This is hilarious, because the advocates think people are leaving California because they cannot afford to live there, so they need more money, but, raising the minimum wage makes things more expensive
Advocates gather at California Capitol to push for raising minimum wage
Advocates gathered at the California State Capitol on Monday, calling for a statewide minimum wage of at least $20/hr.
The group supports an assembly bill that calls for a study on raising the minimum wage.
“They’re leaving because the wage is not $20 an hour,” said Saru Jayaraman of One Fair Wage. “$20 an hour would be a way to keep them in California because they’d finally be able to afford to live.”
In April, the minimum wage for many fast food workers in California was raised.
Following the victory for fast food workers, advocates urge state lawmakers to consider comprehensive wage policy reform.
How’s that victory working out?
(ABC News) It’s been nearly one month since California raised the minimum wage at certain restaurants, which has put a spotlight on a course correction that many see as long overdue.
But for some — and not just fast food franchise owners — the newly raised bar for compensation also marks a pivotal point for restaurants to remain competitive in an already difficult post-pandemic landscape. The industry with famously thin margins is once again being pushed to make monetary and operational adjustments to stay afloat, all without compromising consumer expectations.
Some customers have already felt the pinch of costs being passed onto them, as recently reported by the Wall Street Journal, which restaurant owners and executives at chains like Chipotle and McDonald’s warned could come as a result of the state voting to increase the minimum from $16 to $20 an hour at restaurant chains with at least 60 locations nationwide.
So, it costs more to eat
(Washington Times) In response to recent minimum wage increases in California, fast food restaurants across the state are shifting to automation to get rid of wage-earning humans.
The move to making customers place orders at digital kiosks alleviates what owners say is the financial strain of rising labor costs after the minimum wage for the state’s fast food workers increased on April 1 from $16 to $20 per hour.
Harsh Ghai, a Burger King franchise owner who manages 140 outlets along the West Coast, is leading the transition to automation. He plans to introduce digital kiosks across all his restaurants within months — a drastic acceleration from his original timeline of five to 10 years.
So the minimum wage will be $0, because the jobs will dry up. People who have no real skills/work ethic will be unemployed with a lot fewer opportunities. Those who are looking for part time work will likewise find the opportunities diminished. And this is what will happen all across California if they pass $20 as the minimum wage. Which I think they should do. Because every experiment needs an experimental group, right? We should see what they outcomes are. Unfortunately, this will cause ripples across the country when it comes to certain product, like produce, since so much is grown in the People’s Republik of California.

Why not $50/hour? Don’t the hardest working people in California deserve a living wage that pays them enough to live in California? $15/hour is enough if they wanted to live in Arizona or South Dakota. Let’s face it. Politicians have no idea what the right amount of wages is, anymore than they understand how much water you should use to flush a toilet, how much food you should grow, how much a car is worth, how much carbon you are using, how much carbon you should use, or anything else that exists in the real world. Politicians are the last person anyone should consult about setting prices for labor or anything else.
The fact is, every job has a natural value in terms of what it produces. When the cost of that labor (wages, taxes, benefits, and overhead) exceeds the produced value, then that job stops being viable. It then either gets subsidized by other more valuable jobs, it it gets eliminated. If that happens in a whole operation like a restaurant, then the operation closes and everyone, including the owners and high producers lose their jobs. The revenue the business can collect must fit inside that window between the total costs of operation and the total price customers are willing to pay. Politicians have for too long expected that window to be large enough to fund all their fantasy and vanity projects. They don’t understand or seem to care that the window is not infinitely expandable.
The noted conservative economist, Rush Limbaugh, asked “Why not make it $100”? The answer was, “That’s too high!”
What the politicos do know is that the wealth/wage gap between rich and poor is unsustainable and increasing.
Wage gap exists everywhere. In capitalist economies, socialist, communist, all of them. I fail to see why bringing up a wage gap has anything to do with this you think the wealthy people in communist China don’t have a wage gap come on man.
