Last I checked, every single one of these Jew hating Hamas loving “protesters” were adults and made the choice to go out there and chant things like “death to America,”, “death to Israel,” “death to Jews”, and all the other things
College protesters want ‘amnesty.’ At stake: Tuition, legal charges, grades and graduation
Maryam Alwan figured the worst was over after New York City police in riot gear arrested her and other protesters on the Columbia University campus, loaded them onto buses and held them in custody for hours.
But the next evening, the college junior received an email from the university. Alwan and other students were being suspended after their arrests at the “ Gaza Solidarity Encampment,” a tactic colleges across the country have deployed to calm growing campus protests against the Israel-Hamas war.
The students’ plight has become a central part of protests, with students and a growing number of faculty demanding their amnesty. At issue is whether universities and law enforcement will clear the charges and withhold other consequences, or whether the suspensions and legal records will follow students into their adult lives.
Questions about their academic futures remain. Will they be allowed to take final exams? What about financial aid? Graduation? Columbia says outcomes will be decided at disciplinary hearings, but Alwan says she has not been given a date.
“This feels very dystopian,” said Alwan, a comparative literature and society major.
Dystopian? You literally put yourself in this situation. Here she is laughing and smiling
@Columbia University may have devolved into a fascist police state, but it cannot arrest our joy. It cannot arrest our love. Most of all, it cannot arrest our commitment to Palestinian liberation.
— maryam alwan???????? (@maryamalwan) April 20, 2024
Even if the charges are dropped and records cleared, will companies want to hire someone involved with all the violent rhetoric against Jews and taking the side of a terrorist organization? All these kiddies do know that the Internet is forever, and recruiters will see them wearing Intifada keffiyehs, a symbol of murdering Jews and attacking Israel, right?
For international students facing suspension, there is the added fear of losing their visas, said Radhika Sainath, an attorney with Palestine Legal, which helped a group of Columbia students file a federal civil rights complaint against the school Thursday. It accuses Columbia of not doing enough to address discrimination against Palestinian students.
“The level of punishment is not even just draconian, it feels like over-the-top callousness,” Sainath said.
You’re a guest in our country. If you want to play terrorist games, well you get prizes you won’t like, but, you earned them. Every single one of the people at these protests who can be identified should be given the J6 treatment: hunted down by law enforcement, and, if not a citizen, deported immediately. If they are naturalized or a permanent resident, well, those statuses should be revoked and be removed. Consequences are a bitch! Have fun with future employment!

The First Amendment guarantees our freedom of speech and right of peaceable assembly. There should not have been any arrests of those demonstrating or protesting under peaceable conditions.
The problem arises that not everyone was peaceable, not everyone obeyed the law. How well was that determined when there were large crowds of immature idiots protesting? Will there be thousands of hours of video taken, and congressional hearings, with the FBI ferreting out any of those who threw a rock or vandalized private property, or will anyone who was there marching and yelling be hauled in, jailed, and charged with multiple crimes, to try to force them to plead down to single misdemeanors?
Unlikely since the FBI were not themselves stirring up the pro-terrorist uprisings. For a very long time, the only criminals the FBI has caught are the ones that they themselves created.
LOL. Ignorant far-rightists believe the FBI caused the Jan 6 riot.
There is also the problem of ‘hate crime’ laws. Yes, most of the protesters were just idiots, and many of them didn’t really know much about that against which they were protesting. There are still propagandists trying to claim that there were no murders or rapes perpetrated by Hamas on October 7th.
But there’s a difference between chanting:
because those could be considered direct threats to people who were present at the time. There were no hate crimes laws on the books in the 1960s and 1970s, but there are now. Reports of Jewish students, the vast majority of whom are smarter and more sensible than the pro-Hamas protesters, chanting anything which could be considered threats to those present, are virtually non-existent.
