Is there anyone other than those in the Biden regime who didn’t think this would happen?
U.S. humanitarian pier attacked during construction work off Gaza coast
I told you that this would happen.
— John The Main Guy – Am Yisrael Chai (@JohnTheMainGuy1) April 25, 2024
From the link
Gazan terrorists fired mortar shells on Wednesday towards the construction work on the humanitarian pier being built off the coast of Gaza.
i24NEWS has learned that several pieces of American engineering equipment were damaged in the attack. In addition, one person was slightly injured while running to a protected area.
The United States has been building the floating pier in order to channel additional humanitarian aid that would arrive via sea route. U.S. President Joe Biden announced the plan during his State of the Union address in early March, clarifying that there would be “no U.S. boots on the ground.”
And then an and update
In an exclusive confirmation to i24NEWS, the spokesperson for United Nations Secretary General António Guterres has verified the i24NEWS exclusive report of an attack on the U.S.-led humanitarian pier under construction off the coast of Gaza.
i24NEWS was pretty much the first to report it, updating before anyone bothered reporting the news. Lest you think it is false, well, here’s Politico, CBC News, and Washington Post. I’m sure other Lefty news sites have a blurb of news buried, just not expected search terms, other than some Israeli sites, Daily News, and Free Beacon. They don’t want to expose Biden’s folly and that terrorists are terrorists.

Hey, terrorists gotta terrorist!
Hamas action were unsurprising, because they want increased rather than reduced suffering among the (purportedly) civilian population. The Arabs know that they cannot win, and will never be able to win, not by themselves, but perhaps they can gain more if more stupid Westerners sympathize with their plight.
It’s amazing how the Arabs can be smart enough to have figured out that, but not smart enough to have not attacked Israel in the first place.
It is commonly recognized that certain characteristics are concentrated in a greater or lesser degree in various gene pools. We recognize that things like red hair or blue eyes are more heavily concentrated among people of northern European descent, and that some groups — Danes make a good example — are, on average, taller than most other people, while those of Asian descent tend to be shorter. But, of course, even though we do recognize that intelligence is somewhat genetically determined, no one dares to say that whatever genes lead to smarter people could possibly be more heavily concentrated in different ethnic groups. It’s pretty clear to me: whatever genes lead to greater intelligence are far more concentrated in the Israelis, and much less so among the Arabs, because the Arabs are clearly as dumb as a box of rocks!
It didn’t have to be that way, because several scientific developments have gotten started among Arabic populations, including the concept of 0 as a mathematical value, and the Arabic numerals now commonly used, which makes virtually all science far more accessible than the Roman numerals developed in the West. The Arabs were far ahead of the West in astronomy at one point.
Who knows? Perhaps the randomness of the Bubonic Plague hit the more intelligent Arabs harder, and reduced the concentration of intelligence in that ethnic group as a whole, or perhaps the influence of Islam simply dumbed down the entire population, affecting education among them, but for whatever reasons exist, the Arabs are just plain stupid.
Video or it didn’t happen,,,, even then.