Sticking in the People’s Republik Of California, we see this piece in the Sacramento Bee by California state senator Shannon Grove, which also fails to identify the reasons power bills and basic needs costs have skyrocketed
Californians shouldn’t have to choose between basic needs and paying their utility bills | Opinion
Utility bills in California are going up faster than people’s incomes, leaving residents with less money for basic needs. Instead of paying for necessities like food and housing, more and more of our money is going toward utility bills.
There are some startling numbers from a recent report by the California Public Advocates Office: in the past decade, the cost of electricity from Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) has gone up by as much as 127%. Costs have risen under Southern California Edison by 91% and by 72 under San Diego Gas & Electric. Meanwhile, the overall cost of living, as measured by the Consumer Price Index, has only increased by 28%.
Despite household incomes having gone up by about 40% and the minimum wage (having) doubled in the same time frame, over 3 million minimum wage workers in California — about 19% of the workforce — are disproportionately feeling the impact of these rising utility costs. This means that utility bills now make up a bigger chunk of our budgets than they did ten years ago.
I wonder why that could be?
As California pushes toward cleaner, more sustainable energy sources, the costs of this shift are hitting those who can least afford it the hardest. A recent survey from KQED found that a quarter of Californians are struggling to pay their utility bills, forcing them to make tough choices between staying warm or putting food on the table.
Hmm, so, all that push for “green” energy has made energy costs a lot more expensive? Who would have thought it? But, I have zero compassion, because most Californians have voted for this, especially the low income folks, who vote Democrat in a high proportion. If they want to be part of the doomsday climate cult, then they need to deal with the results of their beliefs. If they bought into the belief that everything would be lollipops and unicorns, well, they should have done critical, adult thinking.
We need to rethink our approach to energy policy in California. Instead of rushing towards unrealistic goals that hurt the most vulnerable, we should focus on creating sustainable, affordable solutions that benefit everyone. This includes a diversified energy approach to keep costs competitive and rates affordable for households and businesses.
Gov. Gavin Newsom, for example, has continued to grant operating extensions for the Diablo Canyon Power Plant in San Luis Obispo. Nuclear power is a bogeyman for green energy enthusiasts, but — as the governor recognizes — it provides plenty of low-cost, carbon-free electricity for the state. Exploring additional opportunities for nuclear power should be considered for its reliability and affordability.
Well, good luck with that, Shannon. You know that the Democrats will not allow this to continue, and will certainly not allow future next-gen nuclear plants to be built and put online. And, Shannon is not a Democrat: she’s a Republican. You couldn’t really tell from the way she was buying in to the green push like a Warmist, but, not a full cultist. She’s not helping.

People are acting surprised that electricity bills have gone up in California. Considering the state government has done everything it can to decrease the supply while also implementing very expensive ‘renewable’ energy programs (that don’t even come close to generating the amount of electricity promised), is it any wonder electricity costs have more than doubled?
It seems so many of the energy programs that have been spawned in the Pyrite State are nothing more than virtue signaling writ large: It sounds good, but its merely replacing things that work with things that don’t.
The last person leaving California won’t need to turn out the lights because there won’t be any electricity anyways.
Senator Grove wrote:
But, but, but, Mr H keeps telling us that inflation is no big thing, ’cause wages are rising faster than prices.
Wages rising to keep up with inflation works until you retire on a fixed income, then it doesnt.
Look at the math . The average CA electric bill is 180$ per month. The median household income is about 9000$ per month (103000$ per year)
How does that look for you ? The average Cali electric bill is 30% higher than the average American bill. Not because of generation but because of transmission costs and overhead. Cali electric workers Cali is currently buying their solar from warren buffet at 6.5 cents. Per kwh.
are well paid.
People in Alabama pay an average of 2.3% of their income on electricity . People in Cali pay an average of 2.7%
“Percentage of income spent on electricity by state”
Cherry picking statistics does not give a full picture, it misleads people especially if it reinforces their own gut feelings. The reason that Cali has skyhigh (and continuing to go up) is because so many people WANT to live there despite it’s many problems. Cali population gets larger, there are more millionaires there now than last year .electric bills are .3% of household income higher in Cali than in Alabama.
