I still say it’s a shame that none of the defense lawyers, nor judges ask pertinent questions such as “what are you doing in your own life to limit your own carbon footprint?” and “you do not use any fossil fuels, right?”
Appeals court rejects climate change lawsuit by young Oregon activists against US government
A federal appeals court panel on Wednesday rejected a long-running lawsuit brought by young Oregon-based climate activists who argued that the U.S. government’s role in climate change violated their constitutional rights.
The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals previously ordered the case dismissed in 2020, saying that the job of determining the nation’s climate policies should fall to politicians, not judges. But U.S. District Judge Ann Aiken in Eugene, Oregon, instead allowed the activists to amend their lawsuit and last year ruled the case could go to trial.
Acting on a request from the Biden administration, a three-judge 9th Circuit panel issued an order Wednesday requiring Aiken to dismiss the case, and she did. Julia Olson, an attorney with Our Children’s Trust, the nonprofit law firm representing the activists, said they were considering asking the 9th Circuit to rehear the matter with a larger slate of judges.
I’m actually surprised that the Biden regime and the 9th, one of the most liberal, activist courts in the nation, wanted this put on kibosh, just like I was surprised when they initially killed it in 2020.
“I have been pleading for my government to hear our case since I was ten years old, and I am now nearly 19,” one of the activists, Avery McRae, said in a news release issued by the law firm. “A functioning democracy would not make a child beg for their rights to be protected in the courts, just to be ignored nearly a decade later. I am fed up with the continuous attempts to squash this case and silence our voices.”
Except, we are not a democracy, as you well know, and going through the courts rather than the legislative branch rather avoids the will of the voters. Furthermore, Oregon has mostly avoided passing big bills on ‘climate change’, because the voters won’t allow these massive changes to their own lives. But, She’s more than welcome to practice her Beliefs, and convince others to do the same. And, really, does a normal 10 year have these concerns? No. Not unless other people, adults, put them there.
The case — called Juliana v. United States after one of the plaintiffs, Kelsey Juliana — has been closely watched since it was filed in 2015. The 21 plaintiffs, who were between the ages of 8 and 18 at the time, said they have a constitutional right to a climate that sustains life. The U.S. government’s actions encouraging a fossil fuel economy, despite scientific warnings about global warming, is unconstitutional, they argued.
Except, there is no Constitutional guarantee. I’ve read lots and lots on this suit, and can find nowhere in any of the material where it proves this assertion. So, go ahead and make your own carbon footprints zero, cupcakes!

If William Teach would go to law school of judge school he could ask those punk kids all kinds of questions!!
Law school must be easy since according to right-wingers all lawyers are stupid.
William Teach typed: I’m actually surprised that the Biden regime and the 9th, one of the most liberal, activist courts in the nation, wanted this put on kibosh, just like I was surprised when they initially killed it in 2020.
Imagine how surprised he would have been if the Trump regime had allowed it to go forward in 2020!
William is surprised because he views everything through a political lens.
Pot, meet Kettle.
That’s really clever AND original. Let me write that down!
So Karen (aka Rimjob) no need to write it down, silly.

Just copy&paste like you usually do.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Insignificant piss ant
Coming from someone who has literally pasted my own lines back at me to no effect whatsoever, that’s pretty rich.
Pot, meet kettle. Again.
“US government’s role in climate change violated their constitutional rights…”
Funny-and what “right” was violated?
Gawd you’re a moron.
Although I tend to agree with you, calling William Teach a moron, without explaining why you think so is not helpful.
jl, The kids claimed they had a constitutional right to a climate that sustains life, and the government hasn’t supported that right.
The preamble includes
The court said this was a judicial issue not a judicial one.
oops… was legislative issue not a judicial one…
Ooops! Karen (aka Rimjob) stupidly reinforces ckc2000 point.

Thanks moron.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Thanks again moron.
Every single day. Every single comment.

Bwaha! Lolgf