Obviously, no one at The Hill, which published this, bothered to push back or demand actual proof
Sen. Whitehouse: Climate change could crash the financial system
The Hill reported earlier this month on how opaque decisions within the insurance industry were laying the groundwork for where Americans will live as the planet heats.
But the risk goes beyond that, many experts warn: The complex interrelationships between insurance, mortgage lending and the broader financial system have made climate change “an emerging risk to financial stability,” according to the 2023 report by the Financial Stability Oversight Committee.
Once upon a time, er, experts warn
Senate Budget Committee Chair Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) has been a principal voice warning of the financial risks spilling over as climate change impacts the insurance industry.
Sen. Whitehouse sat down with The Hill to discuss why he worries climate change poses risk to the global financial system and the role of the Senate in addressing it.
Would this be the same Whitehouse who takes numerous fossil fueled flights monthly between Rhode Island and D.C., rather than taking the train, which is easily accessed from R.I.?
Q: Some experts warn about the potential of Great Recession-style systemic risk from climate insurance — but others argue that, however serious that risk might be, it’s fundamentally a regional issue, restricted to places like Florida. Which side of that do you come down on?
Whitehouse: There are very significant indicators and it’s going to be big, national, and even global. A number of studies show a very high risk to the world economy from calamities — and insurance is at the heart of that.
The Florida insurance market is more or less circling the drain right now in the way in which Freddie Mac’s chief economist predicted: that with the danger of sea level rise and coastal storm activity, coastal properties become increasingly expensive to insure and then they become uninsurable.
Of, the problem here is that the media and all sorts of hysterics have warned and scaremongered to the point that the insurance companies aren’t looking at actual data, which is then combined with the skyrocketing costs of homes and repairs.
Q: For the Senate Budget Committee — what legislative intervention could help defray some of that risk?
Whitehouse: I mean, obviously, solving the climate problem would put a huge amount of this risk out under better control.
In other words, the federal government controlling the economy.

It’s like living in an ongoing movie production of 1984 with no end insight no salvation no victory no defeat just on and on and on.
The left shows no mercy, no clemency no ability toward kindness. They’re making us suffer from every angle on a constant basis like a throbbing toothache. I think they’ve decided this is the last election regardless if they win or lose. They are determined to bring America to its knees and us with it. They think of their fellow Americans like we would think of it nest of cockroaches they’re alive but unnecessary. It doesn’t matter whether they live or die. As long as they don’t bother us. We are the cockroaches.
It feels like all the lies that they’ve been telling us for the last 100 years are finally coming together. As if all the wars and all the nonsense and all the arrests and all the fines and penalties are finally coming to a head. I see no way out unless we destroy them.
The Trumpublicult Manifesto:
This is the last election. If we lose, Rebellion. If we win, Totalitarianism.
We will bring America to its knees.
Our opponent is a nest of cockroaches – We must destroy them.
Happy May Day to H and Elwood and any other communists who may come to this lonely vestige of Americana on this day. May all you Reds rot in hell.
You’ve become such a bitter old man.
BTW, the only Hells are the ones we create here on Earth. Regardless of what a bitter old man you’ve become and your knee-jerk hatred of those who disagree with you, I would not condemn you to any Hell.
Can you define communist for us?
Is that what you have in ‘mind’ for a communist? Is Israel a communist nation? Japan? Germany? Australia?
I suspect you call people “communists” because you can’t formulate an credible argument. Also because Stalin, Mao and Kim were/are cutthroat tyrants.
Have a good evening.
Karen (aka Rimjob) once again attacking a black man for his opinions.

Tough little queefer ain’t she?
Bwaha! Lolgf
The climate hoax never stops. The only issue with CO2 is that we need more. Carbon has nothing to do with climate.
BOOM! Hero UNC Fraternity Brothers restore American flag that had been replaced with Palestinian flag!! Video
Rread the rest.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Same pattern as before. Democratic party Brown Shirts are doing their rehearsals and warm ups to prepare for the elections. They couldn’t care less about Hamas. This is how they test their phone rosters, local plans and get the new troops some experience under “fire”. Just like “Occupy” in 2016 and BLM in 2020. Notice, no arrests in Blue cities.
At the risk of sounding “defeatist”, stay away from those people. They will kill you just for practice and to show their party loyalty.
“Are you gonna call me a sick fuck too, doc?” –Sen. Kennedy (R-La)


Bwaha! Lolgf
Sen. Kennedy reaming this smug little climate activist (aren’t they all?) Geoffrey Supran guy.
A classic.

Bwaha! Lolgf
LIVE: Pro-Palestinian Pro-Terrorist protesters remain at UCLA despite police orders to leave
The current insurrection being fostered around the nation by Democrats and other leftists Co conspirators and terrorist supporters it can’t be tolerated. This insurrection is being stirred up to get ahead of the election which is election interference. It’s worse than that because it’s really an actual insurrection produced by actual people who hate the United States of America and want to do us harm. This isn’t like January 6 there’s a bunch of old people wandering around the capital trying to get sniveling government people to acknowledge their complaint. These are people that actually want to kill us. If we don’t start fighting back soon we’re not gonna be here to fight back.
The Democrats and their comrades the Arab terrorists and the communist infiltrators are making America an unlivable nation which is what they want to do. But we are letting them.