It’s pretty easy for the elected Democrats in the People’s Republik Of California to muddle around, since most of them are well to do and live in areas which are protected from the average criminals
California Democratic lawmakers seek ways to combat retail theft while keeping progressive policy
Facing mounting pressure to crack down on a retail theft crisis, California lawmakers are split on how best to tackle the problem that some say has caused major store closures and products like deodorants to be locked behind plexiglass.
Top Democratic leaders have already ruled out reforming progressive policies like Proposition 47, a ballot measure approved by 60% of state voters in 2014 that reduced certain theft and drug possession offenses from felonies to misdemeanors to address overcrowding jails. But a growing number of law enforcement officials, along with Republican and moderate Democratic lawmakers, said California needs to consider all options, including rolling back the measure.
Here’s an idea: let the people vote. Have a referendum. See if they want to keep Prop 47. Obviously, loony tunes Democrats do not want that, because they’d rather pander to the moonbats who want to be soft on crime, which includes lots of rich people, rather than those citizens who have to deal with crime.
While shoplifting has been a growing problem, large-scale thefts, in which groups of individuals brazenly rush into stores and take goods in plain sight, have become a crisis in California and elsewhere in recent years. California Retailers Association said it’s challenging to quantify the issue in California because many stores don’t share their data.
Urban areas and big cities like Bay Area and Los Angeles saw a steady increase in shoplifting between 2021 and 2022, according to a study of the latest crime data by The Public Policy Institute of California. Across the state, shoplifting rates rose during the same time period but were still lower than the pre-pandemic levels in 2019, while commercial burglaries and robberies have become more prevalent in urban counties, the study says.
That’s the law of FAFO.
Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom, a champion of Proposition 47 who has repeatedly argued California already has tools to sufficiently go after criminals, rejected calls to reform the measure in January. He instead urged lawmakers to bolster existing laws and go after motor vehicle thefts and resellers of stolen merchandise. California also is spending $267 million to help dozens of local law enforcement agencies increase patrols, buy surveillance equipment and conduct other activities to crack down on retail theft.
“Not to say everything about Prop. 47 is hunky-dory and perfect,” Newsom said in January. “We want to help fix some of the ambiguities there, but we could do it without reforming or going back to the voters.”
You stupid voters won’t be allowed to have a say.
Assembly Speaker Robert Rivas, who has said he also doesn’t want to repeal Proposition 47, co-authored similar legislation taking aim at repeat thieves and online resellers. It would allow law enforcement to “stack” the value of goods stolen from different victims to impose harsher penalties and arrest people for shoplifting using video footage or witness statements. The measure also would mandate online sellers to maintain records proving the merchandise wasn’t stolen and require some retail businesses to report stolen goods data.
And you know that nothing they pass will make any difference. If they want to make a difference they need to get tough on criminals. It doesn’t have to just be hard jail. How about softer jails, literally set up like camps, which put the low level criminals to work doing things like cleaning roads, community service, painting lines, etc and so on? Corporal punishment would work (it’ll never happen, obviously.) You can’t be slightly less soft on crime and reduce crime.
You know why they’re talking about this? Election season. And once the elections are held the ideas to mildly fix crime will vanish. But, hey, you voted for this, California. Suck it up, deal with it.

