It’s a nice little way to jam citizens into a vehicle they could otherwise not afford
E-Vive la France! France has launched a new “social leasing” program for drivers to lease electric vehicles (EVs) for as little as about $43 monthly, in some cases, for six months.
President Emmanuel Macron first announced the program back in October. Thanks to a subsidy from the country’s government, the initiative comes with no down payment for those who are eligible, as well as free charging, as reported by Electrek.
In order for French residents to qualify for the social leasing program, they must have an annual income of less than €15,400 (about $16,650), travel more than about 5,000 miles per year, and live at least 15 kilometers (a bit over 9 miles) away from their workplace.
Those eligible for the program are offered a three-year lease contract with an option to purchase the EV at the end of the leasing period. The leasing contract even covers insurance costs and cancellation fees because of unforeseen circumstances.
Um, how many make less than that and can afford to drop $43 a month? Plus insurance? Upkeep? That’s $1387 a month gross, before all the taxes. When I first read about this I was thinking it was a way to get some EVs into the pool as pre-owned, but, how many can actually take advantage? Unless there are a lot of really, really poor French folks. Maybe it’s for all their illegal aliens? Or seniors who work part time? Because no one can afford the purchase price at the end of the lease.
The lowest cost EV in the U.S. is the Nissan Leaf. They are offering $289 a month, 36 months, with $2669 down (that won’t include things like tax, tags, dealer fee). It doesn’t say what the yearly mileage is, I suspect 10K a year. That’s with excellent credit. The car must be turned in well maintained. So, what happens with France’s program?
Getting more people to drive EVs is a huge win for the environment since they run on electricity instead of burning dirty fuels like gas or diesel, which helps keep the air cleaner and reduces pollution that heats up our planet.
How many of these folks actually had a fossil fueled vehicle to start with? At least in the U.S., there’s virtually zero chance of getting a loan unless your gross is at least $1800-$1900 a month. Even buy here pay here won’t touch it. So France would be replacing no car with one that requires mining in Africa by kids? Huh.


It’s easy if you try.
Bwaha! Lolgf
France is going to subsidize its lowest earning workers by allowing them to lease a car INCLUDING insurance.
about 15% of the world’s cobalt production comes from artisanal/small scale (including child labor) in the DNC, 80% Teach are you in favor of giving those kids a total 40 million? That would enable all to quit work and go to school by paying them a mere dollar a day.
*0% of the worlds copper comes as a by product of copper mines.
We give billions (3) to the Congo but most of that goes to ensure that the big copper/cobalt mines keep producing. DNC is #3 in copper production worldwide.
Are you willing to take in four illegal aliens into your home and house them feed them clothe them and protect them? Are you willing to buy them EV’s and stop telling other people how to spend their tax dollars you freaking thief.
Y LG Brandon
I am very willing to tell how my tax dollars should be used, I say that Everytime I vote.
Now if YOU don’t like living in a country where the majority gets to decide how taxes are spent leave. Move someplace where you will be happy. There are plenty of other humans more than willing to take your place here.
You obviously are not happy living here, why continue?
I am very willing to tell how my tax dollars should be used, I say that Everytime I vote.
Uh, he wasn’t talking about TAX money. He was talking about YOU.
Are you willing to take in four illegal aliens into your home and house them feed them clothe them and protect them? Are you willing to buy them EV’s and stop telling other people how to spend their tax dollars you freaking thief.
So the answer is NO.
That’s what I thought.
Uhh…. hate to break it to ya, buy the majority does NOT get to say how taxes are spent. The majority can not vote to spend money on things that are unconstitutional…
Child labor is NOT required to produce cobalt for EVs. Tesla has said that they will end all use of cobalt from the Congo. Cobalt is sourced from the Congo not because it only occurs there but simply because there it can be produced the most cheaply. Under capitalism profits come before people.
25,000 children used in Congo for cobalt production. Source Dept. of Labor. Assorted other slaves in odd jobs associated.
your bumper sticker bullshit from one of our resident communists. Go F yourself pinko.
Under communism and socialism everybody’s a slave they wish they had profits. Or haven’t you seen pictures of the communist countries in the atrocities they’ve produced? You really are a brain dead moron.
The people who use children to mine for cobalt in Africa and the Congo are not Elon Musk are any such person nor Tesla or any such company. It is the dictators an oligarch leaders of the countries and their socialist and Nazi predisposition that one the factors of production in those countries. Don’t blame it on capitalism when it’s hardly capitalism.
If the avg age of a car on the roads in a France is similar to the average age here in the USA (22.5 years) they may well be replacing an old gas hog with a newer more efficient car
The average age here in the USA of a car still on the road is nowhere near 22.5 years old. I don’t know where you came up with that figure but it’s a damn lie as usual with you.
I’m a car aficionado and I can tell you right now in most states a classic car is considered 15 years old and an antique is considered 20. Are you stating to me, to us, that the “average car” on the road in the United states qualifies as an antique? How many antique tags do you see during the course of the day? A week?
Your problem is you’re always making up statistics just like most leftists do and it makes you a pathetic person to do battle with because as I found out my life I can have a battle of wits with a defenseless person like you.
If the avg age of a car on the roads in a France is similar to the average age here in the USA (22.5 years) they may well be replacing an old gas hog with a newer more efficient car
Efficient in what way?
Efficient = “someone else paying the costs”.
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