I have been checking the Lexington Herald-Leader and the Kentucky Kernel, the UK student newspaper for which I used to write back during the days of quill pens and inkwells, every day, and I have yet to see any reports of pro-Hamas, or pro-Israel, protests of demonstrations on campus or in the city. Yes, that shows that Kentucky students are just plain smarter than those elite and effete Ivy Leaguers, but then it occurred to me: there are very few Jewish students at UK, with Jews being a very small minority in the Bluegrass State as a whole, while the reports of demonstrations at Penn and Hahvahd and Columbia are occurring at schools with significant Jewish populations, and it leads me to think that these demonstrations really are just as much anti-Semitic as they are pro-Palestinian.
The Supreme Court should grant protesters Absolute Immunity!
Those shouting “Death to Jews” are practicing their Free Speech rights. BUT, colleges and universities, even state schools, are allowed to toss the miscreants off their properties and out of school.
“Hang Mike Pence!” “Hang Mike Pence!”
Just as idiotic propagandists propagandize that Biden won by cheating, idiotic propagandists propagandize that Hamas didn’t rape, brutalize and murder Israelis.
America has plenty of idiotic, reality-denying propagandists to go around…
The Earth is not flat, astronauts walked on the moon, 9/11 was NOT a Bush inside job, the Earth is warming, Elvis is not alive, NFL is not fixed (but the NBA…), viruses are real, Usain Bolt MAY be an alien, evolution happened and is happening, abortion does not cause breast cancer…
Ahhh Dana. The Vietnamese war was a bit different the Viet Cong were actually killing American soldiers.
Very few protestors are actually chanting Kill the Jews.
In fact hundreds of Jews wearing tshirts reading Jews for Peace blocked a major thoroughfare in NYC . That got very little media coverage.onevmust be careful to differentiate between. Jews, Israel, the current government of Israel ( which was formed with a bare majority. Substantial numbers are anti zionists because of the teachings of the Torah which says the Messiah will appear before the State of Israel.
Dana try googling “Jews protesting the Gaza bombingd’
American Jews are deeply conflicted by the bombings that have killed 33000, 80 percent of whom are women and children
The Constitution guarantees freedom of speech and assembly, it does not guarantee un-permitted speech and assembly on private property. Should the owner of the property tell the protesters to leave and they don’t, they become trespassers. Similarly, if the po-po directs the protesters to cease blocking a street or sidewalk and they don’t, they are subject to arrest. Many public spaces have areas designated as speaking/protest areas to allow for peaceful discourse.
If these folks can’t play by simple rules, J6 ’em.
It is right-wing propaganda for William Teach to call all the pro-Palestinian protesters anti-Semitic, pro-Hamas or pro-terrorist.
There exist legitimate concerns regarding the actions of the IDF against the Gazans trapped in Rafah, Gaza.
This does NOT excuse the inexcusable rapes, kidnappings, torture and murders committed by Hamas on Oct 7. Hamas deserves to be destroyed and the members hanged by the testicles until dead.
The Israel organization known as Net and Yahoo is making the situation in the Middle East worse.
When the US dropped Little Boy and Fat Man on Japan in August 1945, the Japanese leaders saw that it was over and surrendered most likely to save their people. Hamas does not give a shit, not even one little turd, about the Palestinians in Gaza.
Secretary of State Anthony Blinken says ceasefire/hostage deal is close. The ball is in Hamas’ court.
So Karen (aka Rimjob) implies that some rapes, kidnappings, torture, and murders are excusable?
For whatever reasons, Jews in the US prefer to live in the Northeast and in metro areas, NYC, NJ, Baltimore, DC, Phllly, Chicago, St Louis, Dade-Miami, SanFran, LA, Boston, Cleveland… mostly in blue states.
We suspect that few Palestinians, much like Jews, find little to draw them to states like Kentucky, Iowa, Idaho and Arkansas, which leads me to think that these states are anti-Semitic. In general in America our Jewish brethren and sistren have it easier than our Middle Eastern brethren and sistren!