There’s only one solution to crime: arrest, try, convict and jail the criminals for long enough that it’s an actual deterrent.
The problem is not mass incarceration; the problem is that not enough people have been incarcerated, for not a long enough time.
Blue collar crime is scary and immediate and easy to identify. On the other, white collar crime is long-term and complicated.
Which costs Americans more? Bernie Madoff’s scheme was worth $65 BILLION! His son got 10 years. His niece, Shana, also a principal in the scheme (she married an SEC investigator!!) was never charged (except for Martha Stewart, white women don’t go to jail for non-violent crimes).
Enron used exotic “accounting” practices to avoid taxes and defraud shareholders, but most of the executive suite went to jail.
And don’t forget the multi-trillion dollar 2007-2008 Wall Street meltdown that led to the Great Recession which cost John McCain the presidency (that and the bone-headed selection of S Palin). Lenders found they could make money off low-quality home loans; Wall Street types could bundle these loans into “securities” that were given fraudulent “ratings” by the “independent” securities ratings agencies, and bought and sold as high-quality investments!! They were making billions!!
Unfortunately, in 2006, housing prices peaked and mortgage loan delinquency rose, leading to the United States housing bubble. Due to increasingly lax underwriting standards, one-third of all mortgages in 2006 were subprime or no-documentation (!) loans, which comprised 17 percent of home purchases that year.
All the bundled real estate securities became increasingly volatile (going, going…). The Wall Street investment banks were in trouble. Fortunately, the American taxpayers propped up some of the banks with a few trillion in government dollars. We saved the day!! But the US economy had endured a multi-trillion dollar hit.
300 banks failed, compared to only three banks from 2005 to 2007. Investment banks Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns failed. JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and Bank of America were all bailed out by American taxpayers. Some of Fat Donnie’s $750 in federal taxes probably contributed!!
Several hundred Wall Street bankers and executives were tried convicted and went to prison for decades. Just kidding, one low level banker, Kareem Serageldin, got 30 months. The rest gave themselves bonuses with taxpayer funds.
The media ignores reporting white-collar money laundering, healthcare fraud, accounting fraud, tax fraud, human trafficking and insider trading. When the wealthy avoid paying their fair share of taxes, the working class has to either make up the difference or we cut services and/or increase the debt.
If it bleeds, it leads. A black guy robbing a Walgreens is better video than a businessman understating his income. Thanks media, thanks.
Funny that Rimjob goes on another silly rampage about white collar crime while ignoring his recent shady endeavor.
What really happened at Galera.
Except Rimjob hightailed out of there before the stock nosedived to $.19 per shared.
So keep preaching it, fat boy.

BWAHA! Lolgf
Good summation. But with less than 20% effect on injury, they had nothing. I still don’t see any pipe line for other drugs. Can not see the value of this pig.
“Dr” Mal Practice is like Teach’s Lil Lapdog in never meeting a lie they don’t like. Or repeat. This is an ex-medico who preached against vaccines and believes leeches and serum cholesterol are good for you! He also claims that Blacks are lazier and more stupid than whites – but that’s universal at the Cove.
Like Teach’s Lil Lapdog “Dr” Mal never has an argument to make but prefers to just “fluff” his buddies.
They both believe Fat Donnie aka The Teflon Don , received more votes than President Biden in Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona and Pennsylvania, LOL. Unbelievable stupidity!!
The mortgage meltdown is universally attributed to Bernie Frank. Amazing how to liberals don’t acknowledge that.
Don’t forget Nancy Pelosi had her greedy little fingerprints all over this too.

Wrong. The right-wing universally looked for a minority to blame, and chose Rep Frank, a gay man, as they attempted to excuse their Wall Street investment bank cronies. They also discovered a Black man in charge of Fannie Mae, Franklin Raines and he became a target as well. Don’t forget that George W Bush was President and Henry Paulson, Goldman-Sachs CEO, was made Treasury Secretary. Republicans claimed Bush and Paulson were blameless, blaming the Great Recession on Presidents Clinton and Obama.
How did Representative Frank cause the mortgage meltdown? Was it the Dodd-Frank Act?
Stop showing everyone how fucking stupid you are, Rimjob.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Teach’s Obssessed Lil Lapdog is a lying pederast who doesn’t remember how that salesman cheated those people at Leith Honda in Raleigh NC?
Keep bangin’ your mom, limpy.
So fat boy, am I supposed to know something about this?

Keep fishing, Rimjob.
Bwaha! Lolgfy
Yes, you know. But ask Mr Teach for a reminder, you lying, scrawny pederast.
Keep trolling, BloJob.
Fat boy is upset that I don’t know what he’s squawking about.

