Your Fault: Worst Wine Harvest In 62 Years Blamed On Climate Doom

Can any remember what was happening in 1962?

Worst wine harvest in 62 years blamed on ‘extreme’ weather and climate change

Global wine production reached a historic low in 2023 and climate change could be to blame, a new report has revealed.

The International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) says the drink hit its lowest level since 1962. This intergovernmental organisation has 50 member states, representing 75 per cent of the world’s vineyard area.

Experts blame “extreme environmental conditions” including droughts and fires that have been driving the downward trend in production.

Though climate change is not entirely to blame, the OIV says, these conditions are the greatest challenge the industry is facing. Vines are often cultivated in areas around the world that are strongly affected by and incredibly vulnerable to changes in climate.

Oh, so, it’s pretty just natural variability and other factors, rather than Mankind dooming the planet with boiling temperatures.

Seriously, everything is doom and gloom with these people. Weather changes. It’s not exactly the same every year. And, the Earth goes through warming periods, just like cooling ones. And micro-cooling ones, just like what was happening in 1962. The British were growing fantastic wine during the Medieval Climate Optimum while the French were having issues. These Warmists are almost as bad as flat Earthers.

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3 Responses to “Your Fault: Worst Wine Harvest In 62 Years Blamed On Climate Doom”

  1. Dana says:

    First World Problems

  2. Matthew says:

    As usual with the nonsense blamed on the scourge of climate change, we have a subject, vineyard harvest, that has been traditionally highly variable with hundreds, if not thousands of factors that can drive production either way, such that it is utterly impossible to narrow the cause for a good or poor season down to any one thing. Just. Not. Possible.

    Depending upon the location, the demon CO2 may have increased between 1 and 3 ppm. So, we’re expected to believe that that 2 ppm was just too much for the poor grapes this year? Oh, and the other hundreds (or thousands) of factors miraculously remained unchanged.

    Eye roll, please. Excuse me but I think I’ll just yawn and go have another cup of coffee, that was supposedly going to be either prohibitively expensive due to poor harvests or eradicated altogether by now because of CARBON!!!

    Yet the gullible dweebs that walk among us will be wringing their hands and heading for the fainting couches when they read this latest inane BS. They cannot help themselves.

    Cue the DWEEBS!!

  3. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Local climates are changing because the Earth is warming. Plants respond to changes in rain and temperature, i.e., components of climate! Although CO2 is “plant food”, its impact is not always pro-growth, as other climate factors – water, temperature, sunlight – can be more important.

    From the article:

    Though climate change is not entirely to blame, the (International Organisation of Vine and Wine) says, these conditions are the greatest challenge the industry is facing. Vines are often cultivated in areas around the world that are strongly affected by and incredibly vulnerable to changes in climate.

    The climate is changing. We’ll have to learn to live with it.

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