Sure, it’s not that much money in terms of government expenditures, but, why are we wasting taxpayer money in Pakistan like this? How about spending the money so that they aren’t so extremist?
Biden administration to drop up to $100,000 teaching Pakistani leaders about climate change
The Biden administration is set to spend between $70,000 and $100,000 on a little-known program teaching religious leaders in Pakistan how to fight climate change, federal funding documents show.
The taxpayer-backed initiative is through the State Department and is expected to begin in October 2024 for at least one year, according to the records. It is aimed toward “50 religious leaders” because “they have the moral authority to call on people and businesses to consider the environmental impact of their activities, to reduce their carbon footprints and to find ways to cope with the growing impact of climate change,” the Daily Caller reported.
“The project intends to educate clerics and religious leaders of different faiths — including Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, etc. — in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa about climate change and to create awareness about its impact,” the State Department said in grant documents. “These clerics will serve as messengers, imparting the knowledge to congregations through Friday sermons, Sunday masses and other religious gatherings. By seamlessly integrating climate change education into religious discourse, the project will promote sustainable practices and a culture of environmental consciousness throughout KP.”
Does the Biden regime understand that over 96% of Pakistanis are Muslim? Because that’s a pretty stupid statement from the federal government agency that should kinda know this stuff. Sikhs? There are supposedly about 20,000, but, no one really knows, because Pakistan excluded them from the last census. Anyhow, considering that the climate cult has done a great job in turning people into haters of the 1st World, might this cause Islamic extremists to hate the 1st World more and attack more Western individuals and companies because they are “bad for ‘climate change'”?
“Religious leaders play influential roles in approving government initiatives and social norms,” the State Department said. “Credible and trustworthy, these clerics are respected opinion leaders and can play a larger role in effective outreach to combat climate change.”
Pakistan is certainly one of the nations most involved in Islamic extremism from the Sunni point of view. They certainly tolerate a wide range of Islamist groups, and still find that apostasy is grounds for death. This is who Biden is giving money to.

Sort of looks like those free vacations in Florida, but you have to listen to a time share sales pitch. 50 Islamic clerics are not going to go to a US government sales pitch about ANYTHING unless there is some payoff. 100K, after high level skims, works out to about 1K for each cleric. Not a bad way to spend a weekend. The ridiculous part is expecting them to carry back anything to their “congregations”. If any of that money gets spent on Arabic language printed drink can foam sleeves reminding people about living a carbon neutral life, the payoff gets even smaller. Bottom line though is that “clerics” in Islam are not going to change the message of Islam to make some American climate activists happy.