jump into the Potomac River to raise awareness about climate change Jumping into a cold 42 degree Potomac River at the National Harbor takes a certain type of mindset. A mindset that thinks about […]

If All You See…

…are pine trees dying from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Diogenes’ Middle Finger, with a post on a radio station on pause because something was stolen.

NY Times: Hey, It Was Just A Verbal Slip When He Misidentified “President Of Mexico”

The politics section of the NY Times looks a lot like the opinion section (free at Yahoo) Eight Words and a Verbal Slip Put Biden’s Age Back at the Center of 2024 When President Joe Biden appeared at a last-minute news conference Thursday night, he hoped to assure the country of his mental acuity hours […]

Atlantic Ocean Totally Nearing Tipping Point Or Something

We can fix this with a tax. And your freedom and life choices Atlantic Ocean circulation nearing ‘devastating’ tipping point, study finds The circulation of the Atlantic Ocean is heading towards a tipping point that is “bad news for the climate system and humanity”, a study has found. The scientists behind the research said they […]

Denver To Cut Hours On Parks And Recreation, DMV To Pay For Illegals

Hey, you know how supporters of unfettered illegal immigration say that it costs nothing, that, in fact, the U.S. gains money from illegals? Denver recreation centers, DMV offices are first to cut back hours to help pay for migrant crisis Denver Motor Vehicle offices will close for a week at a time on a rotating […]

Democrats Upset Biden Was Allowed To Speak “Late At Night”

This is delicious “One House Democrat … wondered why the president's staff allowed him to hold a press conference — then field reporters' shouted questions "that late at night after a full day," instead of this morning, when he'd be "fresh." — Josh Kraushaar (@JoshKraushaar) February 9, 2024 From the link For years now, President […]

If All You See…

…is horrible extreme amounts of heatsnow, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Cold Fury, with a post on the 1st Amendment being dead like the rest.

NY Democrats Get Tough On Immigration Or Something

I’m quite confident that they will offer some excellent ideas on securing the border and discouraging people from coming illegally, right? New York Democrats finally get aggressive in border fight Democrats in New York are finally going on the attack over border security and crime — just in time to test the strategy in the […]

Your Behavior Must Be Changed To Stop Hotcoldwetdry

It’s strange: one would think that Warmists would voluntarily change their behavior, not have Certain People within the Cult of Climsastrology find ways to force that change. If they really believe Addressing climate change with behavioral science: A global intervention tournament in 63 countries Abstract Effectively reducing climate change requires marked, global behavior change. However, […]

Pirate's Cove