Cry me a river.
If you are trying to make a point choose gss prices.
If wasn’t me who wrote:
That was state Senator Shannon Grove, who wrote the article our host cited. Do you dispute what he wrote?
Then there’s this:
But hey, you keep on telling us how great life is in the blue states, ’cause they have higher pay scales.
Carbon boy- the point he was tryin to make was that utility bills in Cali. are going up. They are. Please keep up, ok?
Not many, just those with a brain.
johnnie boy will reply soon just to prove your point.

Generation is about 1/3 the cost of your bill the rest is transmission costs and overhead including profit
Buffet signed up to sell his mega solar power st 6.5 cents per kwh. Do you think that was too high ? What do you pay?
So predictable.
“…the costs of this shift are hitting those who can least afford it the hardest.”
Holy mandated, make-believe, whale saving Batman! Who could have possibly predicted this outcome?
The next thing they’ll say is that the shift, and by “shift” they mean the arbitrary, feel-good, let’s pat ourselves on the back until we need PT, legislative edicts, might actually turn out to be less ecologically sound than the mean old, really, really bad petroleum and/or nuclear power they are so intent on ridding us of.
Say it ain’t so!
Gomer Pyle could not be reached for comment, but we know what he’d say.
We’re doomed.
Once an idea no matter how fallacious gets into a leftist head especially a card carrying communist you cannot dislodge with logic common sense or reason. Those people are motivated strictly by emotion. It’s like trying to tell Elwood January 6 was not an insurrection or H that if the blue states are so damn good why is everybody leaving them going to the red states?
And I don’t believe for one minute incomes are up 40%. Unless all the millionaires and billionaires stationed in California can cause that kind of a rise which I doubt. Besides the thing comes around 40% how come they have the most homeless people of any state and they keep him homeless? I realize that leftists are just plain nasty but that’s ridiculous. Even greedy left as billionaires need to help the poor once in a while.
Agreed. The only thing that can dislodge such an idea is orders from the party to accept a different idea and forget the first one as if it never existed.
It is the old Star Trek, “how many lights do you see” scenario. The party faithful will always see the required number of lights and vigorously defend their position… until it changes.
If the Democrat party decided tomorrow that life begins at conception within a month Elwood would be arguing that he always believed that. And that we were always at war with Oceana.
We subscribe to the notion that nuConservatives cannot be as dumb as their typings as evidenced by Brando and the ‘Professor’.
We suspect it is temporary insanity.
Never forget: With conservative pronouncements, “It is always projection! Always!”
What Nixon said was gospel. What Reagan said was gospel. Bush’s lies were gospel. Trump’s every word is gospel.
Anti-abortionists: “Life begins at conception!!” “Abortion is murder!”
Trump: “A ban after 15 weeks is possible.”
Anti-abortionists: “Compromise is reasonable.”
Patriots: “Peace by strength!” “Dems hate the military!”
Trump: “America First!”
nuPatriots: “Dismantle the MIC!” “Our military is weak and woke!” “America First!”
nuConservatives hate America, but love power. They want everything their way. They see the land occupied by the ideals of America to be their plantation. Everything the Professors and Brawndons profess to worship are at odds with the ideals of America – those things like democracy, liberty, equality, justice, and opportunity,
WTF is Oceana?
And BANG! Elwood’s off to the races. We love when you rant and rave like the lunatic you truly are. I expect we’re going to hear more of this crap the closer we get to the election and the more insane the Democrat party becomes. Now that you’ve hooked up with the anti American Muslim terrorists in America and united them with the American communists you must feel pretty tough in your own little skin there. I guess you figure all these screwed up people can make a coalition that can beat Trump. Face it you’re gonna have to kill him.
Anti-abortionists: “Life begins at conception!!” “Abortion is murder!”
Trump: “A ban after 15 weeks is possible.”
Anti-abortionists: “Compromise is reasonable.”
OK Elwood, so when does life begin?
Oceania is one of the countries in Orwell’s 1984
Hush. You will give away the ending. Next thing you know he will be using Google. We almost had him saying “Peace is War” and “Freedom is slavery”
Day 5.