The end of the United Kingdom is coming soon. They’ve been quietly conquered by the Islamists, willfully letting them in the gate, inviting them in, then changing their whole country to appease them
Watch: Protester holding ‘Hamas Are Terrorists’ sign arrested by police
A counter-protester carrying a banner condemning Hamas as a terror group was arrested after holding the sign aloft as pro-Palestine activists filed past him on Saturday.
Niyak Ghorbani, who was holding a banner reading “Hamas is terrorist”, was pulled to the ground and handcuffed by officers after an incident took place close to the march through central London.
As police held him down, he shouted “Shame on you”, before saying “I wrote down Hamas is a terrorist organisation… but they arrested me”.
The 38-year-old was de-arrested and released shortly after, with police saying he had been held for his own safety after an alleged assault was carried out against him.
So, they arrested him to protect him, rather than arresting the ones who assaulted him? Most likely, the police reacted and actually meant to arrest him, then someone with a wiser head said “don’t be fools, this will look really, really, really bad when it ends up in the papers.” And it did.
Mr Ghorbani, an Iranian who lives in Balham, south London, told The Telegraph he had been assaulted by pro-Palestine protesters as he stood holding his sign.
He said: “They attacked me from behind and hit me in the head. They pushed me and told me Hamas is a protector of Palestine.”
The IT professional added: “The police destroyed my sign and told me that I had harassed someone in the protest and that is why they arrested me.
“They arrested me because someone who supports Hamas attacked me and I defended myself. After 10 minutes my friends showed them a video of what I was doing and they released me.
And that’s when the cooler heads prevailed. I means, seriously, the UK, just like the US and UN, has designated Hamas as a terrorist group. And
Membership and expressing support for Hamas is an illegal act in the UK, punishable by up to 14 years in prison. Dozens of countries, including the United Kingdom and United States, as well as the European Union, have designated it a terrorist group.
Yet, the police mostly look away as the pro-Palestinians express support for Hamas. And arrest people like Mr. Ghorbani.
Scotland Yard said in a statement: “The man was arrested after an altercation was ongoing, and officers intervened to prevent a breach of the peace. He was arrested for assault.
“Officers then fully reviewed footage provided of the incident, and he was later de-arrested. The arrest was not made in relation to the placard.”
BS. We’ve seen and read about what the UK police put up with, and who they really arrest.
Here we CLEARLY see the Individual in question carrying a “Hamas are Terrorists” sign… ATTACKED by protestors.
Throw him to the floor and cuff him.
The @metpoliceuk have lost their minds@RishiSunak where are u!?
— Inc.Monocle (@IncMonocle) March 9, 2024
Despite him being pretty much solo and seeing a bunch more people attacking him, 5 police come after him, take his sign, take him down, and arrest him.

If you want to see journalism with FACTS, head on over to FACTS MATTER and watch Roman unwrap the facts as they stand today. While leaning right, it only appears this way because in My opinion the burden of crime has fallen on the lefts shoulders since Trump threw his hat into the ring in 2015 and the ruthless attempts at Banana Republic politics has not let up, despite it ripping the country apart.
No I am not Roman. Although you are missing a real gem if your not watching Roman unveil the FACTS pro and con versus Trump and other subjects on a nightly basis. The way the press used to work in this country.
The UK went from the freest, most prosperous, most powerful empire the world had ever seen to an irrelevant backwater in less than a century. They could have survived both World Wars with the nation, if not a good part, of the empire fully intact, but as soon as the second one was over, they ritually disemboweled themselves, first by creating the NHS and then by throwing open the gates to hordes of dissimilar invaders.
The American Revolutionaries fought for what they considered their rights as Englishmen first and foremost. Those rights no longer exist at all for today’s Englishmen.
The UK is done. The cancer has been let inside and will metastasize to the point that nothing remains without a major — like, ten million deportations and borrowing and vigorous use of the French National Razor kind of major — course correction, but that will not happen because they have police like this “just following orders.”
All too familiar. Well, at least they made some great music in the ’60s and ’70s.
Here’s a list of the global empires that occupied more area than the current United States “Empire”. And if you do not think the US is an empire you don’t understand the term. The US has dominated the Earth’s peoples since the 1900s. Note that US dominance was not only from soldiers marching into weaker nations but from persuasion (not always benevolent).
USSR 1991, British Empire 1920, Mongol Empire 1309, Russian Empire 1895, Qing Dynasty 1790, Spanish Empire 1810, Second French Colonial Empire 1920, Abbasid Caliphate 750, Umayyad Caliphate 720, Yuan Dynasty 1310,
and smaller, but important Empires: Holy Roman Empire 1050, Western Roman Empire 395, Byzantine Empire 555, Danish Empire 1700, German Colonial Empire 1911, Belgian Colonial Empire 1939, First French Empire 1813, Third Portuguese Empire 1900, Inca Empire 1527, Nazi Germany 1941, Empire of Japan 1942, Ming Dynasty 1450, Macedonian Empire 323 BCE, Ottoman Empire 1683, and over 100 more.
The point is that expansionist empires and dynasties come and go. Since WWI-WW2 there was no way for Britain to maintain its colonial status in so many lands. India and Pakistan became independent in 1947, Canada in 1982, Australia in 1986, New Zealand 1947, United States in 1776, Ghana 1957, Kenya 1963, Libya 1951, Nigeria 1960, Zambia 1964, South Africa 1961, Tanzania 1961, Uganda 1962, Bahamas 1973, Belize 1981, Jamaica 1962, Guyana 1966, Afghanistan 1919, Bahrain 1971, Hong Kong 1997, Kuwait 1961, Malaysia 1963, Palestine 1948 and dozens more. Times change.
It’s laughable to think the NHS and immigrants caused the disintegration of the British Empire. The burden, wreckage and debt from WW2 was the villain.
Another pointless Rimjob C&P.

