Friday Laugh: Pro-Hamas Demonstrators Charge Cops With Garbage Can Shields

Let’s start off the day with some light fare, shall we? This has all the hallmarks of either a couple people coming up with with they think is a really cool idea, but, still being too immature to realize “this is truly stupid”, or someone giving them a triple dog dare

Wild video shows Portland anti-Israel agitator charge at police, get knocked to the ground

A dramatic video has captured an anti-Israel protester at Portland State University getting knocked to the ground Thursday after charging directly at a police officer who was on the scene to break up the occupation of the campus’ main library.

The Portland Police Bureau says its effort to clear the Millar Library in downtown Portland, Oregon is now underway following the unlawful occupation of the building that began Monday. Images that emerged yesterday showed that the inside of the building had been trashed by the protesters, with pro-Palestinian graffiti written on its walls.

Footage captured by KPTV on Thursday began with a crowd cheering as the protesters – some of whom were carrying makeshift shields made out of trash cans – came streaming out of the library.

“Stop, you’re under arrest. Stop!” a voice could be heard saying before one of the protesters is seen charging directly at a police officer and getting knocked to the ground. Other officers then help bring the individual into custody.

Let’s use the funny cut

Does anyone other than these moonbats think this was even remotely a good idea? Especially since they run like it is a Bennie Hill or Monty Python sketch. They obviously never watched Zombieland and realized how important cardio is. Rule #1.

Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt said earlier this week that he expects felony charges to be filed against the protesters, including burglary and felony criminal mischief, along with other possible misdemeanors.

And they could see felony assault on police officers as a charge. And for destroying garbage cans, probably owned by the city.

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