This could have been avoided if you had given up your modern lifestyle. Or, at least paid lots in taxes and fees
Venomous snakes likely to migrate en masse amid global heating, says study
Climate breakdown is likely to lead to the large-scale migration of venomous snake species into new regions and unprepared countries, according to a study.
The researchers forecast that Nepal, Niger, Namibia, China, and Myanmar will gain the most venomous snake species from neighbouring countries under a heating climate.
Low-income countries in south and south-east Asia, as well as parts of Africa, will be highly vulnerable to increased numbers of snake bites, according to the findings published in the journal Lancet Planetary Health.
The study modelled the geographical distribution of 209 venomous snake species that are known to cause medical emergencies in humans to understand where different snake species might find favourable climatic conditions by 2070.
“Likely.” “Forecast”. “Modelled.” You know what’s not mentioned in the article, or in the parts of the “study” I read? The notion that this is actually happening. Facts. Data. Now, I certainly think that a slightly warming world will see migration into new areas. Just like has always happened on Earth for animals, humans, insects, and water life. But, they are not showing proof that this is happening, just future scaremongering, and it being All Your Fault. Because facts, proof, and science are not required for the climate cult.
How California’s Ban on Diesel Locomotives Could Have Major National Repercussions
American federalism is struggling. Federal rules are an overwhelming presence in every state government, and some states, due to their size or other leverage, can impose their own policies on much or all of the country. The problem has been made clearer by an under-the-radar plan to phase out diesel locomotives in California. If the federal government provides the state with a helping hand, it would bring nationwide repercussions for a vital, overlooked industry.
Various industry and advocacy groups are lining up against California’s costly measure, calling on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to deny a waiver needed to fully implement it. In the past month, more than 30 leading conservative organizations and individuals, hundreds of state and local chambers of commerce, and the U.S. agricultural sector have pleaded with the EPA to help stop this piece of extremism from escaping one coastal state.
The ban would cause issues all across the country, and cause prices to skyrocket, especially when there really is no “net zero” alternative that can power a loaded train. And train companies can’t just say “we’ll skip California”, because of the huge number of goods coming into People’s Republik Of California ports, as well as all the produce coming from the PRC.
Most importantly, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) regulation would have all freight trains operate in zero-emission configuration by 2035. At the end of the decade, the state is mandating the retirement of diesel locomotives 23 years or older, despite typically useful lives of over 40 years. Starting in 2030, new passenger locomotives must operate with zero emissions, with new engines for long-haul freight trains following by 2035. It limits locomotive idling and increases reporting requirements.
And this is all being implemented by unelected appointed bureaucrats who no compulsion to be responsive or accountable to the actual voters.

Our esteemed host got it backwards:
If Our Betters get their way, we will pay lots in taxes and fees, and then still have to give up our modern lifestyle.
Secession is not the answer. Kicking CA (and maybe a couple of others also run by dimwits) out of the US is.