Not only do they have a striking wage gap but they also have a striking power gap. In other words the rights of the little people are nothing compared to the rights of the rich. At least in America with the exception of Democrats everybody has the same legal rights Democrats of course are entitled to more rights than the rest of us. Democrats are also entitled to constitutional protections that are as of now basically denied anybody that’s a republican or identified as a deplorable.
Hi CarolAnn,
I was talking about the US, and haven’t the energy or interest in fixing China.
My point is that in the US, the working poor are having a harder and harder time surviving. Houses are unaffordable. Cutting the taxes on the wealthy and corporations – the cornerstone of conservative economic thought – adds to the debt, shifts local and state tax burdens onto the working classes, and weakens the nation. The concept of “tinkle down economics” has been disproven.
You are correct that money is power! The Golden Rule – “Whovever has the Gold, Makes the Rules”. How does letting the working class keep more of the fruits of their productivity harm America. Our economy consistently shifts the results of increased productivity to the already wealthy.
The top marginal tax rate in the US following the end of WWII was 93%!! In the 50s we built a middle class, the interstate highways, rebuilt the military, built dams, ports, airports, schools, colleges, universities – families could afford a house, a car, college educations, a pension, a stay at home spouse… today we tax labor at a higher rate than real estate gains and unearned income!!
That’s no way to run a nation.
Chicken Little Man
Back in the 60’s the small town area I live in had 6 factories that employed around 5500 people in good paying jobs in clothing, electronics, food processing, etc.
They lost them to factories moving out of the country to lower labor costs, primarily Japan… who’s now lost them to China, Vietnam, and et al lower cost countries…
Of course we had started this when they moved out of what became known as “the rust belt” to our low wage non-union jobs.
What’s the answer?? I dunno. AI is going to take even more jobs..
BTW the problems now are all caused by Biden’s economic policy… but you will just deny that.
Ol’ Chicken Shit Man,
President Biden wasn’t president in the 1960s, but presidents don’t control the economy anyway.
Corporations made the decisions to close American factories and engage low-paid, non-union, unregulated, polluting factories and foreign workers. Who’s to blame? Anyway, the US subsidized the shipping of these products back to the US.
You might not know this but President Trump signed relief bills that totaled more than President Biden’s.
What were the three worst Biden policies that “screwed” the economy, in your opinion?
Thanks, Chicken Shit.
“Top marginal rate end of WW2 was 93%. And the percentage paid by the top 1% of wage earners at 93% was much less than today’s top 1% pays at a top rate of 37%. Lower the taxes, and the “rich” pay more. This common sense 8th grade math is apparently too much for our lib friends- if you have more rich tax payers, you have rich tax payers paying more in taxes. Top 1% pay between 37-40% of all fed. income taxes. The bottom 50% of wage earners pay just 2.3% of all fed. Income taxes. The top 50% pays 97.7% of all fed income taxes. The US has one of the most progressive tax systems in the world
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All those who couldn’t see this coming, raise your hands. Then slap yourself, HARD.
If you couldn’t see this coming, you have no business voting, having children, or making any serious life decisions.
Thanks Joey. This is fucking insane.
Economic Suicide’: Biden Admin Justifies Tax Hike Based On Racial Criteria
Do you get it yet???
Bwaha! Lolgf
The sad part of this is, even if Trump gets elected, that only slows the maddness down by 4 years. Whoever gets elected after that, Democrat or establishment Republican, everything goes right back to swirling the drain. There is only one Trump. No one represents the American people. Our government only represents the the wealthy and politically connected. Both parties will reach across the isle and cooperate any time stabbing the American people in the back is needed. We are democracy in name only. Ask yourself how all four of Trump’s prosecutors became millionaires while in public office. How does the net worth of EVERY member of congress continue to grow far faster than their public salaries would allow for. Even the “Communists in name only” and “Socialists in name only” are cashing in to become fabulously wealthy and living like royalty instead of sharing their fortunes with those according to their needs.
So just throw your hands up and surrender.
