Good News: Taliban Joins In Talks With UN On Climate Crisis (scam)

Looks like the climate cult is getting yet another religious cult, this one a brutal, repressive, misogynistic, terroristic one, to join in

From the link

The Taliban government has entered its first talks with the United Nations, donors and non-governmental organisations over the impact of climate change in Afghanistan, organisers said Wednesday.

After four decades of war, Afghanistan ranks as one of the countries least prepared to face the effects of climate change, which is spurring extreme weather and warping natural environments.

Foreign aid to Afghanistan has dwindled since the Taliban takeover in 2021, with donors wary of backing a government considered a pariah, leaving poor and climate-vulnerable communities further exposed.

The Norwegian Afghanistan Committee (NAC) co-hosted three days of talks ending Tuesday, country director Terje Watterdal told reporters at a news conference in Kabul. (snip)

All sides agreed that “both individual and collective action is required both inside and outside of Afghanistan”, Watterdal said.

“All government ministries committed their full support for the national and international organisations working to combat climate change and reduce the impact of climate change in Afghanistan.”

And, because the Taliban, reinstalled as the ruling power in Afghanistan thanks to Biden’s bungled withdrawal, is saying the right things on global boiling, the UN, NGOs, and nations will now start ignoring what the Taliban is and what they do, including to women. Because that’s what happens in Warmist World. Even Bin Laden was a Warmist, or, at least pretended to be one, which, I’m sure, is exactly what the Taliban is working at, so they get some breathing room for their extremism and some of that sweet, sweet, redistributed climate cash

Deputy Director of the National Environmental Protection Agency of Afghanistan Zainul Abideen Abid said “Climate change management is a priority”.

“We call upon all relevant United Nations agencies to avoid mere sloganeering and take practical steps,” he said, asking for more funding to be unlocked for the country.

Yup, a grift.

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8 Responses to “Good News: Taliban Joins In Talks With UN On Climate Crisis (scam)”

  1. H says:

    Taliban were taught wahabism Islam by the Saudis. Not a dimes worth of difference between Afghanistan now and the Saudis of 20
    Years ago
    Mr Teach had no problem Reagan gifting the Taliban billions in the 80s.

    • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

      The 80s are going on 100 years ago and the Taliban was not our enemy at the time there was no War on Terror and Ronald Reagan was doing what he thought best for the United states. Or do you think there was some nefarious reason he made a deal with the Taliban?
      Next you’ll be accusing FDR Of something for teaming up with the Soviets in World War 2.

      Stop talking like an asshole you’re sounding more like Elwood everyday.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:


        You need to check your Taliban/Reagan history.

        The USSR, Pakistan, the Saudis and our own CIA screwed up the primitive, backward, fundamentalist, tribal Afghanistan, bigly. Now, Afghanistan is worse than ever. A totally failed state, regardless of what Presidents Trump or Biden did unless we wanted to occupy there in perpetuity. How long did it take the Taliban to rout the Afghan government – a week?

        You’re sounding more like an asshole every day, but still smarter than DildoButt.

        3,2,1 “solid” rebuttal from DildoButt (aka DogBottom)

  2. Professor Hale says:

    Someone must have told them that the USA is giving away money.

  3. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    William Teach typed: And, because the Taliban, reinstalled as the ruling power in Afghanistan thanks to Biden’s bungled withdrawal,

    And, because the Taliban, reinstalled as the ruling power in Afghanistan thanks to ex-president Trump’s stupid, bungled handover of power…

    There. Fixed it for you.

    Trump even wanted the Taliban to join him at Camp David to sign the peace deal!! On the anniversary of 9/11!! Calmer (and wiser) heads prevailed.

    The Trump-Taliban “peace” deal called for the withdrawal of all 14,000 American troops over 16 months, with about 5,000 of them leaving within 4 months. In return, the Taliban would provide counterterrorism assurances to ease American fears. LOL. What a deal, Donald.

    His advisers, John Bolton, Lindsey Graham, Gen Petraeus, Gen Jack Keane tried to press on Trump that the Taliban could not be trusted. No shit. Mr Trump was promised the Taliban the release of thousands of Taliban prisoners from Afghan govt prisons but President Ghani of Afghanistan said , “Just a damn minute!”

    The naive Trump was so eager to take credit for ending the Afghanistan war that he trusted the Taliban who saw Trump just as Putin and Kim saw him. The Trump ex-team blamed President Biden for NOT PULLING OUT of the deal and renegotiating!!!

  4. SR says:

    President Trump Pays Surprise Visit To Union Construction Workers In NYC Before Trial Hearing

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