Could this be true? The study is a couple years old, but, came back to light
Electric vehicles release more toxic emissions, are worse for the environment than gas-powered cars: study
— New York Post (@nypost) March 5, 2024
From the link
Electric vehicles release more toxic particles into the atmosphere and are worse for the environment than their gas-powered counterparts, according to a resurfaced study.
The study, published by emissions data firm Emission Analytics, was released in 2022 but has attracted a wave of attention this week after being cited in a Wall Street Journal op-ed Sunday.
It found that brakes and tires on EVs release 1,850 times more particle pollution compared to modern tailpipes, which have “efficient” exhaust filters, bringing gas-powered vehicles’ emissions to new lows.
Today, most vehicle-related pollution comes from tire wear.
I had a post back in January about the tire issues with EVs, which can only be solved when manufacturers produce tires specifically for EVs. Maybe. And let’s not forget that tires are made from petroleum, and there really isn’t much of a solution for that
“You have a tradeoff. At the moment, the political agenda is very strong towards climate change reduction. EVs do deliver about a 50% reduction in CO2 — that [affects] climate change.”
“But you have this downside of EVs that increases particle pollution. Air pollution is about what we breathe and the health effects,” Molden said, assuring that the toxins in tires have much less impact on climate change than they do on “what we eat and are ingesting.”
Increased exposure to these toxins “can increase the risk of health problems like heart disease, asthma, and low birth weight,” according to the New York Department of Health, which noted that pollution from sources including vehicle exhaust can travel long distances from its source and still cause health issues at unhealthy levels.
“A lot of it [chemicals] goes into the soil and water, affecting animals and fish. And we then go and eat the animals and fish, so we are ingesting tire pollution,” Molden added.
I don’t know about you, but, I’m more concerned with what we eat and breathe than the mythical doom from CO2. But, hey, if you want an EV, get one. That’s your choice. And that’s what it should be: your choice. Not Government’s choice. Especially when the people who are making the peasants get EVs are not driving them themselves.

Teach don’t you remember?? peasants cant afford EVs “because they are too dang expensive”
The government is only forcing those people earning over 150000$ to buy them.
(average household income of new Tesla buyer) Those are the people whom you should be pitying .
The average household income of a new car buyer was 100000$
Cry me an ocean.
Once again you’re making ridiculous statements without any proof. A car buyer in the United states earns about $62,661.00 a year according to zip recruiter. According to it’s between $55,375 dollars and $68,900.
So your number is off at least 40%. That’s why nobody believes you when you say this stuff. Hell, even the average income of a Mercedes-Benz buyer isn’t over $100,000.
You really live in a left wing bubble don’t you? It’s you and Elwood in there bouncing around and bumping into each other.
Carbon boy—and that does nothing to refute the info in the post.
Well, surprise, surprise, surprise!
– Gomer Pyle
Fox News Video – Sean Hannity: “We’re watching history”
We already knew this. Everything the Left does is based on lies and theft and lies to justify theft. The entire green movement is rooted in a lies.
The entire Democrat party is rooted in lies so why would the green part of it be anything different.