Kenyans Switch From Cows To Camels To Fight Global Boiling Or Something

One would think the Kenyans would be like “why are all these 1st World elitists trying to keep us from having the same modern life they’ve been living?”

Blah blah blah. It’s one of those massively long articles you get from the Washington Post, despite this being really meaningless cult stuff

The camels had thump-thumped for seven days across northern Kenya, ushered by police reservists, winding at last toward their destination: less a village than a dusty clearing in the scrub, a place where something big was happening. People had walked for miles to be there. Soon the governor pulled up in his SUV. Women danced, and an emcee raised his hands to the sky. When the crowd gathered around an enclosure holding the camels, one man said he was looking at “the future.”

The camels had arrived to replace the cows.

Cows, here and across much of Africa, have been the most important animal for eons — the foundation of economies, diets, traditions.

But now grazable land is shrinking. Water sources are drying up. A three-year drought in the Horn of Africa that ended last year killed 80 percent of the cows in this part of Kenya and shattered the livelihoods of so many people.

Yeah, it’s not like that part of Africa isn’t constantly in drought, but, now they can blame this on witchcraft, er, you living a modern life, and, keep these 3rd world folks from access to reliable, affordable energy sources.

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4 Responses to “Kenyans Switch From Cows To Camels To Fight Global Boiling Or Something”

  1. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    William Teach, who knows more about anything than anyone, mocks Kenyans for switching from raising cows to raising camels!!

    But he inadvertently supplied this information…

    now grazable land is shrinking. Water sources are drying up. A three-year drought in the Horn of Africa that ended last year killed 80 percent of the cows in this part of Kenya and shattered the livelihoods of so many people.

    The number of cattle (beef + dairy) in the US are at a 70 year low!! It’s rumored that Brandon will force us to subsist on camel meat and milk!!!

    Tip: Do your search for “desert mammals” and not “dessert mammals”…

  2. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    BTW, water boils at 100° Celsius (212° Fahrenheit). The current average temperature of Earth is about 15° Celsius (59° Fahrenheit).

    The highest registered air temperature on Earth was 56.7° Celsius (134.1° Fahrenheit).

    So we have some room before we have global boiling!

    Curiously, on our Moon, only some 200,000 miles away, temperatures can spike to 121° Celsius (250° Fahrenheit) in daylight, then plummet after nightfall to -133° Celsius (-208° Fahrenheit). Freezing to boiling to freezing to boiling!!

  3. Jim Fisher says:

    Surprised they don’t switch to goats when loneliness sets in…

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