These would be the same Democrats who freak out over illegal aliens in border states being shipped off to sanctuary cities. This, though, is more than just flying them around to small town America after they’ve jumped across the border as the Biden regime has been doing
All Senate Dems vote against barring taxpayer funds to fly illegal migrants to US towns
Every Democratic lawmaker in the Senate voted against an amendment that would bar taxpayer funds from being used to fly illegal aliens to U.S. towns and cities, according to the Republican senator behind the amendment.
“Tonight every single Senate Democrat voted against my amendment that would stop Biden Admin from using taxpayer dollars to charter flights for hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens from their countries directly to American towns to be resettled,” Republican Tennessee Sen. Bill Hagerty tweeted early Saturday morning.
“Indefensible,” he added.
Hagerty announced earlier last week that he was set to file an amendment to the appropriations bill that would “prohibit federal funds from being used to secretly fly illegal aliens from other nations directly into states across the country,” according to his office’s press release.
“Let me cut through the procedural language here. I’m bringing forward a vote on a very simple question: Do you support American taxpayer dollars being used to fly illegal aliens into the United States from places like Venezuela and Haiti, into America to be settled in towns and cities near you? If so, then vote against me. Vote ‘no’ to preserve the practice of using taxpayer dollars to charter planes that move and import thousands of illegal aliens into your states,” Hagerty said Friday on the floor of the Senate.
And when Biden flies those from other nations he sticks them in small town America, in places that can ill afford them and do not want them. He’s mostly not sending them to sanctuary cities, counties, and states. It would be nice if more Republican run states would take them and ship them right off….well, it would be nice if they weren’t being imported from other countries to start with.
(UK Daily Mail) The US Border Patrol chief said the crisis at the southern border is a ‘national security threat‘ that ‘keeps him awake at night’ in a new interview during which he spelled out the danger posed by the millions of illegal migrants who’ve entered the country in recent years.
Border Patrol chief Jason Owens said during a sit-down with CBS News that he is mostly concerned with the tens of thousands of illegal migrants who haven’t been apprehended and processed at the border on their way into the US.
‘What’s keeping me up at night is the 140,000 got aways,’ Owens said – the number of migrants who have snuck into the country undetected since October.
‘Why are they hiding? What do they have to hide? What are they bringing in? What is their intent? Where are they coming from?’ Owens explained are the primary concerns of the USBP about the got-aways, whose backgrounds and locations are virtually unknown to the government.
He’s saying they know nothing about these people. Are they terrorists? Are they gang members? Murderers? Rapists? Part of a theft group? We don’t know. Heck, what do we know about all the ones Biden is flying in from other countries?

Future serial squatters.
Be armed & ready.
It’s no longer about illegal aliens. When the US government invites you to get onto an airplane heading to the USA, the term illegal no longer fits.
There is too much immigration from all sources and the USA cannot absorb them all. Any rational policy would limit the number. Any good policy would return many who have already arrived back to their homes until the USA can accomodate them. The system is so broke at this point, there needs to be a decades long moratorium on all immigration from all sources.
Teach I tried to find out about how many migrants are being flown by Biden to small towns.
I couldn’t find any info on that. Could you provide any citations on that ?
Small towns all across my great country are dying, and have been for decades. Don’t many small towns need more people? Aren’t a lot of red states basically offering FREE homes to just about anyone? Should governments both state and federal incentivizing people to move their ? Pitiful West Virginia has lost 3% of its population in the last 10 years. And their population has THE highest rate of disabled population. Wv needs strong healthy military aged men to
revitalize their crappy economy.
Zillow has 50+0 houses for sale with monthly mortgage payments less than 200$ per month
Plus let’s face it, WV needs new DNA. The current DNA has been recycled too many times already
“Small towns all across my great country are dying, and have been for decades. Don’t many small towns need more people? Aren’t a lot of red states basically offering FREE homes to just about anyone? Should governments both state and federal incentivizing people to move their ?”