Try harder. Read what I wrote, not what you think I wrote. Acknowledging the trend != surrendering. If you don’t recognize that things are broken, you never look for solutions. What I am saying is that continuing to vote for the same Republicans or Democrats is not part of the solution set if you are dissatisfied with status quo. Voting for the same people time after time will give you the same results time after time. This should be obvious. It has been observably true since the Nixon administration.
Blah blah…

Go away and take your defeatist attitude with you.
Commenter typed: There is only one Trump.
True. And there was only one Death Star. Only one Hitler. Only one Mao. etc etc etc.
It should be evident to everyone that Trump has no interest in America or Americans. He wants your vote to stay out of the US legal system. Period.
If you believe that America is irretrievably broken and can only be repaired after destroying it; if you believe America is overrun with communists, Muslims, Mexicans, LGBTQs, abortions, Negroes, crime; if you believe taxes are stealing too much from the wealthy and corporations; if you believe America should close its borders and expel most Muslim, non-citizens; if you believe America should isolate itself from the rest of the world – Trump is the totalitarian for you.
Karin (aka Rimjob) trying to be profound with her queefs.
Here’s your card, use it liberally

Bwaha! Lolgf
Chicken Little Man, AKA Asshole…
“ America is overrun with communists, Muslims, Mexicans, LGBTQs, abortions, Negroes, crime; “
Muslims? Yes. Mexicans? Illegal ones? Yes.
Try watching what’s going on now in the Ivy League schools.
Trump gave the ultra rich a 2 trillion dollar permanent tax cut.
If the minimum wage goes up in Cali will more people be able to afford brand new cars?
Knuckle head is back! Johnny, care to show proof of that assertion? Good luck. Please show us the internet site (you know, the one where yesterday you said you get all your “facts” from). It should be fun-then we can see why you say the things you do!
Read The 2017 Trump Tax Law Was Skewed to the Rich, Expensive, and Failed to Deliver on Its Promises.,tax%20cuts%20also%20in%20place.
The center on budget and policy priorities noted here by Elwood is a far left progressive American think tank that analyzes the impact of federal and state government budgetary policies. They claim to be nonpartisan but never supported a republican ever in any state at any time. They are far left wing radical basically socialist with a tendency toward communism their founder is Robert Greenstein if that explains anything to you.
As usual while it complains about other people making money they are a 501C3 nonprofit organization which pays no taxes. Their objective is to shape public debates over proposed budget and tax policies to help ensure that policymakers consider the needs of low income families and individuals in these debates.
In other words it’s one of the 100,000 left wing advocacy groups for the poor stating that the rich should penalized while the poor should be rewarded based on nothing except progressive taxation policies. In other words those who contribute the most should suffer while those who contribute the least should be rewarded makes perfect sense if you’re a retarded leftist.
The 2017 trump tax law was skewed to the people who are earning the money. Who do you give tax breaks to except the people who pay taxes? Only an idiot leftist could have the capability of thinking that you could give a tax break to people who don’t earn anything dummy.
Why give massive tax cuts to the wealthy and corporations when the US has a large debt? Why do billionaires need a tax cut?
No one forces conservatives to lower the taxes on the wealthy and corporations, a move that rewards… wait for it… the wealthy and corporations!!
The old guard Republicans were the party of big business – opposing labor unions, cutting corporate taxes, opposing labor supporting regulations etc. The nuCons have added a soupçon of race, religious, nationality and LGBTQ baiting.
So in other words there was no “trillion dollar permanent tax cuts for the elites” as stated. Gee, we already knew that. And how was it skewed to the “rich”? All brackets except the lowest, which hardly pays any tax anyway, received about a 2% cut. That 2% of a large number is bigger than 2% of a smaller number doesn’t in any way mean it’s “skewed”. Notice the authors have twist into pretzels to come up with their findings-using a percentage of GDP. What skewers that result is that of course the GDP is variable, so the results variable. Why not just look at the revenue amount brought in compared to before the cuts?
When evidence is found that it was “skewed to the rich”, let me know….
Muslim Minnesotans to Stand Trial for Defrauding Pandemic Food Program of $250 Million.

Bwaha! Lolgf