For a change this one doesn’t include hundreds if not thousands flying in
Hawaii Climate Week’s 2-day conference takes on challenges and solutions of climate change
Hawaii Climate Week is underway on the islands. It’s a time for Hawaii residents to look at the challenges of global warming and solutions.
The week’s activities include a two-day climate conference led by federal and state agencies, a film screening on marine conservation, and an agroforestry community workday.
“Climate impacts are being felt deeply across the state. Climate Week highlights the need for urgent action on implementing climate change strategies that are equitable, culturally responsive, and resilient,” said DLNR Chair Dawn Chang, who also serves as Commission Co-Chair.
Climate Week will highlight the many actions that the Inflation Reduction Act and other federal funding sources have supported, including the rollout of the fifth National Climate Assessment’s Hawaii and Pacific Islands chapter and the official launch of the state Comprehensive Climate Action Plan.
Sounds more like a Democrat party campaign conference, but, regardless, without fossil fuels Hawaii would be relegated to living like it’s 1800. No more tourists flying in on fossil fueled planes and using FF planes, helicopters, and vehicles to travel the islands. No more FF boats going out and catching fish. No more FF ships bringing goods and food to the islands, which are not particularly good at agriculture. Who will build TVs and WiFi routers? Have fun sewing your own clothes, since animals like sheep and cows will be banned as being Bad for ‘climate change’. The military bases will have to leave, taking a pretty big chunk of funding with them.
If they want EVs, solar panels, and wind turbines, how are they brought in? That will be tough on non-fossil fueled boats, eh?
The Senators and Representatives will be forced to take sailing ships to the mainland, which is no small trip. It’s almost as far from the mainland as LA is from D.C.

I can just see all the climate activists in government jobs submitting their travel approvals for this trip. If they don’t go to Hawaii, paid for by taxpayers, the climate wins.
Are they debating whether to ban the Kalua pig roast, the traditional part of a luau, a Hawaiian tradition? My ancestors on Mau’i would be appalled!
No one NEEDS a Kalua pig roast. Spam is just as good and can be warmed by putting the can in the sun for a few hours. Carbon neutral, since it magically appears on store shelves.
Actually, Spam® is considered something of a delicacy in our 50th state. Don’t ask me to explain it.
It became popular in Hawaii around WWII because it was a staple for GIs. As a poor hillbilly in the Missouri Ozarks fried Spam on white bread with a touch of Miracle Whip was a gourmet treat for us rednecks!! Chicken n dumplings, beans n cornbread, biscuits n gravy, fried chicken, fried rabbit & squirrel & quail, mashed taters, green beans, blackberry cobbler,…
If you go outside the US, you would find that spam is a great dish, especially Korea. Been there and seen it as a major menu item and whole TV shows are dedicated to it. I believe England has an affection as well.
Hawaii’s total GHG emissions are trivial compared to the global problem. The hyper-excitable Mr Teach lets fly at Hawaiians for being concerned about the effects of global warming on their very survival.
The uber-excitable Mr Teach engages his classic criticism of any and all who he slurs as “warmists” – “warmists” have no “standing” in the debate unless they emit NO GHG’s at all!!!
Classic Alinsky: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” and of course, “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”
The actual truth is that island nations and states are in significant danger from global warming. The hyper-uber-excitable Mr Teach seems to believe that Pacific Islanders need to move to higher ground.
A paper has just been published that for once has a reasonable look at climate change. Has nothing to do with humans. It is the interaction with Mars.
Here’s the paper in Nature Communications that the commenter claims demonstrated the current bout of global warming has nothing to do with humans.
for a more readable version from one of the scientist-authors, Dr Muller, try this.
from the University of Sydney:
From The Smithsonian review of the paper:
From Science Daily:
The commenter is to be congratulated for exploring this, but their conclusion is incorrect, at least according to scientists who conducted the analyses and other experts.
Once again I don’t feel you are qualified to spread your propaganda when I make a comment. There is absolutely nothing that would prove in your mind anything but CO2 as a major actor in climate. There are enough people now refuting this concept. But you continue to drop crap in your hysteria, we are not warming rapidly, you have never demonstrated this. Until you can respond with a thoughtful intellectual response, then avoid my comments. But you will never be able to give such a response.
“Dr” Mal Practice,
I can read and give citations. You are a science denier. Can you refute what you claim the paper (which you didn’t even cite) said? You clearly didn’t read the paper, did you. LOL.
From whom did you swipe the conclusion? My guess is the always wrong science denier, Pierre Gosselin, the Trickster.
What makes you believe your lies should go unchallenged?
Every time you lie, I’ll correct you just as I did. Fair enough?
I’ve asked you not to respond to my corrections of your lies.
Has your child had a tour in Hawaii? When my soldier went over there he found Hawaii is a hardship tour. Too expensive, Hawaiians seem to hate soldiers and have no problem showing it. Even the soil is bad for the military as the red clay can not be extracted from uniforms.
Hawaii? If every drop of petroleum disappeared tomorrow, we’d all be hunter-gatherers within 6 months, 90% of us would be dead in a year and 90% of that would be dead in 2 years.