These folks are acting all tough and happy to insult people, and learn about consequences
BREAKING: we just called Joe Manchin a sick fuck. We humiliated him in front of a herd of Harvard elites. He squared up. We held firm. Barbaric murderer, hideous fiend, he torches humanity and laughs.
— Climate Defiance (@ClimateDefiance) March 1, 2024
Held firm? Dude went flying out the door. It looked like Joe was going to lay the little beta-male out till the other guy, I assume Joe’s security, intervened, then threw him out.
Meanwhile, just about everything they’re wearing has a link to fossil fuels. Eyeglass, shirts, shoes, jackets, dumbass masks, and so forth. And their smartphones, which are also shipped typically from China on fossil fueled ships and made with child and slave labor. These folks are going to get in the face of the wrong person one day.

Manchin is obviously a fool and a crook, but these people are morons with the brains of goldfish. As much as I hate elected officials generally, there are few things I like better than disruptive little turds being yeeted out the door.
A problem I have is if I call Manchin a crook I gotta call them all a crook. And almost all of them are. That’s the difference between us and the Democrats we can realize and admit that some Republicans are crooks too just like some Democrats but the Democrats can’t admit it because they think they’re Mother Teresa.
Mr Beast Video – I Survived 7 Days In An Abandoned City
Senator Manchin is a crook but not a fool.
In 1987 as a low level WV lawmaker, he hooked up with the builders of a coal-fired power plant and arranged to be the sole supplier of the low-quality coal they burned. He arranged to receive a cut of the electric bills of his constituents!! In return Big Joe arranged pollution waivers, rate increases and tax credits.
Joe’s company, Enersystems Inc, has one customer, the power plant. Enersystems is run by Joe Manchin IV, who coincidentally happens to be the Senator’s son, and made $491,949 in 2020. Manchin’s coal is called GOB, an acronym for “garbage of bituminous,” and is waste coal but just good enough for a coal fired power plant.
Monongohela Power (Mon Power) serves some 400,000 WV customers and have an exclusive contract with Manchin to supply all their GOB through 2036. So far this has cost WVians an extra $117 million! The power plant passed through several corporations owning pieces – Sumitomo, NRG, Edison – all owned some of AmBit the name for the power plant owner. These huge energy companies, through a series of holding companies, as well the the Manchin family were making money off West Virginians’ electric bills! All legal, too.
Senator Manchin single-handedly stopped the Biden climate initiative.
He is a perfect example how the American system has been engineered to serve the wealthy like the Manchin family and all the other executives at places like Edison, AmBit, Mon Power, NRG and Somitomo – trasferring money from working class Americans into the pockets of the already rich. And let’s be frank, Manchin is a piker compared to so many more.
Though I doubt he meant to do so, the distinguished Mr Dowd proved Senator Manchin to be a decent guy:
For that, he deserves all of the accolades and praise we can give him!
That, too, is praiseworthy: make money for Americans, not Saudis or Russians or Persians.
Senator Manchin is the senior Senator from West Virginia, and he is doing what he’s supposed to do, represent the wishes of his constituents.
While pocketing millions USD from his constituents.
The kid was right if impolite, and Senator Manchin’s aide assaulted him. Reminds me of Trump and his henchmen.
It turns out all the decent Senator’s actions make money for him and his family.
WVU awarded Heather Bresch an Executive Master of Business Administration degree (EMBA) in 2007. It turns out an investigation revealed that Ms Bresch had completed less than 1/2 the requirements for the degree. WVU covered it up saying some records were lost but Ms Bresch had satisfied the requirements.
Another investigation could not confirm the tale told by WVU and several higher ups were fired or resigned. She hadn’t.
Ms Bresch went on to become the CEO of Mylan, a generic drug company that had purchased the right to manufacture and market EpiPen. While at Mylan Bresch successfully lobbied the FDA to broaden the label to include risk of anaphylaxis and in parallel, successfully lobbied Congress to generate legislation making EpiPens available in schools and in public places. The sales of EpiPen jumped 1000% from $200 million to $2 billion. Mylan raised the price of EpiPens 5 fold!!
Who is this Ms Bresch whose company benefited from federal largesse via Congress, the SEC and the FDA? She was born Heather Manchin in WV. Her dad got her a clerk job at Mylan and she worked her way up to CEO in 8 years! Her daddy was WV governor for her Mylan career! She retired from Mylan in 2000 following their merger to form Viatris. She received a $30 million payout on leaving.
Joe Manchin IV took care of his own at the expense of the good people of WV.
Chicken Little Man’
So far this has cost WVians an extra $117 million!
And exactly how did this happen??
Manchin Torched humanity? Dang! I go on a few overseas deployments and miss everything!
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