This is very silly: what does the scam have to due with running a company? How does it actually help stockholder? It’s just a doomsday cult attempting to force every asset of life comply with their dogma
The SEC votes this week on controversial climate change rule: Here’s what’s at stake
Securities and Exchange Commission Chair Gary Gensler on Wednesday will hold a vote on one of his most controversial proposals: a rule that would require corporate America to disclose material risks posed by climate change.
President Joe Biden said climate risk is an “existential threat” and that it posed a greater risk than nuclear war.
The climate disclosure rule was first proposed in March 2022. When it was proposed, Gensler said, “Today, investors representing literally tens of trillions of dollars support climate-related disclosures because they recognize that climate risks can pose significant financial risks to companies, and investors need reliable information about climate risks to make informed investment decisions.”
How many investors? What percent? Are they investing a significant amount?
“Today’s proposal would help issuers more efficiently and effectively disclose these risks and meet investor demand, as many issuers already seek to do,” he added.
The final proposal has not yet been released.
How much will it cost? And we do we not have the final proposal when the plan is to vote on it today?
When the initial proposal was made in 2022, it would have required disclosure in three categories: Scope 1, which is direct emissions the company produces through its sources; Scope 2, which is indirect emissions, such as from generation of energy; and Scope 3, which is emissions from their supply chains and users of their products.
The Scope 3 disclosure requirements have drawn strong criticism from many corporations, who claim the regulations are too burdensome. Reuters has reported that the Scope 3 disclosure requirements will be dropped in the final proposal, and that parts of the Scope 1 and 2 disclosure requirements have been softened.
This is absurd. Indirect? That’s difficult to know, and a time waster, even more than the direct. Scope 3 is even more idiotic. This is just more creeping government socialism (the very definition of Socialism in Political Science 101 is that the government is heavily involved in every facet of the economy, up to and including owning the means of production. There are 2 other components, the Political and the Personal, but, the Economic is the driver) , more of government dictating how companies operate and forcing them to operate in certain ways.
Still, parts of the proposed rule, particularly Scope 3, is facing considerable opposition from the business community, which argues that there is too much disclosure required, and from Republicans who claim that it is another example of government overreach and a backdoor means to push a climate change agenda.
Depending on the scope of the final disclosure requirements, the SEC may face an avalanche of litigation from corporate America.
The rule is probably going to pass, so, expect lots of lawsuits.

Uhhh, nuclear war could kill every human being on earth, but the dummkopf from Delaware thinks that
global warmingclimate change is a greater risk than nuclear annihilation?Well, maybe he does, because he seems to be willing to keep fighting, albeit indirectly, a nation with a strategic nuclear arsenal, and today’s left are claiming that anyone who doesn’t think that’s an awesome idea is fellating Vladimir Putin’s penis.
The only point of this is to penalize any corporation that does not go along with the climate change agenda. A small publicly traded company that sell life insurance will be forced to write some utter BS about how Climate change will increase the risk of death to policy holders (and not be offset by anything that would make people healthier), or they will be referred to the DoJ for “misleading investors”. Once every corporation is singing in the choir, along come the mitigation plans, hiring career climate experts, and buying the carbon credits.
This is stage 2 of the left infiltration of colleges with climate change hoax. The first was to set up departments for climate change and to make it a daily dose of propaganda. Now comes the implementation so they need jobs which is what this is a jobs program to make sure industry has to hire a whole bunch of idiots that believe in climate change in normal businesses to accomplish the infiltration of those businesses and to make sure these crazies are employed at somebody else’s expense rather than the governments.
You’ll be doing the same thing with DEI shortly can all the rest of their ridiculous irrational programs.
It’s all part of the Democrats/ socialist/ communist plan. One problem they have is they don’t have a totally 100% firm grip on power yet. Once they cheat their way into complete control of the federal government and they can guarantee themselves control of all three branches of government in perpetuity they haven’t made. The way it looks it won’t be that long. If they manage to cheat themselves into victory in the next election we are all doomed.
Keep your eye out for all those fake ballot boxes like you saw last time around. Except twice as many cause sleepy Joe needs nearly 100 million ballots to steal this one.
So, in the real world, what does this mean? You must hire about 3 extra people that you don’t need to write papers about every 3 months to confabulate your impact on the climate. Total waste. In medicine, a doctor must hire 2 or 3 people that he does not need to survey his records and charges to make sure he is not committing Medicare fraud. I bet you think Medicare fraud is charging excessive fees, wrong. It is not having your charges fall in a neat bell curve, too little or too much and Medicare comes after you.
3 extra employees is chump change to climate activists and large corporations. This is about the carbon credits. That will be BILLIONS. It’s always about the money. No corporation will be allowed to say that Climate change has no impact on them nor will they be allowed to say they are not contributing to climate change. Local crooks have to convince their victims that the fraud is real. Democrats just make it illegal to disagree.
So then Brandon, professor Hale, and David 7134 I guess we’re all in agreement at the basic idea here it’s for the Democrats to control everything and everybody. I am shocked, shocked that that could be their motivation.
If they could live like kings while never working hard any other way, they would.