…is a wonderful low carbon sailboat, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Doug Ross @ Journal, with a post on stuff Trump did not do.

…is a wonderful low carbon sailboat, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Doug Ross @ Journal, with a post on stuff Trump did not do.
No wonder then-president Trump thought he could win Georgia!
Are there no MAGAtty prosecutors to find evidence that our President Brandon stole the election?
Have you always been an idiot?
Fuck you asshole. We’ve produced dozens of videos, photos and testimony of bidensteal but you just ignore it. That makes you an ignorant ass.
The worst state of the union I’ve ever seen and I’ve seen a lot of them. The man when he wasn’t screaming his lungs out was totally incoherent. When it wasn’t incoherent he was basically insulting half of America and calling us names. If anything on your night America that will. The leftists in this country aren’t interested in uniting the country they’re interested in destroying it they prove it every time they open their filthy mouths. joe biden has dementia.
Last night his campaign broke all kinds of fund making records. They clearly are savage hateful people. They think it’s funny to have half the country looking at them like they’re animals. As a black man and a Democrat for most of my life I have to admit I am happy as hell to get away from that filthy disgusting hateful demonic party. Especially with this animal in charge of it. Most hateful president I’ve ever seen and I thought Obama was a nasty bastard. This filthy pig makes Obama look like Mother Goose.
And if Elwood is any indication yeah of the mentality of the left we got nothing but garbage.
The worst state of the union I’ve ever seen and I’ve seen a lot of them, was Big Donnie’s last one, where he gave America’s worst person, Rush Limbaugh, America’s highest honor. The man when he wasn’t screaming his lungs out was totally incoherent. When it wasn’t incoherent he was basically insulting half of America and calling us names. If anything on your night America that will. The rightists in this country aren’t interested in uniting the country they’re interested in destroying it they prove it every time they open their filthy mouths. Big Donnie has dementia.
And if Mr White is any indication yeah of the mentality of the right we got nothing but garbage.
You’re as bad as johnnie boy as far as making up shit that didn’t happen.

You been sucking on his hookah, fatass?
You’re as bad as L’Roy White as far as making up shit that didn’t happen.
You been sucking on his pipe, methmouth?
He’s kinda like Rimjob.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Strong argument there, pyro.
We didn’t ignore your “evidence”; we just didn’t accept it as credible. No one does.
Since states control the elections, how did Dems outwit the GOP officials of the battleground states of Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin? The Republicans held most of power in those states, Gov, Sec of State, AG, judiciary, House and Senate. Were they corrupt/bribed or just incompetent?
Anyway, what is the best piece of evidence supporting The Steal in a battleground state?
More pathetic by the day Rimjob.
How much of your filthy lucre swindled from the investors in your phony cancer treatment did you spend on your lavish fishing trip?
More pathetic by the day, MyLilStalker, you lying little cocksucker, LOL. Tell us more!
Speaking of swindlers, did you read that review regarding that Leith Honda car salesman Pxxxxx Xsss who cheated that old person on a car deal??
Uh no. Why would I?

Have no idea what you’re squawking about.
Would you care to explain why I should be interested?
Come on, ya fat pussy, explain yourself.
Strong argument Cockbite. Share more of your extensive knowledge of cancer therapy, LOL.
Speaking of swindlers, did you read that review on Leith Honda’s website about the host salesman who lied to and swindled an old person on a deal? Yikes!
You’re the only verifiable swindler here that I know of who takes a stock from around $15 down to 19 cents because your phony cancer treatment failed its clinical trial.
Besides blowing $50M in less than 4 years.
You want more, Rimjob?
MyLilStalker has more??
You should attach names to your defamation, you pathetic little coward.
Obsession! A New Stench from Cockbite.
We have more, too!!
Touch a nerve there, Rimjob?

You do remember your own name, right?
You do remember Galera, right?
Don’t be coy, fat ass, bring it.
That’s what we thought, Cockbite.
Get along lil doggie.
Oh, so you don’t have any more, fatass.

Another false claim from the cowardly swindler Rimjob.
Such a pussy. Ran away again.
Bwaha! Lolgfy
Hey there, lonely Cockbite… LOL
Sorry, you’re gonna have to jack off alone, you cowardly pussy, you.
You’re the one that promised more scandalous revelations.
You never have anything of any substance to type. Why is that?
per Charles Dodgson…
“Brandon tells aide he had strange dream he was talking and people were standing and clapping…” BB