Every legal resident of Massachusetts could be give over $1 million each. Instead, the money of the taxpayers will be going to people who should not even be in the United States
Mass. Senate passes budget, with over $800M to help migrant shelters
A budget breakthrough in the Massachusetts Senate could be a gamechanger in tackling the Bay State’s migrant crisis. State senators passed its supplemental budget late Thursday night.
With a vote of 32 to 8, senators voted for this one-time use expenditure, allowing Gov. Maura Healey’s administration to spend the $840 million on the issue over these next two fiscal years.
The state currently spends about $75 million each month — or about $10,000 per family — on the 7,500 migrant and local families that are living in emergency shelters across the state.
Read that again: $10K per month. Depending on the source, the average American household spends $5k to $9k a month. And that’s with their own money. Which includes transportation. With their own money. Here we have taxpayers on the hook to pay for people who came illegally. But, in fairness, those who vote Democrat in Mass. voted for the government to spend their tax dollars on this insanity.
It also caps the time families can stay in state-run shelters at nine months, with opportunities to renew their stay in 90-day increments if they are veterans, pregnant women, caretakers for those with disabilities or people enrolled in work programs.
“With the failure of our federal government to act in aide in this crisis, the responsibility unfortunately falls upon our shoulders,” said Senate Ways and Means Chairman Michael Rodrigues. “This supplemental budget before the body today represents a balanced plan to the EA shelter crisis that is proactive.”
Wait, they’re paying for veterans of other nations? And paying for women to have anchor babies? The failure is of Biden, who opened the floodgates. And themselves, for voting for this.
(NDTV) A Venezuelan migrant has sparked controversy with a viral TikTok video outlining how illegal immigrants can exploit squatting laws in the United States. Identified as Leonal Moreno, the man suggested that under certain circumstances, abandoned properties could be seized and inhabited, potentially leading to their sale, according to The New York Post. Moreno claimed to be considering this as a business opportunity, citing anecdotes from acquaintances who have purportedly occupied multiple homes using similar tactics.
“I have thought about invading a house in the United States. I found out that there is a law that says that if a house is not inhabited, we can seize it,” Leonal Moreno said in the TikTok video.
Do illegal aliens have those “rights” to squat, which is essentially invading a house owned by someone else? Doing it while someone is on vacation? Of course, most of the lenient squatters laws are in Democrat cities and states, so, they voted for this. Enjoy!

So Massachusetts puts its money where its mouth is!! Why didn’t they just build a wall to keep those Texas invaders out of their state, since immigration is now a state issue.
Super rich Massachusetts might have to cut what it gives to WV, MI, LA, AR, AL, OK etc…
They’re not Texas invaders you liar very illegal aliens. Is Massachusetts gonna be responsible for the thefts murders and rapes that these “Texas invaders” are gonna perpetrate against the people of Massachusetts? I think not cause like most of you left us liars they’ll tiptoe away and leave us to clean up the mess.
The Super rich people of Massachusetts should be giving more money to WV, MI, LA, AR, AL, OK etc… since they are their fellow Americans and not illegal aliens but you don’t care about Americans do you? Your objective is to destroy America not help it. You’ve shown that more than once and show of your commie compatriots in states like Massachusetts.
You think more of foreigners than you do of Americans that’s real nice and decent of you. Instead of helping injured and wounded warriors first responders you’d rather give your money to ship all disease filled aliens who wanna kill us. Is there any stupider people on earth than leftists?
We were under the impressive they all entered through Governor Abbott’s porous border. Didn’t Texas decide they were in charge of immigration into Texas??
Since it’s illegal to transport illegal aliens, if they were transported to Massachusetts by governor Abbott, he broke the law.
So you believe the successful people of states like MA, NY, NJ, CA, IL, WA, OR, CT SHOULD send their hard-earned monies to the layabouts in the unsuccessful red states? You communist, you.
Listen, if the Gov Abbott’s of the world are going to send asylum seekers to blue states, the kind folks in blue states will take care of them. It’s the American way.
We wish you were a better American. But there’s always hope.
Elwood P. Dowd is completely misnamed. The Harvey character was good natured. The moron who posts on this blog is a prick and an idiot.
I am seeing a lot of unhealthy emotions here! Anger, stress, jealousy, these are things that contribute to longevity problems.
Massachusetts is a RICH RICH state. their state budget is 56,000,000,000. They are budgeting 2% for the migrants. Massachusetts needs workers. The current unemployment rate (which includes migrants) is 2.9% (Bideneconomics)
Teach YOU should be giving more of YOU money to those shithole states instead of telling others whom they should give to.
LOL the median household income in Mass is 89000 dollars, if they are commies???? they sure are RICH commies!! I thought commies were poor.
Are their any stupider people on the planet than lefties? How about those people who live in those poor red states and keep voting for the GOP hoping that their lives will improve even after 50 years of the GOP failing them. We have been helping those red states for 50 years and they are still asking for help. When will it stop?? The immigrants? they come here and work hard and each future generation contributes to my great country.
There are currently about 1 million immigrants in MA, 220,000 undocumented migrants living in Massachusetts. about 7500 live in the public shelters. Apparently the others no longer need that support because of their income. Unlike that of the multigenerational poverty in many of those red states YOU mentioned.
The Immigrant Learning Center
Teach please take a look at the profile of the undocumented living in MA and tell me what shocked you the most.
Profile of the unauthorized population: Massachusetts
Was it that 21% are homeowners? Many banks like Bank of America offer special programs to undocumented
Honda Finance will loan to a EAD holder (Employment Authorization Document) with a US cosigner
Or that in the population over 25yo over 40% have been to college?
Quick Immigrant Statistics: Massachusetts
Nice rampage. you sound more and more like the unhinged Elwood every day. Massachusetts is very rich and it should help soldiers at first responders like myself injured in the line of duty rather than throwing money away on illegal filthy aliens that should be taken out of the country and dropped by helicopter anywhere. Massachusetts is a hateful state it hates Americans it hates white people it hates Christians and it hates first responders. People like you and people like those in Massachusetts are driving this country toward a civil war. Be careful what you wish for moron you might get it.