…is a calm sea from carbon pollution messing up wind patterns, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Bustedknuckles, with a post on things we aren’t supposed to talk about.

…is a calm sea from carbon pollution messing up wind patterns, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Bustedknuckles, with a post on things we aren’t supposed to talk about.
Doritos says to BudLight:
“Here, hold my beer.”

Bwaha! Lolgf
Obey Your Master
Trump now says to drink Bud Light.
Even if he did, I still wouldn’t do it.
Because it’s shit.
And I do not “obey masters.” I support a representative. But of course, being afflicted with TDS (on top of your already existing natural stupidity), you would never understand that.
“Dems quietly ask SCOTUS if they can ban Brandon from ballot..”
H, your psychopathy is so funny I grin every time I read your crap. Do you realize how neurotic you sound when you write down stuff like that? You should really start avoiding putting things in writing because that’s all gonna come back to haunt you someday.
The first thing you should do is write your stuff down first and then give it overnight before you hit submit comment.
Nikki Haley is expected to drop from the race today. Someone must have explained to her that she was never going to get enough democratic party votes to beat Trump in the primary. I suspect it was because her democratic party donors pulled the plug. Even if she “won” states where Trump was not on the ballot (Colorado, etc). Democratic party donors had their fun using her against Trump and now they are moving on to their next big thing. Too bad she used up her Republican cred this year. She could have had a shot in 2028. She should have dropped out before her humiliating defeat to “none of the above”. Callers to local Virginia radio stations yesterday were dominated by Democrats claiming their undying loyalty to Haley because of how awesome she is in every way and she is a woman (Girl Power!). But in the general election, they were still going to vote for Biden. Local polls showed that 95% of Haley voters think Biden is doing an excellent job. (in other words, they are Democrats).
Any ideas yet who will step in for Biden at the last minute when he either dies or declares himself retirement eligible? I suspect they will have him drugged to the gills with stimulants to keep him looking lucid during the state of the union address. Just like Hitler’s team used to do with him near the end.
I do want to see the next administration strip the Bidens of all their ill gotten gains. No need to prosecute anyone. Just use the Marshals service existing power to confiscate proceeds of criminal enterprise. Not just the Bidens. Anyone who took a dime out of Ukraine needs to lose it and that money needs to go to Ukraine to support relief efforts after the war.