Hardly an original or valid argument. Such a putz.
Bwaha! Lolgf
First of all the idea of “US as Empire” is irrelevant nonsense for purposes of my comment. I don’t give a shit about your opinion on that.
Secondly, a Wikipedia list of empires of the past is word salad. My point with respect to the nature of the British empire stands for itself: freest, most poweful, and most prosperous. End of story.
Thirdly, your explanation for the breakup of the British Empire appears to boil down to “times change,” which of course is ignorant nonsense.
Finally, to ignore and shrug off the impact of the NHS and immigration not just on the British empire but the UK itself is ignorant and ridiculous. You either have no idea what you’re talking about or you’re just being contrary for the sake of being a pain in the ass.
As usual, lots of words with zero worthwhile content.
If you think the US is not an empire you don’t understand the term. The US has dominated the Earth’s peoples post WW2. Note that US dominance was not only from soldiers marching into weaker nations but from persuasion (not always benevolent). How many nations today occupy significant foreign lands by force?
Here’s a list of the global empires that occupied more area than the current United States “Empire”.
USSR 1991, British Empire 1920, Mongol Empire 1309, Russian Empire 1895, Qing Dynasty 1790, Spanish Empire 1810, Second French Colonial Empire 1920, Abbasid Caliphate 750, Umayyad Caliphate 720, Yuan Dynasty 1310; and smaller, but important Empires: Holy Roman Empire 1050, Western Roman Empire 395, Byzantine Empire 555, Danish Empire 1700, German Colonial Empire 1911, Belgian Colonial Empire 1939, First French Empire 1813, Third Portuguese Empire 1900, Inca Empire 1527, Nazi Germany 1941, Empire of Japan 1942, Ming Dynasty 1450, Macedonian Empire 323 BCE, Ottoman Empire 1683, and over 100 more.
The point is that expansionist empires and dynasties come and go. Since WWI-WW2 there was no way for Britain to maintain its colonial status in so many lands. India and Pakistan became independent in 1947, Canada in 1982, Australia in 1986, New Zealand 1947, United States in 1776, Ghana 1957, Kenya 1963, Libya 1951, Nigeria 1960, Zambia 1964, South Africa 1961, Tanzania 1961, Uganda 1962, Bahamas 1973, Belize 1981, Jamaica 1962, Guyana 1966, Afghanistan 1919, Bahrain 1971, Hong Kong 1997, Kuwait 1961, Malaysia 1963, Palestine 1948 and dozens more. Times change.
It’s laughable to think the NHS and immigrants caused the disintegration of the British Empire starting in the 1940s. The burden, wreckage and debt from WW2 was the villain. Britain knew they couldn’t administer India, Canada, Australia, Pakistan, Palestine, Nigeria, South Africa etc AND rebuild their nation AND the rest of the world. It became a different world.
So pointless fatso had to post it twice. Such a dumbass that one.

It’s clear that the British Empire could not survive as an empire, because it did not survive as wone. But while the United Kingdom may have lost its empire, it did the most remarkable job of bringing Western civilization to areas around the world. Even as they reject it explicitly, the areas which were formerly colonies still retain some semblance of civilization, civilized in ways they would not be were it not for our British forebears.
True dat.