And what will they do when they move there?If the local economy is so poor that people, the young especially, are leaving what is there for the illegals?
All those jobs that the departed young Americans wouldn’t do… cutting grass, shoveling snow, cooking, cleaning bathrooms, baby sitting. You know. The same stuff Democrats have been hiring illegals for for decades. Democrats never got over having their slaves taken away.
I get your point, but given that the local economy has collapsed, the only employers will be the retired.
Those retired on private savings and investments can afford hiring, until inflation decreases the value of their funds.
Those retired mostly on Soc Sec can, to a smaller degree, but their collapse will be quicker.
So the number of these “jobs” will rapidly decrease and the outflux will exceed the influx no matter the race of the individuals.
Title 8, U.S.C. § 1324(a)
We already have a law preventing an American from knowingly transporting “illegal” aliens within the U.S.!!
If President Biden and Governors Abbott and DeSantis are knowingly transporting “illegal” aliens they are in violation of Federal Law!!
So why haven’t they been prosecuted?!?
Are Presidents and Governors above the law, i.e., if an Executive does it it’s not illegal and the courts and prosecutors will look the other way? Are airlines and buslines above the law?
Maybe Brandon’s DOJ decided to ignore the serious crimes of Governors Abbott and DeSantis knowing they were going to let Brandon off the hook at a later date. And why did the legal advisers for Brandon, Abbott, DeSantis and the corporations involved in these crimes advise them?!??
Or… Is it possible that the excitable FOX “News” and the excitable Mr Teach mislabeled these immigrants as being “illegals”?
“Small towns all across my great country are dying, and have been for decades. Don’t many small towns need more people? Aren’t a lot of red states basically offering FREE homes to just about anyone? Should governments both state and federal incentivizing people to move their ?”
And what will they do when they move there?If the local economy is so poor that people, the young especially, are leaving what is there for the illegals?
Mr Lewis,
Likely they will do what immigrants and others on the lowest rungs of the socioeconomic ladder do. As the good professor pointed out, gardening, harvesting, farming, laborers, kitchen help, clerking, gas stations, butchering, roofing, hotel work, and don’t ignore that they scramble to survive and often start tiny businesses – food carts, cobblers, tool sharpening, small engine repair…
Chicken Little Man
The thing is that the employer base has been greatly reduced by death of manufacturing jobs which compounded the outflux of the young for the cities, leaving mostly service based employment. And even there the employee demand has been greatly reduced.
Walmart has destroyed many small local businesses. Small local hospitals have closed due Obamacare. Start ups have to face Amazon and the internet. The net result is a much lower base. The children, no matter their race, will leave.
So what you have by flying in illegals is adding beans to an already overflowing pot.
The result is not pretty and the decreasing birth rate of the white population argues that the future is a country with a population that is not schooled in North European culture. Will the base retains its republic governance, with democratic institutions? No one knows.
The Left favors the Southern European model the lord’s castle surrounded by he peons who subservient to rulers and ruling class. There is nothing new in this. Jim Crow and his KKK cousin is rising from the ashes.
The Left’s “Oh Well” Attitude About Illegals who Commit Violent Acts

BWaha! Lolgf
There actually are ways to be smart about this, if the dummkopf from Delaware is going to send the ‘migrants’ to small towns. Admit only families, husband and wife, married, with children, and vetted as well as possible, and just send one or two families to a particular town. Get the diocesan bishop and local Catholic priest involved, because these ‘migrants’ will almost certainly be Catholic, and put them in situations where they have to assimilate, rather than create ethnic enclaves. The local priest can work with local Protestant ministers to talk to the neighbors, get people ready for the immigrants.
Keep the numbers low enough to not overburden the local public schools, and low enough so that there are a reasonable number of job openings where they can get jobs and make money to support themselves. Put them in situations in which they have to learn English. Give them reasons to become Americans, and not try to recreate their home countries.
Automatically exclude anyone with facial tattoos, gang affiliations or tattoos, and really all single males. That’s where you get ganging up, if they’re not already MS-13.