Wasn’t this the same guy who called those who believe in America first as the greatest threats to humanity?
In his State of the Union address on Thursday, President Joe Biden will make the case for his stewardship of the country and attack rival Donald Trump and the ‘MAGA Republicans,’ all while asking voters whose side they want to be on.
Biden’s speech comes as Trump is on the cusp of wrapping up the Republican presidential nomination after the Super Tuesday contests, setting up a repeat election between the two men. The prime time address will give Biden a massive platform before the country, just two days after Trump will speak at Mar-a-Lago following the GOP nominating contests.
The president has spent the weekend cloistered in Camp David with top aides working on his address, which will be laced with election year politics.
‘President Biden will make the case to continue to build the economy from the bottom up and middle out that has led to record job creation, the strongest economy in the world, increased wages and household wealth, and lower prescription drug and energy costs – instead of the MAGA Republican agenda: rewarding billionaires and corporations with tax breaks, taking away rights and freedoms, and undermining our democracy,’ said White House Communications Director Ben LaBolt.
This basically sounds like it’s going to be a campaign speech, not a state of the union, and, if he starts going down this road Republicans need to simply walk out.
In his remarks, Biden will ask Americans if they want lower health care costs, democratic freedoms and to keep Ukraine from being swallowed up by Russian leader Vladimir Putin? Or do they want to side with drug company profits, tax breaks for the wealthy and Putin?
He likes spending more money on trying to secure Ukraine, which, let’s be honest, isn’t going to win, than securing the border. Does anyone think he’ll mention how many illegals he’s let in? How sanctuary cities are melting down now that they have to practice what they preach? Will he mention Lizbeth Medina and Laken Riley? The push to get people to take the Wuhan flu “vaccines” has sure enriched drug companies, especially when they were mandatory.
But, if Biden makes a mistake, stumbles or falls on his way to the dais, that could be a political death sentence.
If he starts rambling on and looking lost, having mental errors, it won’t look good.

I suspect the SOTU will be record setting for brevity.
If he does that, the Democrats will eat it up, call it the greatest speech evah!
Perhaps Speaker of the House Mike Johnson can visibly tear up his paper copy?
So Dana is the Biden economy still paying much higher prices than under Trump for soybeans? Think it might hit 19$ again?
There is not enough Ritalin, Adderall, or L-Dopa in all the world to keep this brain-dead, kiddie-diddling old crook coherent long enough to convincingly deliver a proper speech.
That won’t stop the legacy lap-dog media from announcing how wonderful the speech was, that it was a home run and how it laid out the irrefutable case for re-electing old Joe. I am sure the talking points have already gone out and words like “strong”, “sharp” and “youthful” will be over-used.
the professor’s main bitch with legacy news media isn’t what they say but that most Americans willingly choose that as their preferred news source.