…is a bridge that will have to be raised to deal with massive sea rise, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post wondering why liberal judges have suddenly become 2nd Amendment absolutists.

…is a bridge that will have to be raised to deal with massive sea rise, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post wondering why liberal judges have suddenly become 2nd Amendment absolutists.
Nice lil redfish (red drum).
Friends of Rimjob. Cowards and criminals all.
‘Get Him! Get Him!’ The Angry Mob Comes for Kyle Rittenhouse Again
Ya know “free speech” and shit.

Uh, Eric… you old FangBanger.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Heckuva job, Joey.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Heckuva job, Joey.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Just in case.

(Cue the Rimjob)
Bwaha! Lolgf
“Hamas scientists struggling to figure out how to make emergency food rations explode..”.
BB…..but maybe not..
Mr Trump is proposing a federal 15 week abortion ban. What do you think about this? Would Congress pass this law? (Trump devotees are savvy enough to realize this is a campaign ploy to soften the impact of reversing Roe v Wade on female independents).
Roe v Wade permitted abortions through the first 12 weeks with increasing restrictions during the 2nd and 3rd trimesters.
Note too that over 90% of US abortions occur before the 13 week.
As a man you should have no opinion about Roe V wade or abortion in general stay in your lane. Also as a thinking person you should realize that Roe V wade was an illegal decision was unconstitutional abortion not being one of the right in the constitution granted to the federal government.
Thirdly, you guys are always screaming about democracy and yet we have an opportunity for total democracy here and all you’ve done is complain about it. Is there any logical reason or moral reason why you don’t want states to be able to decide for themselves whether they want abortion or not and at what times? Why do you hate democracy?
What do you call a ploy I call an attempt of compromise and reconciliation between the two sides on abortion. But your inability to see that just once again proves your unwillingness to ever compromise on anything making you a fascist. Everything’s gotta be your way or the highway. Well screw you.
Note 2 that we don’t know if over 90% of US abortions occur before 13 weeks because approximately 25% of abortions are not reported. And those that are reported are reported by pro abortion people eager to keep the the money spinning so they will lie they keep their jobs. The same way you lie to the people who buy your stock about the condition of your company that you’ve run into the ground.
We’re pleased you’re willing to compromise on abortion! So many anti-abortion Americans claim a two cell zygote is a person as Alabama declared.
Our Supreme Court decides what is and is not Constitutional. For 50 years abortion was a Constitutional right according to the Supreme Court by a 7-2 majority.
Will you support Mr Trump’s proposal which is less restrictive than was the “unConstitutional” Roe v Wade?
BTW, I’ll gently push back on your admonition that males have no say in abortion. Most of the political and legal decisions have been dominated by males!! If only women were consulted, abortion would be perfectly legal.
We all know that bridges have to be raised correctly so they do their job while they can.
Eventually, the bridge will be so old, it will need to be razed and a new bridge will replace it.
Everybody makes mistakes, I’ve done it too.
[…] Have Liberal Judges Suddenly Become Second Amendment Absolutists? The Daley Gator The Pirate’s Cove A View From The Beach 357 Magnum […]