Just making up shit again but that’s nothing new.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Where’d you get the idea that this was a crime?
The problem with Democrats (and idiots with TDS) is that they don’t know how anything works.
If you think applying for a loan and your valuation of your property is either not what the bank thinks it is or some asshole judge thinks it is is a crime, then obviously you’ve never made an offer on a house that was less than the seller asked for or traded in a car and wanted more than the dealer offered.
It’s amazing how SSSSTOOOOOOOPIT TDs makes you goddamn idiots.
They’re communist not capitalist brother John. I have no clue how real business works. I mentioned that yesterday that you always go in high as the seller and go in low as the buyer but nobody listens it’s not a crime it’s business it’s called negotiation. I mean look what Elwood did to his company. That’s what communists do to business destroy it.
Our sage from St Louis wrote:
Where’s the crime in that? Yes, it was a huge mistake, granting adjustable-rate mortgages to people who weren’t really creditworthy, but even in the present I can read in The Philadelphia Inquirer how heavily black neighborhoods are so poor due to ‘redlining,’ the old practice of declaring certain neighborhoods economically risky and lenders not extending credit for people to buy homes there.
Me? I was smart! When we contracted a mortgage in June of 2002 for our house in Jim Thorpe, I rejected any idea of an adjustable rate mortgage, and we didn’t buy beyond our means. I was, in fact, smarter than the lenders, because the lenders were just as stupid as anyone else in granting those poor-quality loans.
Amen, Brother Dana, Amen.
Another long winded tirade bye Elwood. If it bleeds it leads there’s a reason for that. Nobody dies when you underestimate your income tax Elwood. Nobody died when you shut down your business divested yourself and left everybody hanging holding the bag. Nobody died when you fall asleep overvalue your assets to sell them. Nobody died when you undercut something you wanted to buy cause you wanted to steal it cheaper. There’s a big deal difference beat white collar crime and crime where people die are maimed or raped or physically damaged. Yeah I know it’s a horrible thing when people lose money that they’ve saved all their lives but they still have their lives.
The children murdered by illegal aliens that Joe Biden and the Democrats allow in here just to win elections are the real losers. Somebody I lost $100,000 to Bernie Madoff is out a few bucks. Young girls that are raped and bludgeoned are you illegals again let in by the Biden system of stealing elections always will be raped but the people who lose $100,000 can make that money back. The unborn babies that Democrats genocide by the hundreds of thousands every year will never see the light of day for the happiness and joy in their mother’s face because of the never ending desire to abort babies by the Democrat party button and Elwood. People who steal other people’s money are bad, people who murder babies are evil.
So no one suffers when your family cheats on taxes and business?
If people are murdering babies why don’t you stop them?? You sit around playing on the internet while babies are being murdered?? You tell me where babies are being murdered and I’ll load my 870 and murder the murderers. Just tell me where they are!! Did you at least call the police??
I’ve never been responsible for an abortion. Have you?
By the way, numbnut, poverty does kill. Healthcare fraud kills. Medical mistakes kill more Americans than do negroes.
Brandon typed: when you shut down your business divested yourself and left everybody hanging holding the bag
Three lies in one sentence, you asshole, you!! LOL. You and Teach’s Lil Lapdog are pretty stupid, but you DO understand defamation! Man up, pussy! There’s more to being a man than raping teens.
So this nice honest fat guy who never lies about others nor their motives and doesn’t mean any harm to anyone starts lying again then puts on his big tough guy facade.
Oh sure! “Just try and hold me back by God!”

Such a fucking moron.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Don’t forget trying to push an expensive drug that does not work.
Remember how Rimjob used to bray about all the money he and his partners were going to make?

“Dr” Mal Practice lying again!! What a waste of oxygen…
Given that taxation and spending bear absolutely no resemblance to one another, yes. That’s true. Money is conjured from thin air. It doesn’t matter at all what tax receipts are, they’ll spend whatever they damn please on whatever they want. Tax evasion is truly now a victimless crime.
So no one suffers when your family cheats on taxes and business?
Re: three lies in a single sentence. If you claim you’re mistaken and just repeating lies from Teach’s Lil Lapdog and “Dr” Mal Practice,then OK. If it’s your opinion that I’m a crook, then OK.
You previously said you impregnated two girls who both obtained abortions. Have you never heard of contraception? Or self control? In my opinion, according to your own admission you contributed to two murders.
Yes, in my opinion, you’re a pussy. You whine about heathens murdering babies but do nothing to stop them. Why? Because you do not believe that abortions are murder. I my opinion, a real man would attempt to stop the murder of babies. And in my opinion real men don’t boast about their claimed “bravery”.
In the US 54% of abortions are sought by Christians (24% Catholic, 13% evangelical, 17% other Protestant). Over 99% of Christian women claim to use contraception. Just over half of abortions are via misoprostol/mifepristone pills. 93% occur by the 13th week, another 6% by 21st week, 1% in third trimester. Mr Trump supports an abortion ban after the 15th week gestation. Do you agree with Trump??