D.C. is a city that votes beyond overwhelmingly Democrat. They talk a big game on being inviting to illegals, but, when the rubber hits the road, they aren’t all that happy
While bused migrants overwhelm other cities, D.C. scales back services
D.C. has begun to scale back its migrant assistance program and plans to close one of the hotels it uses to house those bused in from Texas and Arizona, even as other cities across the country plead with the Biden administration for more resources to deal with an influx of asylum seekers crossing the border.
No buses have arrived in D.C. since November, sparing the District some of the recent strain that other cities have felt in trying to house and support thousands of migrants. But some immigrant groups say the city is unnecessarily forcing out those who had been staying at three Northeast Washington hotels.
Greg Abbott needs to get on the ball and ship a bunch more
Robert C. White Jr. (D-At Large), who is chair of the D.C. Council’s housing committee, said the city has to set limits on the amount of migrant aid it can provide or risk being overwhelmed like other cities.
“If we send a signal — even if it’s not deliberately — that we have endless resources to help migrants, then we encourage more to come here and we would be setting them up for disappointment,” White said. “What we want is the best possible resettlement, but for a manageable number of people.”
Surprise! Democrats suddenly realize that signalling illegals to come is a bad idea. At least when it is their city getting swamped.
Migrant services have been an expensive proposition for the District; since the buses began arriving, the city has spent about $59.3 million on migrant services such as housing and food, with about $9 million of that amount reimbursed by the federal government, according to DHS.
Yeah, illegals are not free. They’re taking way more out of the system than they could possibly contribute.
BTW, where did D.C. ship all the illegals? How many are taking up space, very expensive space, in D.C.? Space that could be used for lawful residents of the U.S.? And the city will still have to pay to house and feed the illegals.

When you run out of money, you run out of money!